"How have you been training these days?"

Seeing Lin Xuan who had just returned from the training ground, Lin Mu asked curiously, Lin Xuan went out early every time in the past few days, and then went back to the room to sleep very late at night, except for eating, Lin Mu and Lin Dayong could not see Lin Xuan all day.

Moreover, Lin Dayong is busy with some things in the company these days, and the time to meet Lin Xuan is much less than before.

Hearing his mother's words, Lin Xuan replied.

"It's okay, the main thing is that the Pokémon work very hard."

Hearing this, Lin Mu smiled and said:

"It's okay, don't tire your body."

"This man, the older he gets, the better he knows that being young is good."

Listening to his mother's chatter, Lin Xuan also felt a warmth in his heart and said with a smile.

"You don't look old!"

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Lin Mu also smiled even more happily.

"It's still your boy's sweet mouth, he must have learned it from your father."

"Hehe, whatever."

Lin Xuan replied with a smile.

"By the way, Mom, what the hell is my dad busy there?" Why haven't I even returned home for so many days. Thinking

that his father had not come back for so many days, Lin Xuan asked his mother curiously.

Seeing Lin Xuan ask this, Lin Mu said with a worried expression.

"I heard that it was the newly opened mine, it seems that something went wrong, and your father was worried that it would affect your training, so he never told you."

When Lin Xuan heard this, he was taken aback, and then said.

"Isn't it because I can protect my family hard, if something happens this time, you should tell me that my current strength can also help a little."

Lin Mu was helpless, just wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan, who had just returned from the training ground, turned his head directly, Lin Mu behind wanted to block, but he couldn't catch up with Lin Xuan who was walking like a fly, only then did he realize that he seemed to have made a big mistake, how can this kind of thing tell the child, Lin Xuan is still so young, what if something happens.

The more he thought about it, the more regretful Lin Mu chased out, wanting to try to stop Lin Xuan who was about to leave the house again, but Lin Xuan just said to reassure Lin Mu that he would never be stubborn, and if he encountered any danger, he would definitely put his life first.

Listening to Lin Xuan's assurance, Lin Mu fell into hesitation, and did not know whether to promise Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan saw that his mother did not move, so he had to swear to the sky that he would not let himself encounter any danger, although he was still a little worried, but Lin Mu also knew that he couldn't stop Lin Xuan today, so he had to sigh.

"It seems that my Xiaoxuan has indeed grown up, go, how to see the rainbow without wind and rain, mother supports you, but you must put your own safety first, life is the most important."

After instructing Lin Xuan, Lin Mu let Lin Xuan leave the house.

Seeing his mother agree, Lin Xuan nodded heavily, continued to walk out, and released the fossil pterosaur.

After all, Lin Xuan is not yet eighteen years old, and he can't get a driver's license, so he can't drive a motor vehicle, but his home is still relatively close to the mining area, plus it is located in the suburbs, and flying at low altitude will not be punished.


Feeling the sound of the wind whistling in his ears, Lin Xuan was getting closer and closer to the position of the mine, and as his level and strength increased, the speed of the fossil pterosaur was also getting faster and faster.

"Lean down!"

Looking at the gradual approach to the mine, Lin Xuan said to the fossil pterosaur under the seat, and the fossil pterosaur that received Lin Xuan's order fluttered its wings, slowly slowed down, and fell directly to the ground.

"What man!" *2

Recently, the mining area has not been peaceful, so the defensive force here is gradually increasing, basically each entrance and exit is arranged with two or three duty personnel, and three shifts back and forth to ensure that each pass is supervised throughout the day.

"Ah! It's you, young master! "

As Lin Dayong's subordinates, they have also seen Lin Xuan at the year-end meeting, and the appearance of Lin Dayong's family is something that everyone who follows Lin Dayong has to remember to death, after all, it is his own boss, which also saves Lin Xuan a lot of things.

After nodding and saying hello to the two bodyguards who were diligently guarding the gate, Lin Xuan walked into the mine.

All the mines owned by Lin Dayong and the industries derived from them are divided within the Tianxuan Group, which facilitates unified transfer and management.

Through layer after layer of inspection, Lin Xuan finally arrived at the gate of the mine, and Lin Dayong had previously announced to everyone that Lin Xuan had unlimited right of passage within the group, so no one went to intercept Lin Xuan along the way.

Lin Dayong can give Lin Xuan so much power so early, or because Lin Xuan has shown extraordinary intelligence and steadiness since he was a child, plus Lin Xuan is Lin Dayong's only son, let alone there is no competition for power, in the future, Tianxuan Group will definitely be led by Lin Xuan, and Lin Xuan also liked to come to the mine when he was a child, so in order to facilitate Lin Xuan, Lin Dayong gave Lin Xuan power early.

Walking to the familiar passage of the big rock snake, Lin Xuan released his crystal big rock snake, stepped on it, and ordered the crystal big rock snake to move towards the original evolution stone pit.

The crystal large rock snake that received the master's order swung its huge body and swam towards the depths of the cave.


I have to say that the big rock snake has a very strong memory ability for the tunnels they walked through, and although Lin Xuan doesn't remember a little, according to some obvious signs along the way, Lin Xuan can still tell that they are moving towards the evolution stone pit.

As the light in front gradually increased, the speed of the Crystal Great Rock Snake gradually slowed down until it stopped.

Lin Xuan, who arrived at the mine, jumped off the crystal big rock snake in one step.

"Hard work on you, big rock snake."

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xuan withdrew the crystal big rock snake into the elf ball.

After taking back the crystal big rock snake, Lin Xuan observed the surroundings, at this time, there were not few people here, but there were not many miners, most of them were guards with a vigilant face.

These people are all trained by Lin Dayong early, although the official is not allowed to train private soldiers, but most people also know that as long as the number is not very large, a little operation, the Dragon Country official still turns a blind eye, after all, sometimes the Dragon Country official can't manage so much, many law-abiding enterprises can't take care of it, in order to protect their own safety, most of the enterprises will train a part of the bodyguard group.

After all, if you want to make money, you must be in the rich wilderness, and the wild world full of wild Pokémon is very dangerous, which is also something that has to be done, every time you rely on hiring bodyguards, not only the cost is more, but also the problem of insecurity, and the combat ability of security guards without unified training is too poor.

Cultivating one's own strength is something that every force must do to develop.

However, everyone knows that above all enterprises, there is also state supervision, so although a guard army will be established, they dare not be too blatant, and the identities of these people are all security guards.

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