Elves Come To the World

Chapter 865 The Perfect Flame

"Is this the sunny dragon form of the fire-breathing dragon?"

Looking at the fire-breathing dragon in the air, Cass sneered and said, "The angry dragon form of my storm salamander is not comparable to Kevin's storm salamander."

"Facing the perfect form of the wrathful dragon, your fire-breathing dragon doesn't seem to have made any progress!"

Cass also taunted unceremoniously at this time, although when Kevin's stormy salamander fought with Luo Chen's fire-breathing dragon, the sunny fire and the angry dragon fought to a tie.

And now it is facing its violent salamander in the perfect state of the angry dragon form, the outcome can be said to be very obvious!

"Perfect? ​​Can such a form be called perfect?"

Looking at Cass's extremely mocking words, Luo Chen shook his head suddenly.

Seeing this, Cass' face darkened.

But before he could say anything, Luo Chen said: "Let him see what a perfect flame is!"

After hearing Luo Chen's words, the fire-breathing dragon roared excitedly and flicked its tail vigorously.

While the tail was flicking, the flame on the fire-breathing dragon's tail suddenly emitted golden light, and turned into a golden flame.

Afterwards, the flame began to burn continuously, and then spread over the entire body of the fire-breathing dragon, bathing it in golden flames!

In mid-air, the fire-breathing dragon seemed to have turned into a real sun, and the golden flame was full of sacred aura!

"What's this?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was surprised.

From this flame, they felt a strange breath.

This breath is very strange, it seems to contain infinite vitality.

"Perfect... flame?"

Looking at the charizard bathed in golden flames in the air, the corners of Cass' eyes twitched.

"Only being strong is perfect, what's the use of your gaudy flames!"

Immediately afterwards, Cass couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment, and directly directed the storm salamander to charge up.

"If strength is perfection, my Charizard is also the most perfect!"

When Luo Chen's voice fell, the fire-breathing dragon also rushed up.


Amidst the violent and terrifying sound, the two elves bathed in flames collided together.

Immediately afterwards, under everyone's unbelievable gazes, the golden flame instantly drowned out the red flame!

At the moment of the collision, the anger of the storm salamander was swallowed by the flames of the fire-breathing dragon's sun, without any suspense!

"What a terrifying golden flame!"

Seeing the stormy salamander that started to fall from the sky, everyone's expressions were astonishing.

That storm salamander was already very powerful, but even so, it was defeated in an instant, and the two were not at the same level at all!

"How can this be?"

On the opposite side, Cass's fist made a cracking sound to me. He remembered what he said before, and suddenly there was a strange look in his heart. It was really too embarrassing!

"It turns out that the fire-breathing dragon has been hiding its strength before."

Off the court, King Ai Rui shook his head slowly at this time, his Kuailong was not wronged.

"Come on, send your next elf."

Luo Chen looked at Cass on the opposite side, and spoke with a flat face.

This look and tone are exactly the same as when they treated Ai Rui before.

"You bastard, don't get too carried away!"

Cass let out a low growl, and released his second elf at the same time.

A faint wind and sand rose, and this time the elf Cass sent was to bite the land shark.

"Also... is it biting the land shark?"

Looking at the biting Lu Shark wielding his elbow sharp blade in the field, Luo Chen's eyes flickered.

Back then, Kevin, the elf released in the second round was also biting the land shark. Speaking of his fighting style, it was also completely inherited from the biting land shark of the opposite family.

At the same time, when he was training in the Western League, he also got the skills to further train this fighting style from Kevin.

"Next, it's time to test the training results of Biting Land Shark!"

Luo Chen took a deep breath, although the fighting style of biting Lu Shark was inherited from the opponent.

But now, relying on the power of super evolution, Lie Bite Lu Shark has already walked out of his own path!

"Charizard, leave this battle to your companions."

The fire-breathing dragon in the air looked at the fiercely biting land shark opposite, and knew what Luo Chen wanted to do, so he nodded.

Although I really want to see Cass's expression after the defeat, but if he loses in the same battle, he will definitely feel even more uncomfortable!


Seeing Luo Chen take back the fire-breathing dragon, Cass' face suddenly darkened.

He knew that the form of the fire-breathing dragon and the anger form of the storm salamander would disappear when the poke ball was retracted.

Under such circumstances, Luo Chen still withdrew the fire-breathing dragon and wasted the strength of the fire-breathing dragon in vain, which clearly looked down on him!

In particular, Luo Chen's subsequent Bite Lu Shark, which he also dispatched next, made his face even uglier.

Fighting a fire-breathing dragon against a salamander, and fighting a fierce land shark with a fierce land shark, Luo Chen is completely naked provocation!

After the two biting land sharks came out, they looked at each other.

Then as they waved their hands, each of them condensed an air blade more than one meter long at their elbows!

This made Cass' face extremely gloomy again, the meaning of this provocation was really too obvious!

"Hmph, the slashing technique of biting the land shark is inherited from our family."

"Although I don't know where you learned the biting land shark slashing technique, but a pirated version is a pirated version, and it will never be better than the genuine one!"

When Cass' voice fell, the two biting land sharks stepped on the ground at the same time, and the figures jumped out directly, and the air blades collided fiercely.

Boom boom boom!

The battle between two elves is more like a battle between two swordsmen.

Without using any moves, the two elves were fighting completely relying on their own sword skills!

"The fighting styles of the two biting land sharks are exactly the same!"

Seeing the biting land sharks that collided like swordsmen in the field, the audience showed surprise.

To be able to become the trainer of the Heavenly King of the Alliance, his elves must have reached their own path.

It is really very difficult to send two elves with the same style and route to fight like in the field.

Boom boom boom!

The battle in the field continued.

"Bite the land shark fiercely and use the split tile!"

During the command of Cass, Lie Bite Lusha began to condense the energy of fighting attribute ability, and then integrated it into the air blade to form a fighting attribute slash.

Through different combat situations, various moves are integrated into the slash to exert stronger power. This is the core cultivation technique of the Cass family's biting land shark!

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