The martial arts hall master did not sit still, and hurriedly ordered Kuaiquan Lang to jump up.

And command Kuaijiro to fight back.

"Quick Fist, then use the bullet fist!"

After all, only bullet punches can deal high damage to Bankiras.

Lin Xuan did not sit still, and after letting Bankiras release the earthquake skill, he commanded Bankiras to hide in the sandstorm again.

The martial arts hall master had no choice, and now he was at a loss like the fast boxer in the sandstorm.

"Quick boxer, feel the strange feeling in the sandstorm, and then use the bullet fist there!"

The martial arts hall owner thought of something, since Ban Kirass was in the sandstorm, he would definitely occupy a position and hinder the sandstorm to a certain extent.

I have to say that there is really no problem with what the master of the martial arts hall thinks, but Banjilas has just strengthened it again according to Lin Xuan's request.

Lin Xuan could no longer hide at this time.

"Bankiras, use the Sharp Stone Attack!"

Lin Xuan directly asked Bankiras to unleash the strongest skill mastered by the Rock Pokémon - Sharp Stone Attack.

"Not good!"

Kuaiquan Lang had just sensed where Bankiras was, and as a result, Bankiras' skills had arrived first.

The martial arts hall master also had no way to deal with it at this time, so he had to let Kuaiquan Lang dodge away with all his strength.

But after all, Bankiras's speed was one step faster, and the spikes were already approaching the fast boxer.


"Kuaiquan Lang loses the ability to fight, and Bankiras wins."

The referee's voice sounded from the sidelines.

The Sharp Stone attack directly hits the fast boxer.

After strengthening it many times, the damage of the Sharp Stone attack is already very terrifying, so the fall of Kuaiquan Lang is inevitable.

"What a tough opponent."

The martial arts hall master said, and then felt a spirit ball from his body.

"What about this one? It's up to you, the builder! As

the voice of the martial arts hall master disappeared, each hand held a pillar, and Pokémon like old men appeared above the fighting arena.

Lin Xuan is not afraid at all now, the only preemptive skill of the fighting department, the sonic fist, is completely ineffective against his own Bankiras, or the skills of the original fighting department have no effect on Bankiras.

"Bankiras, Pinnacle Attack!"

After Lin Xuan landed on the ground, he did not have the slightest politeness and directly commanded him to attack.

"Build the old craftsman, use the earthquake!"

In the face of the furious attack of Banquiras, the old builder did not care directly, and used the skill of earthquake instead.

Lin Xuan did not choose to let Bankiras exchange blood with him, but let Bankiras send himself up through the sharp stone attack to avoid the earthquake attack, after all, earthquake is a ground skill, and it is an excellent effect on Bankiras.

"Nice idea, build the old craftsman, 100,000 horsepower!"

Lin Xuan saw that the old builder used the skill of 100,000 horsepower, and he knew that this old builder was estimated to be very proficient in the ground system skills, after all, 100,000 horsepower and earthquakes were both skills that hurt well in the ground system.

"Bankiras, shadow sneak attack!"

Seeing that the old builder was about to arrive, Lin Xuan also immediately gave instructions for Bankiras.

I saw that Bankiras's body turned into a shadow and appeared behind the old builder who was confused by the disappearance of his opponent.


With a successful blow, Lin Xuan immediately continued to instruct Bankiras to make Yan return.

The martial arts hall owner, who was shocked by the shadow attack of the Bankira Society, reacted.

However, it was too late.

The damage of the Bankira re-enhancement itself is considerable.

At this time, the two blows were successful, and the old builder was also coveted.

"Build the old craftsman, a tooth for a tooth!"

The old builder, who had received the order of the master, endured the severe pain in his body, turned his head and attacked the bankiras beside him.


Because he had just finished using Yan Hui, at this time, Bankiras was next to the old builder, and he didn't have time to dodge, and he ate this attack abruptly.

"Bankiras, send him one last stroke, use brute force!"

Even if the-for-tat damage is very high after the injury is superimposed, it is not very effective for Bankiras after all.

After receiving Lin Xuan's order, Bankiras directly attacked the old builder in front of him.


The old builder, who was already physically exhausted, was attacked by Bankira again, and finally fell.

"The builder loses the ability to fight, and Bankira wins!"

The referee's voice sounded again in time.

The martial arts hall master on the battle stage also opened his eyes wide and said towards Lin Xuan.

"This Banquiras is really powerful!"

Lin Xuan also responded modestly.

"You didn't let me yet."

When the martial arts hall master heard Lin Xuan's answer, he laughed, and then released the next Pokémon.

"This Pokémon is not weaker than this Bankiras, but I want to cultivate it into my main Pokémon for the important position of evaluating the county magistrate."

"Just let you see, come out, Lucario!"

Lin Xuan couldn't help but be slightly surprised when he heard that it was Lucario.

It stands to reason that most of the Lucario or Leo Lu should be in the hands of the Waveguide family, but I didn't expect that the martial arts hall owner also had one, it seems that like himself, I don't know where to get a quasi-god Pokémon.

However, his own Bankiras is not something that any quasi-Pokémon can challenge.

"Bankiras, brute force!"

Lin Xuan did not hesitate and took the lead in letting Bankiras release his skills.

Lucario is a martial arts and steel one.

So sandstorms have little effect on it.

But Lucario is a weak fighter.

Lucario had just emerged from the Pokéball and wanted to put on a handsome pose, but Bankiras's attack had already come over.


Lucario was disheartened by this blow, although the last brute force had an impact on Bankiras' attack, but the previous strengthening effect was still there, so Lucario was also injured. (Brute force effect: After use, reduce the user's attack and defense by each level.)

"Lucario, Dragon Fluctuation!"

The martial arts hall master was also busy commanding Lucario at this time.

Lucario is worthy of being a waveguide Pokémon, and the dragon fluctuations used have long been no less than dragon Pokémon.

"Bankiras, use the shadow sneak attack to dodge!"

At this time, Bankiras' physical strength was not very healthy, so Lin Xuan did not dare to let him take this attack hard, but just let Bankiras use a shadow sneak attack to dodge.

"Lucario, use the bone stick to chase that black shadow!"

Seeing that the martial arts hall missed the blow, he then asked Lucario to use his skills to pursue.

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