Didn't make too many stops.

The two arrived directly at the door of the Lightning Dojo.

"Let's go!"

Lin Xuan looked up at the entire Taoist hall building.

After determining that there are no problems.

Walked into the Taoist Hall with Xiong Anqi.

Complete the registration.

The two walked directly towards the battle area inside.

"It's a new challenger again!"

An old man was already waiting here.

Saw Lin Xuan coming.

He spoke.

Lin Xuan nodded and bowed his hand slightly, counting it as a response to the old man.

"Come up, you young people are just eager."

Lin Xuan walked to the battle platform opposite the old man.

"Then let the old man release the Pokémon first!"

After the referee announced the rules, the owner of the Lightning Hall directly threw out a poké ball.

"Come out! Raichu! "

An orange-yellow Pokémon appeared on the opposite battlefield.

However, it is somewhat different from other Raichú.

It stepped on its tail and actually floated in the air.

"Hahaha, this Raichu is something I finally caught."

"Let your kid see it today."

Lin Xuan was also slightly surprised when he heard this.

It turned out to be Raichu in the form of Alora.

However, people here do not call it the Alora form.

Rather, it is treated as a branch of evolution.

After all, there is no Alora area here.

"Come out, Shakiras!"

Lightning Pavilion Owner:?

"You kid is quite good, I didn't expect that a Pokémon like Shakiras could be caught."

The owner of the Lightning Pavilion sighed slightly.

What he enjoys most every day is the challengers who marvel at his hard-earned Raichu.

Unexpectedly, today this challenger has Pokémon that are many times rarer than his own Raichu.

The Lightning Pavilion owner's greatest wish is to collect more rare Pokémon.

Even if you can't collect it, if you have seen it, the lightning pavilion owner will be very happy.

"No more nonsense, then I will take care of the old man!"

"Lei Chu, use the Spirit Force!"

At this time, Shakiras had not yet evolved into a bangiras.

There is no evil attribute.

Therefore, the super attribute move is still effective against Shakiras.

However, the electric move is not effective against Shakiras.

This trick is very difficult to dodge.

Shakiras was also a very unfortunate hit.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan hurriedly commanded Shakiras to cause a sandstorm.

Enhanced defense against rock attribute Pokémon with Sandstorm Field.

Shakiras can have a big advantage.

The range of sandstorms gradually spread throughout the site.

Trainers on both sides gradually lose their Pokémon vision.

But Lin Xuan was not in a hurry.

He can sense the location of Pokémon through Tokiwa's power.

"Weather? It seems to be really interesting!

"Raichu, make it rain!"

The sandstorm on the field gradually disappeared.

It turns into a drizzle.

"Not good!"

Lin Xuan felt bad.

He had anticipated the battle for the weather.

Shakiras is of the same rank as Raychu.

So there is no benefit at all.

The two had a standoff over the weather for a while.

In the end, Lin Xuan gave up.

Sandstorms contain a lot more energy than rainy days.

So if such a stalemate continues, Shakiras will not benefit.

If the future evolves to Bangiras.

That might change.

Bangiras releases sandstorms that consume essentially no energy.

"Shakiras, use the Evil Wave!"

The Alora form of Raichu has super attributes.

Therefore, the evil fluctuations of the evil attribute are extremely effective on Leichu.


Right in the bullseye.

Lin Xuan did not continue to pay attention to Lei Qiu at this time.

Continue to command Shakiras.

"Shakiras, Dance of the Dragons!"

Shakiras began to gather energy.

"Raichu, use the iron tail quickly!"

Raichu, who had just been hit, after hearing the owner's instructions.

A white light quickly condensed on the tail and rushed towards Shakiras.

"Shakiras, get out of it!"

Dragon Dance brings more than just an increase in attack.

There is also an increase in speed.

A stream of air suddenly erupted from Shakiras' body.

Powerful air currents pushed Shakiras to dodge the attack.

"Use Avalanche to fight back!"

Shakilas, who was dodging, heard Lin Xuan's instructions.

Quickly unleash the Avalanche skill.


The rocks soon fell.

Raichu, who had just finished using his skill, had no way to dodge at all.

Can only carry the energy of the iron tail.

Trying to smash the rock.

"Then use the Dragon Dance!"

See Raichu struggling to break free from the rockfall.

Lin Xuan immediately made a decision.

Keep Shakiras dancing.

The lightning pavilion owner's face was almost green.

How to fight this.

The blessing elite level of the two-layer Dragon Dance is estimated to have not been able to fight Shakiras.

But because of the owner's face.

He continued to command Raichu who broke away from the rockslide.

Raichu was already tired and panting at this time.

Originally, Shakiras' attack power was extremely strong.

Plus a layer of blessings of the Dragon Dance.

Raichu is also miserable.

"Raichu, use the wall of light, then use the knot!"

Lin Xuan was not in a hurry.

He knew what the Lightning Pavilion Master thought.

He was trying to send Raichu away.

Prepare for the next battle.

But in the face of absolute strength.

None of this worked.

"Shakiras, follow the Dragon's Dance!"

Look at the energy-accumulating Shakiras.

The face of the Lightning Pavilion owner had long since turned from green to black.

This time the challenger is a real dog.

After Shakiras was fortified again.

Lei Chu over there also completed the deployment of the light wall.

Condense the energy of the drafting system.

Just release it towards Shakiras.

But Shakiras, who had three blessings of the Dragon Dance, didn't care about these at all.

High-speed movement.

Explosive attack.

Shakiras was now showing signs of pushing the team.

"Shakiras, bite!"

The original bite has long advanced.

It became a more powerful bite.

Raichu didn't dare to imagine.

This creature that looks like a chrysalis can have such speed.


Another loud bang.

"Raichu loses the ability to fight, Shakiras wins!"

The referee's voice came from the sidelines.

The Lightning Pavilion owner also took Raichu back.

Pull out the next Pokéball.

"Come out! Thunder zebra! At

this time, the Lightning Pavilion owner already wanted to give up.

His original thoughts were the same as Lin Xuan.

Use the power of the weather to strike.

With rain and thunder.

He doesn't know how many wins he had.

But Lin Xuan's Shakiras has ground properties.

Not at all afraid of thunder.

This made him, the owner of the Lightning Pavilion, very uncomfortable.

The Water Attribute skill also can't hit the enhanced Shakiras.

"Shakiras, then use the Dance of the Dragons!"


Listen to Lin Xuan's voice on the other side.

The lightning pavilion owner was about to vomit blood in anger.

Hit and can't move.

Can't run.

"Challenger, you have won."

The Lightning Pavilion owner didn't want to go on either.

The Pokémon in the back is no match for Shakiras.

Lin Xuan nodded and said.


Then take Shakiras back.

Walked down the opposite platform.

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