“I lost this battle, but next time, at the Caiyu Conference, I will never lose to you again.”

Tetsuya’s eyes were full of determination.

“Do you also participate in the Rainbow Conference? In that case, let’s fight the winner at the Caiyu Conference. ”

Aoki did not refuse, it would be good to have one more opponent.

He remembered that Tetsuya seemed to have a giant golden monster in the future, which was the Pokémon he wanted so much.

Or you can rob Tetsuya’s giant golden monster.

Oh, when he said snatching, he meant to cut off his beard, not really snatching other people’s Pokémon.

Half a day later, Aoki and Tetsuya left Konaka Island together and separated in Pansy City.

Aoki also embarks on a journey to the town of Kamayan, preparing to challenge the dojo trainers there.

The Taoist trainer there, but the Heavenly King trainer, defeating him, can get a diamond treasure chest.

After leaving Pansy City, Aoki once again enters the forest, ready to challenge the Pokémon in the forest.

His baby dragon has reached the edge of evolution, and as long as there is another fierce battle, it is estimated that it will be able to evolve.

In the forest, next to the river, Aoki went fishing here after breakfast.

Kiraki and Fukuyo are playing next to them, while Flame Chicken and Koga Ninja Frog are undergoing special training.

The forest lizard is exercising with the baby dragon, and the two Pokémon are fighting each other, even if they are injured, they can be recovered by Aoki.

Bosco Dora is continuing to comprehend the mysteries and strive to break through the king level and reach the championship level.

Since using the Golden Crown, Boscodora’s qualifications have increased, and the speed of comprehending the mysteries has become faster again.

The electric shock beast was standing next to Aoki.

After a few days of acceptance, its temper was originally particularly hot.

But in the end, he was subdued by Aoki.

It was really an energy cube made by Aoki, so delicious, it made it completely surrender in its heart, and recognized Aoki.

“Electric shock beast, you also go for special training, and when your special training is successful, I will buy you an electric engine and let you evolve.”


The electric shock beast happily slapped its heart, and then ran to the side to go to special training.

Aoki fishing silently.

Suddenly, a king carp appeared in front of Aoki, struggling just like that.

“Kiraji, didn’t I tell you? Do not use teleportation. ”

Aoki could guess that it was Kira.

“Aoki, fun.”

Kira floated in front of Aoki.

For so long, Kiraki has got rid of his infancy, his IQ is also smart, and he is no longer called Aoki’s father.

If Kira prays for her father, it will be embarrassing.

“Okay, Kiraki, come, sit here.”

Aoki beckoned.

Kiraki and Kofuku Egg jumped over at the same time, and then sat on either side of Aoki.

Over time, Aoki fished a lot of Pokémon, all of which were very ordinary water systems.

The best estimate is the croaking bubble frog.

The second is the King Carp, the Heavenly King qualification, but he can’t see it, and he temporarily puts it with Dr. Odamaki.

When she is cultivated into a tyrannosaurus, she will give it to Izumi, who is also a member of the Sky Team after all.

This period of time is quite smart, every once in a while, I will report some information and upload some information.

Aoki still attaches great importance to her.

That’s the cadre of the future Sky team.

Boom rumble…

Suddenly, there was a huge roar in the distance, and I saw a huge thunderbolt, falling from the dark clouds.

“Thunder, is it an electric Pokémon?”

Aoki immediately stood up, looked at the sky in the distance, and pulled it under his clothes, and then held Xiaofu Egg.

“Boss Dora, Baby Dragon, Forest Lizard, Shock Beast, you guys come back first, Flame Chicken, Koga Ninja Frog, you two follow me.”

The Flame Chicken and the Koga Ninja Frog immediately followed.

While running, Aoki used his Tokiwa power to restore the two Pokémon.

These two Pokémon have just been specially trained for a long time, and their physical exertion is very serious.

There may soon be a battle, and the Koga Ninja Frog and the Flame Chicken must be restored.

The three black shadows passed through the woods and soon came to the center of the thunder.

As soon as he arrived at the minefield, Aoki saw a group of people.

Most of the people Aoki knows, old friends, members of the Ocean Team.

The Iron Claw Lobster and the Emperor Tooth Sea Lion are all exclusive Pokémon of the Ocean Team.

The opposite Pokémon are the conductive flying squirrel, the zebra, and the king mochi eel.

These are all relatively rare Pokémon here.

Aoki understood that such a rare Pokémon was probably favored by the people of the Ocean Team.

Among them, the Ma Eel King is a very powerful electric Pokémon, the most important thing is its characteristics.

Flotation characteristics.

Originally, the electrical attribute was restrained by the ground system, and it was only restrained by the ground system.

As a result, the king eel has floating properties and is not harmed by the ground system at all.

This makes the Ma Ma Eel King have no shortcomings, coupled with a relatively strong race value, it is even more powerful.

Aoki glanced at the trainer, frowning, always feeling as if he saw this person somewhere.

Blonde hair, wearing headphones, a very slender figure, and a pair of beautiful legs that Hirona can’t match.


Aoki suddenly remembered that this girl was Kamizre, a trainer at Raven Dojo.

She is also the world’s top model.

Worthy of being a model, this figure is really good.

While Aoki was looking closely, Camizre’s conductive flying squirrel, the zebra, had lost its ability to fight.

Although the electric system restrains the Pokémon of the hot water system on the opposite side, there are too many people on the opposite side.

There are also many who are good at ground skills.

Only the Ma Eel King, because it is not affected by the ground system, has persisted until now.

But if this continues, it is estimated that it will not be long before the Ma Eel King will also lose its ability to fight.

Camizre’s face is ugly, just see a favorite Pokémon, come and take it.

As a result, she met these people halfway and had to rob her Pokémon.

The strength of these people is not very strong, but they have a numerical advantage, and her Pokémon are almost unable to bear it.

Aoki looked at the Ma Eel King.

Name: King Eel

Strength: Elite

Qualification: Quasi-Heavenly King

Is this elite?

Aoki had doubts in his eyes, this gap was too big, and he was actually elite.

His Pokémon, the second evolution form, is already elite.

But think about it carefully, his Pokémon are king-level qualifications after all, and their race value is higher than that of the Ma Ma Eel King.

(Seven changes today, plus two more, continue to kneel, and ask for everyone’s flower support.) )

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