Elves Come To the World

Chapter 805: Heavenly King's Challenge

Time flies by.

This morning, Luo Chen received a notice from the Trainers Association.

"It's finally here, the Heavenly King Challenge."

Looking at the notice in his hand, Luo Chen took a deep breath, and then opened the notice.

According to the challenge rules of the Heavenly King Competition, he can now challenge the current Alliance Heavenly King.

As long as he can win the challenge, he can directly replace that Heavenly King's Heavenly King rank.

In all the ranking rules of the alliance kings, if you want to be promoted, you can only challenge upwards one by one.

After finally becoming the first king of the league, you can officially challenge the league champion.

However, there is an exception to this alliance king ranking rule, that is, when challenging the alliance king for the first time, you can freely choose the alliance king. As long as you can successfully challenge, you will directly inherit the ranking position of the challenge alliance and be challenged The king of heaven will be reduced by one.

"All the kings of the alliance, who should I challenge?"

Luo Chen pondered for a moment, and also pulled out the information of all the alliance kings.

Looking at the documents one by one, Luo Chen's face continued to become serious.

According to the past records of these alliance kings, this one is really too strong.

Looking at it this way, he felt that he was not sure of winning against any heavenly king.

Of course, in a frontal battle, he might not be an opponent.

But as a challenger, he can completely target the elf strength and tactics of the challenged target.

If you can gain an advantage in attributes and other aspects, even if your hard power is not as good, you can still win.

In terms of elves, he currently has Lucario, Mermeta, Charizard, Reggie Locke, and Crystal Lantern as the king-level fighters in his hands.

Among them, Lucario, Melmetta, and Reggie Locke can form a sandstorm team, while Charizard and Crystal Lantern can form a sunny team.

In addition, for sandstorm weather and sunny weather, a desert team can also be formed, using high temperature and sand as the main means of combat.

Of course, there are many disadvantages of such a team formation. For example, Lucario and Melmetta, two steel-type elves, are obviously restrained by the high temperature.

In this combat environment, the combat effectiveness of the two elves will be greatly affected, and their physical strength will be consumed very quickly.

"Time is running out. During this period of time, we must cultivate another elf at the level of a king."

"In addition, it is best for this elf to be able to cooperate with the other five elves to form a complete team."

Luo Chen also took out the training notes at this time, and carefully checked the training progress of his elves.

Now, the strength of his elves has reached the peak of the quasi-king, and each of them has found a way to break through the king.

"The two elves, Lucario and Melmetta, are both steel-type."

"Among them, Lucario has a fighting attribute, and Melmetta's electric-attribute moves are also very strong."

"In addition, Lucario can also be used as a super power attribute spirit, and imitating moves is also very practical."

"The fire-breathing dragon has flying and fire attributes. In addition, it has mastered a powerful sun and flame move, which can also be used as a grass attribute elf."

"Reggie Locke is a rock attribute. Its own powerful strength and the power of sandstorms make it have a very strong combat effectiveness. After all, it is a legendary level elf, and its hard power is placed there."

"The last Crystal Lamp Fire Spirit is a fire-attributed and ghost-attributed elf. Its ability to devour life energy for growth makes it a perfect harvester. At the same time, its fire-igniting characteristics make it perfect for defense without fear of fire-attributed elves."

Luo Chen summarized the situation of the elves in his hands, trying to find a elf to make up for the shortcomings of this lineup.

Calculated in this way, Mengge Naia, which has the dual attributes of evil and grass, has become the best choice. It has the characteristics of water storage and can be perfectly combined with waterproof attributes. At the same time, its own evil attributes can also defend against superpower attribute attacks. The grass attribute can perfectly borrow the power of the sunny day, and it is not afraid of the desert terrain itself.

"Looks like it's time to go to the Elven Scholars Guild."

"If you want Mengge Naia to break through, you can only rely on legendary-level resources that contain life energy."

Luo Chen made a decision in his heart. After he handed in the research topic of the Overlord Elf, he gained a huge amount of scholar points.

He made a rough calculation, relying on these scholar points and the points he has accumulated continuously, it can be exchanged for a legendary level resource.

Now, he is ready to use this legendary level resource on Mengge Naia to help it break through the king level!

In addition, the two elves Chuanshan Wang and Staff-tailed Scale Dragon have been training the overlord elves in the Elf Scholars Guild, and now it is time to see their training results.

After making a decision, Luo Chen came to the side of the Shahe River in Shahe Village, where the research room of the giant elf was set up at this time.

Shahe, this is the origin of Shahe Village.

However, due to the changes in Shahe Village during this period, with the efforts of a group of grass-type elves and water-type elves, the river that was originally full of yellow sand has become clearer.

On both sides of the river, green grass is also growing at this time, and there are artificial green spaces, making this a very good place for leisure and walking.

Walking on both sides of the Shahe River, you can see tourists stopping here from time to time, recording the beauty here with their cameras.

At this time, at the end of the Shahe River, a research laboratory was built here, directly enveloping the Shahe River in the courtyard.

Usually, there are elves around the research room guarding this place to prevent tourists from approaching here.

Gululu, Gululu.

In the research room, loud bubbling sounds can be heard.

At this time, a huge stinging jellyfish was soaking in the sand river.

Around the huge stinging jellyfish, Wang Ning was observing and taking notes from time to time.

On the other side, Mengge Naia is bathed in the sun at this time, and is using energy ball moves to condense the life energy of nature.

Nowadays, Mengge Naia's energy ball moves are becoming more and more proficient, and she can absorb a large amount of life energy from nature without the assistance of grass field moves at all.

These life energies circulated on Mengge Naia's body, and did not condense into energy balls, but were absorbed into the body by Mengge Naia, making it wrapped in life energy and feeling the power of life energy.


Seeing Luo Chen approaching, Mengge Naia immediately walked over excitedly.

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