
The fire-breathing camel was hit by both a water cannon and a rock heavy cannon, and then let out a wail and fell to the ground.

“Not good, fire-breathing camel.”

Captain Firebird’s face changed, and he immediately withdrew his Pokémon, then turned and ran.

But before he could escape, he was approached by the Koga Ninja Frog, and then a hand knife hit the back of the Firebird captain’s neck.

Plop ….

Captain Firebird plopped, fell to the ground, and fainted.

After a few more minutes, except for the campfire, several other people were all solved by Aoki.

The campfire faced Aoki, overwhelmed and unsure how to explain it.

You can’t always say that you are a villain.

“This… Don’t you have anything to ask? Bonfire whispered.

“It’s not necessary, now that you know, I think you must have to join the lava team.”

Aoki has known for a long time, naturally he will not care.

Bonfire’s eyes lit up, and then he immediately nodded his little head and said seriously.

“That’s right, I was captured by them and ended up having to join the lava team.”

“By the way, you should come this time to explore some ancient ruins and take me to see it.”

Aoki didn’t dwell on these issues.

“No problem, I’ll take you now.”

The bonfire was a little happy in his heart, and immediately took the initiative to walk in front, ready to take Aoki into the ancient ruins.

It didn’t take long for Aoki to enter the ancient ruins and search carefully.

Apart from some ancient texts, there is nothing that looks like a place of sacrifice.

Of course, Aoki found the treasure chest.

A fire attribute evolution stone.

It’s already good, it can be sold for a lot of money, and there are dozens of these evolution stones alone.

All obtained by opening treasure chests.

What he cares more about is the Super Evolution Stone.

“Gone, it’s time to go.”

Aoki greeted a bonfire, and the two left the ancient ruins together.

Then follow the sea water and enter the forest again.

At night, the two sat around the campfire, silently tasting dinner.

After eating dinner, Aoki didn’t get tangled so much, and asked directly.

“I’m going to set up a sky team that can carry out missions in the future, explore the ruins, and capture elves, do you want to join?”

“No problem, I agreed.”

Bonfire agreed without thinking.

She originally wanted to be with Aoki, and if she could join Team Sky, it should be fine.

“Okay, but although Team Sky has been established, there are only three people at present, can you return to Team Lava?”

“I hope you will go back for the time being, strive to become stronger, and then win over some loyal subordinates.”

“No problem, I just said that I encountered a strong enemy, I escaped alone, I believe no one will suspect it.”

Campfires are not worried about being suspected.

After all, their lava team, not only the sworn enemy of the Ocean Team, but also the hunter organization, and even the alliance.

It is normal to die some people, captains like Firebird, lava teams are many, the most is to investigate.

But when they leave, clean up all the traces, and no one will find it.

“You eat more.”

Aoki said very gently.

The bonfire is sweet, and my heart has sunk, and I can’t wait to give it a hug.

But in the end, he restrained.

In this way, the two of them had enough to eat and drink, and they went to sleep separately.

Aoki was in no hurry to do anything to the campfire, after all, the two sides had met twice.

After knowing each other for a long time, Aoki has an idea in his heart, and he will not let go of the bonfire.

How to say that she is also a beautiful cute girl.


The night passed quickly.

Early the next morning, early in the morning, the strong chicken began special training.

Especially seeing that its archrival, the Koga Ninja Frog, has evolved, it also wants to evolve as soon as possible.

Then the other Pokémon also started special training, quite seriously.

When Bonfire saw Aoki’s specially trained Pokémon, he felt a little inferior in his heart.

No wonder Aoki is so powerful, it’s really Aoki’s Pokémon who work hard.

Aoki also looked at his Pokémon, and during this time, the progress was also obvious.

Bosco Dora: Tenno-class (male).

Boss Dora: Quasi-Heavenly King (female).

Koga Ninja Frog: Dokan level

Strong Chicken: Elite

Forest Lizard: Elite

Baby Dragon: Elite

This is what a rookie trainer has gained for three months.

The lowest are elite.

That is, he is now an elite trainer.

The vast majority of people are unattainable.

Of course, they can’t reach this step, mainly because their family is poor and can’t afford to raise six Pokémon.

Among them, the progress of the baby dragon is obvious.

This has not yet evolved, it already has an elite level, once it evolves, maybe the crustacean dragon form will be able to have the strength of the Taoist hall.

This is the quasi-god, a special rarity, once who has it, it will definitely cause the envy of countless people.

After breakfast, the campfire looked at Aoki, and his heart was a little reluctant.

She would love to be with Aoki, but needs to return to the lava team and can’t waste so much time.

“Aoki, I’m going back first.”

Aoki saw the reluctance of the campfire, stepped forward, and gently pulled the campfire into his arms.

“Be careful, find a time next month, contact me secretly, I have a very good one, Coco Dora, I will send it to you when the time comes.”


The bonfire is full of gratitude, but also with a strong sense of affection.

A coco Dora, that is very expensive, let alone better qualified.

“Don’t thank me, you have to work hard to grow, strive to become a cadre as soon as possible, and become a king-level trainer.”

Aoki also knew the future of Bonfire and could definitely become a king-level trainer, so he decided to help her.

Otherwise, a strange ordinary person, she would not be willing to give a Heavenly King qualification Coco Dora.

In addition to this, there is another very important reason.

He already has two Bosco Doralas, and the rest naturally has to cultivate his own subordinates.

Why else keep it?

Laying eggs?

Well, the ones who lay eggs can indeed.

But his two Boss Dora are enough.

There are seven or eight left.

(17,000 flowers plus more, continue to kneel for flower support.) )

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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