After lunch.

The two strolled around the pedestrian street for a long time.

Xiong Anqi is in a better mood now, don't want it.

The evil breath that had been deposited in his heart for many years was finally swallowed.

"Lin Xuan Lin Xuan, how do you look at this?"

Xiong pointed to a women's sportswear.

Lin Xuan nodded with a smile.

"Okay, it's pretty."

Xiong Anqi called the clerk.

Find the right one for your model and give it a try.

Lin Xuan was also in a very comfortable mood.

He now empathizes with Xiong Anqi.

Xiong Anqi was angry, and he was also angry.

Xiong Anqi is happy, and he is happy.

Xiong Anqi quickly walked out of the fitting room.

The beautiful posture made Lin Xuan lose his mind slightly.

But Lin Xuan is not a person who is addicted to women?

The mind soon stabilized.

"Does it look good?"

Lin Xuan nodded.

Thought about it for a long time.

I don't know what words to praise.

I had to reply.

"It's really pretty."

Xiong Anqi sneered.

I thought that this wood that did not open the trick was finally going to open the trick.

That will call herself Kiki in front of Li Meili.

How to provoke now.

But Xiong Anqi also knows.

The relationship between the two is not suitable for establishment now.

Everything still has to wait until Lin Xuan wins the Masters Cup.

Xiong Anqi has this confidence.

Lin Xuan will definitely be able to do it.

After all.

Since he followed Lin Xuan.

When fighting against people.

Lin Xuan has never lost once.

After payment.

The two turned around for a long time.

I knew that Lin Xuan wanted to sit in one place several times without moving.

Xiong Anqi finally decided to go back to the hotel.

I really don't know where the physical strength of girls comes from when they go shopping.

Lin Xuan was slander in his heart.

But did not dare to say more.

In fact, Xiong Anqi didn't buy much either.

After all, they have to continue to travel.

It can be a little inconvenient to bring too many things.

Soon back to the hotel.

After a tired day, the two collapsed directly on the bed.

I don't want to move.

Coping for a dinner.

After washing,

the two went back to their rooms to sleep.

One night without a word.

Early the next morning.

Lin Xuan took out the booklet to see the recent news.

Open the book.

A nearby hotspot immediately ejects from the screen.

"Shock! Green Pedestrian Street is surprised by quasi-Pokémon!

Lin Xuan clicked in and took a look.

Sure enough, it was Banquiras.

Fortunately, that photo is just of Bankira in a sandstorm.

When Bankiras reveals the full picture.

Everyone was shocked by the appearance of Bankiras, which was different from the rest of his kind.

Basically no one had time to take pictures.

Lin Xuan took Ban Kirass back.

Although there is surveillance of the battlefield.

But it generally doesn't leak out.

After all, it's about a trainer's privacy.

The battle arena does not want to do such offending things.

Enjoyed the day yesterday.

Lin Xuan decided to take the Bankiras to train today.

After the Lightning City side has dealt with it.

Lin Xuan was about to challenge the Green Yin Daoist Hall.

Strive to hurry up and improve the capabilities of the little mountain pig.

Fossil pterosaurs and bankiras have little advantage over the grass attribute.

Wake up Angie Xiong.

Xiong Anqi said that he would also go to training with Lin Xuan.

Relative to training.

Her goal was actually to accompany Lin Xuan.

So the two took a taxi to a large training ground nearby.

After opening a luxurious training room.

The waiter's request to push coaching services was denied.

After all, Lin Xuan's understanding of combat was no less than that of anyone in the world.

In his previous life, Lin Xuan did not play Pokémon battles less.

It's just not perfectly integrated with reality.

In fact, this can be faintly seen through Lin Xuan's tactical collocation.

Lin Xuan's idea was also very simple.

It is to collect a sandstorm weather lineup that can be integrated into the Banquiras.

This is one of the reasons why he wanted Cosmogu to evolve into Solgaleo instead of Lunaiyala.

It's not the three attributes of steel, ground, and rock.

Stamina is continuously exerted in sandstorm venues.

Therefore, Lunaiyala is not very suitable for Lin Xuan.

This is especially true after Shakiras evolved into a ghost tyrant.

Bankiras will be at the heart of what he will hardly change in the future.

Enter the venue.

Lin Xuan released all his Pokémon.

The old members seem to be surprised.

After all, I have been to the training ground before.

After finding the training equipment that Lin Xuan had planned for them.

A few Pokémon began their daily workout.

And the round land shark is very cute.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

Lin Xuan took a dumbbell funny.

The Round Land Shark kept fluttering its little short hands.

Trying to get this dumbbell under control.

It's just a pity.

The big mouth perfectly blocked the direction that the hand wanted to shake.

Lin Xuan had to take the Round Land Shark to train its bite force.

After the round land shark is familiar with the equipment.

Lin Xuan also went to observe the movements of other Pokémon.

Angie Xiong was training on the other side with her Pokémon at this time.

So as not to disturb Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan looked around.

Pondered for a moment.

Walk up to the little mountain pig.

At this time, the little mountain pig was sweating on a treadmill.

There is already great power under the small body.

This was also Lin Xuan's idea.

Now the dragon system is still too rampant.

The World Masters Cup is more or less championed in each edition.

Behind them are dragon Pokémon.

And the ivory pig of the future.

It was Lin Xuan's powerful force to fight back against them.

Although the body of the ivory pig in the future is very large.

But the speed of ivory pigs can also be increased through training.

Combined with the cover of sandstorm weather.

Lin Xuan could already anticipate the terrifying eyes of the future dragon Pokémon on the ivory pig.

However, Lin Xuan seemed to notice that the ivory pig was a little strange.

Step in and take a closer look.

I don't know if I don't look.

The little mountain pig had one abs after another on its stomach at this time.

There are also pronounced muscles in the legs.

Simply the figure that every man dreams of.

Lin Xuan recalled.

It seems that the training of the little mountain pig is indeed crazier than that of other Pokémon.

The little mountain pigs are afraid of falling behind the Banquiras, they are too right.

But where does it know.

People are born longer than it.

There is no gap in talent.

Strength is inevitable.

But the little mountain pig's crazy training was not without gains.

The strength of the mid-elite level is the best reward for its efforts.

Lin Xuan also looked at the panel of the little mountain pig curiously.


Elf: Little Mountain Pig (Alienated)

Attributes: Ice/Ground

Talent: Champion

Strength: Elite Intermediate

Skills: Icicle Crash, Avalanche, Ice Pick, Primordial Force, Impact, Fine Snow



I just don't know if I don't look.

I was shocked to see it.

Lin Xuan usually rarely looks at the Pokémon panel.

Basically not much has changed.

Just didn't expect that.

The little mountain pig also went in the direction of alienation.

That's good.

Now the only normal ones in the team are Cosmogu and Round Land Shark.

If you count the heterochromatic swamp jumpfish.

It's only half of it.

Others can't dream of benign alienation Pokémon.

Here in Lin Xuan.

Unexpectedly half open with ordinary Pokémon?

The key is that those ordinary Pokémon are not ordinary!

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