Captain Wang can be described as very bitter, after all, Lin Xuan is not only his own main family, but also his own child who has seen him grow up, although Lin Xuan has seen Lin Xuan's intelligence when he was very young, but this is too dangerous after all, and Captain Wang has no way.

Seeing that Captain Wang didn't believe it, Lin Xuan pulled him outside the camp tent.

"Come out, Bankiras!"


How to prove that your strength is not weak, the best way is of course to show your Pokémon.

"This... This, this is the young Kilas who was so small a few months ago? "

Of course, Captain Wang was present when Lin Xuan captured the young Kiras, after all, this matter was of great significance to Lin Xuan and their family, and as one of the people Lin Dayong believed in the most, Captain Wang certainly had to be present to guard.

"How, now believe it?"

Lin Xuan saw that Captain Wang did not say anything at this time, so he asked Captain Wang.

Captain Wang of Mune saw Lin Xuan asking, nodded stiffly, how many days have passed, how come the young Kilas who was still a cute new Pokémon has grown to such a large piece, although it is impossible to guess the specific registration of Bankiras, but if you want to evolve to Bankiras, the lowest is also a leader-level Pokémon, you must know that Captain Wang's own Pokémon evolved to the leader level but it took two and a half years, which still tilted most of the resources to the result of a Pokémon.

Don't underestimate the boss-level Pokémon, most of the people who can have a boss-level Pokémon have cleared eight dojos, after all, only after clearing the dojo, they know that they do have a little talent in Pokémon cultivation, otherwise ordinary people will not spend a lot of effort to evolve Pokémon to the boss level, although Pokémon have great benefits for future work after reaching the boss level, but the money for cultivating Pokémon is enough for ordinary people to live happily for nearly ten years, why spend money on the whole uncertain thing?

So most people have the top combat power at most elite level, and even some can't reach it, and the Pokémon they have all their lives are just ordinary level, after all, this will not make any impression on everyone's ordinary life, the sky is falling and tall people are topping, of course, the first thing ordinary people think of is to live happily.

Moreover, the leader-level Pokémon combat power, in the Tianxuan Group at this time, can be regarded as the mainstay, not to mention that this Pokémon in Lin Xuan's hands is still a quasi-god-level Pokémon, if Lin Xuan himself can't protect himself, it is estimated that in the entire group, except for Lin Dayong and Captain Wang, as well as a few people, it is estimated that no one can really protect Lin Xuan.

Seeing that Captain Wang agreed, Lin Xuan pulled Captain Wang back into the camp tent, and Wang Dazhan also understood that Lin Xuan could not be underestimated, so he first packed up what he was thinking about here and told Lin Xuan about the general situation around the camp now, after all, if Lin Xuan joins the combat power, it will also have a great impact on the layout of Captain Wang.

After Captain Wang's story, Lin Xuan knew that although the official detection of three king-level Pokémon, but up to now this king-level Pokémon has not appeared, the current highest combat power is only a boss-level Pokémon, but the desire to attack is very strong, but as long as the guards here do not approach a certain boundary, those small broken diamonds will stop attacking, which makes everyone here very puzzled.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan seemed to have some conjectures in his heart, but he also felt a little unreliable about his conjecture.

After knowing the approximate range of the small broken diamonds would attack, Lin Xuan said goodbye to Captain Wang and walked towards a point, listening to Captain Wang say that it was the place where the leader-level small broken diamonds appeared most often.

Along the way, there were hurried-looking guards, after all, this was the first time they faced such a powerful group of Pokémon, and the most they encountered in the past was only a boss-level Pokémon, and they usually just interacted with people, where had they seen such a big battle.

Fortunately, Lin Dayong strengthens their training in normal times, just to prevent disasters that can occur at any time.

Walking to the point where he thought about going in advance, Lin Xuan after greeting the person in charge here, he released Bankiras and the fossil pterosaur and the crystal large rock snake, and tentatively walked towards the front, of course, it is not that Lin Xuan does not want to release more Pokémon, after all, there is really a limited place here, if too many Pokémon are released, it may affect other Pokémon combat, and it is simply not worth the loss.

As for why the crystal big rock snake was released, Lin Xuan also thought that the crystal big rock snake was familiar with the environment here after all, and if it had its leadership, it would definitely be much smoother.

Sure enough, at the moment when the Crystal Great Rock Snake just appeared, it seemed to have thought of something and wanted to stop Lin Xuan from continuing to walk forward.

Lin Xuan was puzzled, and asked the crystal big rock snake in confusion.

"Why don't you let me go ahead?"

Seeing that his master asked, the crystal big rock snake did not dare to hide the slightest, and hurriedly explained.

Through the translation of Chang Pan's power, Lin Xuan understood that it turned out that the crystal big rock snake had also been here earlier, and soon after entering, it was surrounded and beaten by a group of blue stones, according to the crystal big rock snake, if it was not lucky at that time, it would have been beaten to death by those blue stones.

Listening to the description of the crystal big rock snake, Lin Xuan also understood of course that the blue stones mentioned by the crystal big rock snake are small broken diamonds, but according to Lin Xuan's own memory, small broken diamonds are not a race that is happy to fight or even kill other Pokémon, after all, they do not need to eat meat, plus the stones all over their bodies, no Pokémon will want to take the initiative to attack them, and they usually hide as deep as possible in the ground and do not interact with the outside world.

But why did he become so irritable and irritable now, the guess in Lin Xuan's heart was gradually amplified, and even he now believed his own guess.

So after calming the crystal big rock snake and telling the crystal big rock snake that he was just going in to take a look, the crystal big rock snake relaxed a little and followed Lin Xuan into the deep crystal pit.

"Duh! Duh! Duh! Not

long after Lin Xuan carefully walked into the pit, there was a sound of a large number of stones rolling, and you didn't need to think about it, it was the little broken diamonds who felt Lin Xuan's arrival, this was leaning here, and it was also a warning to Lin Xuan, an intruder.

Lin Xuan heard the sound of the little broken diamonds, so he also stopped, slowly waiting for the arrival of the small broken diamonds, and Bankiras and the crystal big rock snake were also hovering in front of Lin Xuan at this time, and the crystal fossil pterosaur was hovering over Lin Xuan's head, although it could not fly high, but it could also protect Lin Xuan tightly.

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