For several days, Aoki was in the forest, but there was at most a day left before crossing the forest.

These days in the forest, Aoki trains fire chickens and croaking bubble frogs every day.

Because of the rainbow fruit, the rainbow energy cube produced has more nutrients, and the fire chicken and croaking bubble frog grow quickly.

Even Bosco Dora has made outstanding progress, and there is one step left from the Heavenly King level.

Coupled with Aoki’s Tokiwa power, no matter how you fight, you can quickly heal well.

Therefore, the fire chicken and the croaking bubble frog have improved rapidly, at least much more powerful than the newcomers in the same period.

Croak Paowa successfully broke through the intermediate level and reached the advanced level.

The fire chicken also makes rapid progress, only one step away, it can evolve into a strong chicken, and can also reach the elite level.

Because he was about to walk out of the forest, Aoki stepped up his training and tried to become stronger.

Out of the forest, you can relax.

“Fire chicken, give it the last spark.”

“Not exactly.”

The Fire Chicken spat out a large number of sparks and completely defeated an Abai monster.


Aoki praised.

The fire chicken listened happily and held his head proudly.

The croaking bubble frog next to it is also calling.

I’ll do it too.

Facing the two Pokémon facing each other, Aoki did not stop it.

Proper competition can promote progress on both sides, as long as it does not go too far.

Aoki healed the Apo monster, then gave it an energy cube and continued with Haruka.

Coming to the river, it was already noon, and Aoki did not continue to move forward.

“Xiao Yao, it’s already noon, take a rest here first, and it is estimated that you will be able to leave the forest tomorrow.”


Xiao Yao was a little lost.

Leaving the forest, then it is not far from the Orange Hua Taoist Hall.

At that time, she will not be able to be with Aoki.

Aoki also knew what Haruka was thinking, and although she wanted Haruka to travel with him, it was absolutely impossible.

At least Haruka’s parents won’t agree, and Haruka doesn’t have Pokémon and hasn’t reached the age to travel.

He also had to travel alone.

At lunchtime, Aoki and Haruka ate together, and the fire chicken and croaking frog ate quickly.

They fought many times today, and although they were healed each time, they were mentally tired.

So eat quickly to replenish your strength.

Bosco Dora does not fight, it only needs to comprehend the meaning now, and there is no need to fight at all.

However, the rainbow energy cube is so delicious, even Boss Dora has to eat a lot every day to supplement nutrition.


Suddenly, there was a big explosion not far from the forest, and a large amount of smoke and dust rose from the sky.

Aoki and Haruka looked at the same time.

Bosco Dora gave up eating and moved to Aoki’s side, with wary eyes in his eyes.

The fire chicken and the croaking bubble frog are not slow to react, one left and one right, protecting Aoki and Haruka.

“Brother Aoki, what’s going on?”

Xiao Yao was still the first time to encounter this kind of thing, so he was a little panicked.

“It should be a Pokémon hunter, let’s take a peek, if the strength is not strong, I will solve it personally.”

Aoki pulled Haruka and quietly approached the center of the explosion.

The system page also opens.

Sure enough, on the system map, a silver treasure chest appeared.

It seems that this enemy is not very difficult, otherwise it would not be a silver treasure chest, at least a gold treasure chest.

Although Aoki thought so, he still acted vigilant, so as not to accidentally make a mistake.

The two people were quiet, and soon came to the center of the explosion, and then saw a car.

There are a lot of Pokémon locked up in the car.

Abai monster and double bullet gas.

There is also a huge Pokémon next to it.

Super Tyrannosaurus.

Ground and Rock Pokémon.

The race value is very high, no worse than Bosco Dora, restrained by Bosco Dora’s steel attribute.

Of course, Bosco Dora was restrained more ruthlessly, and the two sides were mutually restrained, and the super iron tyrannosaurus had the advantage.

But fortunately, Aoki’s Boss Dora is even stronger.

Next to the super iron tyrannosaurus, there is also a large-billed finch.

Name: Super Iron Tyrannosaurus

Attributes: rock, ground

Strength: Dojo level

Moves: ……

Name: Large-billed finch

Attributes: General, Flying

Strength: Dojo level

Moves: ……

Aoki breathed a sigh of relief, if it was only the strength of the Taoist hall, then he really didn’t pay attention to it.

Even if the super iron tyrannosaurus will earthquake, there is some gap in the strength of the two sides, not to mention that Aoki still has the power of Tokiwa.

This battle has a head.

The silver chest he was going to set.

And he is now in a sneak attack state, as long as he can get the super iron tyrannosaurus with one move, the large-billed finch is no threat.

Haruka was about to speak, but was stopped by Aoki.

“Leave it to me.”

Aoki quietly took out the Pokeball, and the fire chicken and the croaking bubble frog were next to it, and they were not in a hurry to move.

“Fire chicken, later, you and the croaking bubble frog will deal with the large-billed finch, one with a flame vortex, the other with frozen light.”

“Not exactly.”


The two elves whispered.

Aoki grabbed Boss Dora’s Poké Ball and threw it hard.

“Bosco Dora, rush over for me and use a bombshell against the iron-armored Tyrannosaurus.”

After Boss Dora appeared, his huge body rushed towards the super iron tyrannosaurus.

The earth trembled.

In addition, the characteristics of Bosco Dora are heavy metals, and the body size is heavier, and the impact force is stronger.

The power of the heavy collision is accompanied by the increase in weight, and the greater the damage.

Not to mention that the steel attribute twice restrained the super iron tyrannosaurus, basically as long as it is knocked down, the super iron tyrannosaurus is estimated to lose its combat effectiveness.

“What people? Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, hurry up and dodge. ”

The Pokémon hunter was taken aback.

Seeing Boss Dora rushing over, he couldn’t care so much, and immediately prepared to let the super iron tyrannosaurus dodge.

“Fire chicken, croaking bubble frog, it’s now.”

The fire chicken rushes out together with the croaking bubble frog while attacking the large-billed finch.

The flame vortex and the frozen light flew towards the large-billed finch together.

(I will add more today, and continue to kneel for everyone’s flower support.) )

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