After disposing of the man in black, Lin Xuan and Xiong Anqi did not stay here anymore.

They continued in the direction of Sulphur City.

Perhaps it was the first time to face death.

The other few days, neither of them was very interested.

But after a long time, Lin Xuan and Xiong Anqi's state finally returned to its original state.

Another sunny day.

"Calculate the time, there is probably a week or so to get to Sulfur City!"

Lin Xuan said to Xiong Anqi.

Xiong Anqi nodded slightly, she was finally about to reach the city.

Cooking in the wild is very inconvenient, and the two have been nibbling on energy cookies almost all the way.

Now Xiong Anqi's mouth is about to fade out of the bird.

But the only thing that makes Xiong Anqi happy is that now that they are close to the city, the level of Pokémon has gradually decreased, and she finally has a chance to do it.

When they were in the central area, the two walked carefully.

Lin Xuan did not dare to be careless.

The two barely slept.

It's a Pokémon paradise.

Elite-level people are everywhere, chief-level ones can often be seen, and the Daoist level is also slightly rare, and even Lin Xuan has heard a lord-level call.

"I saw a tail!"

Xiong Anqi shouted.

Commanding the blue crocodile, he rushed forward.

"Blue crocodile, use the bite quickly!"

Lin Xuan was also rarely relaxed, the fossil pterosaurs were almost reaching the late elite level, and even the new Cosmogu was about to reach the middle of the elite level.

However, Lin Xuan also learned a lot about the alliance through chatting with Xiong Anqi recently.

What is most related to him is that for a trainer of the novice group like Lin Xuan, if you want to participate in the league, the Pokémon level must not exceed the late boss level, or it is inevitable that some rich and powerful families will let their children cultivate with Pokémon from an early age.

Even if it is a pile of time, highly qualified Pokémon can reach the dojo level at this time.

And the Pokémon League is held once every four years, just enough for those rookie trainers to train Pokémon to the boss level.

However, Lin Xuan was very unfortunate and happened to be stuck in the last year.

Most of his peers his age choose to stay in the academy for another year until the next Pokémon League.

However, Lin Xuan was not afraid of anything.

After all, he still has a system.

Even if there was no system, he didn't want to stay in that naïve academy.

"Lin Xuan, come and see!"

Xiong Anqi's voice came from a distance.

Lin Xuan replied and walked over to see what had happened.

"Wow, look, Bobo is evolving!"

Lin Xuan was also interested.

Pokémon evolution is arguably the most mysterious thing in the world, and

you can't explain why they evolved.

Why can the same kind of Pokémon evolve into different forms according to different environments and different conditions.

These were not what Lin Xuan should have thought about, and he didn't bother to think about them.

In a cloud of white light.

Bobo's body gradually rises and grows.

Find red feathers on the head and cover the head like a big wave.

The wings became fuller, and the temperament of the entire Pokémon also increased.

"Bobo, no, I should call you Bibi Bird now!"

Xiong Anqi was very happy, and the time for her to ride a handsome flying mount was getting closer and closer.

Looking at the mighty Bibi bird, she has begun to imagine what she will look like when riding the Bibi Eagle in the future.


Lin Xuan interrupted Xiong Anqi, who was about to drool in her fantasy, and asked her to communicate with Bibi Bird again.

After all, Pokémon have a small chance of changing their temperament after evolution.

Lin Xuan didn't have to worry.

After all, he has the blessing of Tokiwa's power, and the emotional cultivation between him and Pokémon is not comparable to other trainers.

Fortunately, Bibi Bird did not change his temperament and rubbed Xiong Anqi very intimately.

Cosmogu next to him was also very happy, and kept circling around Xiong Anqi.

Shakiras they also send blessings to the bibi birds.

After so many days of getting along, the relationship between several Pokémon has been very good.

After making a slight adjustment here, Lin Xuan and Xiong Anqi continued along the road.

After the evolution of Bibi Bird, Xiong Anqi's mood was obviously much happier.

Walking is also bouncing.

Lin Xuan also walked behind.

The two went from day to evening, from dawn to dusk.

"Whew! There is still half a day to get to Sulfur City!

Xiong Anqi said excitedly towards Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan nodded, it was time for him to thoroughly cultivate for a few days.

Life in the wild is still a little harder.

"Hey! Isn't this the nouveau riche Lin Xuan! A

disgusting voice came from the side.

Lin Xuan turned his head and scolded in his heart, it was really ghostly.

This person was a big external reason for his journey, and he brought his little brother over every day to mock himself.

It's just because Lin Xuan is much more handsome than him.

Plus excellent academic performance.

This silly young master of the county magistrate's family was very jealous.

Liu Zilong was very proud.

Ever since his father got him a Nidolino in advance, he had always wanted to find Lin Xuan to show it and mock him by the way.

In the past, he couldn't compare to Lin Xuan, and he could only take his dog legs to scold Lin Xuan for the upstart.

But Lin Xuan just ignored himself.

It made him very angry.

After he challenged the Black Rock Dojo, he came to Sulfur City first, after all, his Pokémon had no chance of winning against the Shimizu Dokan who restrained him.

Liu Zilong may have some strength, but it is far from being as good as Lin Xuan's hanging wall.

"What are you doing again?"

Lin Xuan was very upset, and he was troubled when he saw this disgusting big face.

But there is nothing I can do with him.

If he was beaten, it would inevitably cause his county magistrate's father to hinder his father's business.

Liu Zilong said maliciously: "This Lin Da Shao came out to adventure so early, it turned out to be out to accompany his little girlfriend!" Saying

that, he didn't forget to turn his head and glance at his dogleg.

The two doglegs also responded.

The two of them just accompanied their boss out to meet the world, and with their lower IQ and strength than Liu Zilong, they couldn't win even if they challenged the Taoist Hall.

It's better to have a good relationship with your boss, and when their boss is developed, you still have soup to drink, right?

Lin Xuan didn't want to do more nonsense with these people, and said in his mouth: "Mind a few of you." "

Pulling Xiong Anqi wants to leave here.

Xiong Anqi is also very angry, and she also hates such people.


Liu Zilong said.

"Do you dare to have a Pokémon battle with me?"

Lin Xuan glanced at him.

He had already put away the Shakiras and the swamp jumper, who were not walking fast.

With the current strength of the fossil pterosaur, it is enough to deal with the Pokémon in this vicinity.

"Why should I fight you?"

Lin Xuan asked rhetorically.

"Don't you dare!"

Liu Zilong pondered for a long time, and he didn't know how to answer, so he had to blush and say.


Lin Xuan ignored him and directly bypassed him to leave.

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