"How did we get up here?"

When Wendy saw Su Yan and his group suddenly appear in front of her, she was surprised...

Su Yan pointed to the middle of the corridor.

"Of course, take the elevator."

"Elevator? ?!"

Wendy poked his head out. He knew elevators. Teyvat also had them.

But the way they worked was completely different... and he hadn't seen any elevators since he came in.

Of course, Su Yan didn't explain much. He just turned his head and turned away.

"Let's go and take a look at the room where you will work in the future."

Nowadays, the seven gods of Teyvat each have their own thoughts. Not to mention working together, they may not meet for hundreds of years.


Su Yan believes that it won't be long before the seven gods will be in this building, discussing how to add more color to Teyvat.

This is his confidence.

Not to mention that there are already four of the seven gods, and they will definitely obey his orders.

Will it be long before the seven gods get together?

Under the leadership of Su Yan, this floor has been completed with a lot of offices, which also allows the people of Teyvat to see what modernization is.

Some ordinary building materials are available in Teyvat, and high-tech products such as electric lights and projectors are not difficult for Su Yan at all.

He can bring all these things from the elf world...

When Su Yan led them into the office and turned on the projector, playing various pictures of Pokémon life...

It can be seen that Wendy, Zhongli, Keqing and Ningguang, the four of them were all surprised and happy.

""The pictures, the images are moving!!!"

This is what Buyer said... the camera can record moving images.

Just as everyone was surprised, Su Yan suddenly smiled and said:"These are nothing. In fact, there is another machine that can virtualize the other party and talk even if they are far apart."

"Virtual call?"

The people in Teyvat obviously didn't quite understand this concept.

Su Yan immediately explained in a way they could understand,"It's basically two people holding a device, and through the Internet, not only can you show each other's appearance, but you can also do things like transmit sound over a thousand miles.."

Transmitting sound over thousands of miles?

Now they finally understood.

In the eyes of the people in Teyvat, after hundreds of years of development, they believed that this world was already pretty good.

But after listening to what Su Yan and Buyer said... it is conceivable that the technology of the elf world is far beyond their world.

Of course.

Compared with the elf world, Teyvat is not without its merits.

Speaking of the problem of communication... currently, message transmission in Teyvat is not convenient, because the concept of the network has not been constructed here at all.

Even if it is constructed from now on, it will take a long time to take shape.

But... speaking of the network, this reminds Su Yan of something.

"Xumi's void terminal might be used in the future and turned into a communication network that covers the entire Teyvat."

With his ability, it is absolutely no problem to contact anyone across countries.

But other people don't have this ability...

For the sake of convenience, he might really consider this aspect.

But the premise is to deal with the problems of the other countries first...

Next, it's Inazuma's turn.

This day...

Su Yan was in this office, telling Wendy, Zhongli, Keqing, and Ningguang about the role of the future Elf Alliance.

There is no doubt...

In the elf world, it's like Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and other regions.

Teyvat can also divide the kingdom of the seven gods into seven regions.

What the gods have to do is to manage their own kingdoms.

Taking this Elf Competition as an example, in the future, each country can hold various Pokémon events, and then invite trainers from other countries to participate.

Based on this, create a new era of coexistence between humans and Pokémon.

Of course, Liyue can already start making arrangements from this.

After Su Yan talked about the future plan, there was one more thing……

"Ningguang, in addition to the construction of the Pokémon Alliance, I would also like to entrust you to open a Pokémon Treatment Center in Liyue. This facility is similar to a human clinic or hospital, and is dedicated to treating Pokémon. It will be free of charge. I will pay for the necessary expenses for the time being, and when the Pokémon Alliance starts operating in the future, the fee will be paid by the Alliance."

""Pokemon Treatment Center?"

Ningguang was slightly stunned.

For her, this is definitely a good thing.

As for Mora and the construction of the Pokémon Treatment Center, these are just small problems.

But... (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ningguang asked:"Su Yan, if a Pokémon Treatment Center can be opened in Liyue, I absolutely support this, but... now even Bai Shu of Bubulu can't fully understand Pokémon, and other doctors may have a harder time."

If you want to treat Pokémon, you naturally have to have a doctor who can understand Pokémon.

After all, Pokémon has only been in Liyue for a short time...

Even the best Bai Shu in Liyue can only use formulas to prepare medicines corresponding to the symptoms.

Not to mention that he also runs Bubulu.

This Pokémon Treatment Center is already a huge problem in terms of manpower.

""Why does a doctor who can treat Pokémon have to be a human?"

However, Su Yan already had an idea. He said,"In Pokémon, there are also types that specialize in treatment, such as [Chicken Egg] and [Almost Doll].】……"

"Jigglypuff? Almost Doll?"

Ningguang tried to recall the Pokémon with these two names.

However, she couldn't remember the two Pokémon at all...

In other words, she had never seen them. The same was true for Keqing who was listening beside her.

On the contrary, Wendy seemed to suddenly remember something.……

"Jigglypuff? Is it a pink Pokémon with an egg in its belly pocket?"

After saying this, everyone, including Su Yan, looked at Wendy.

"Oh, have you seen it?"


Wendy (OK, OK) rubbed the back of her head and explained,"When I was in the wild before, I saw a Pokémon that was seriously injured because of a turf war. I was about to rescue it, but I didn't expect the Jigglypuff that Su Yan mentioned to suddenly jump out from the side. I saw with my own eyes that it only took a little effort to heal the injured Pokémon."

After listening[]

Su Yan nodded. It seems that there are also Jigglypuffs among the wild Pokémon that have descended, but few people can find them.

"Yes, Jigglypuff is a very gentle and kind Pokémon. They will be the best doctors in the Pokémon Center. I will arrange these."

"That's great. I'll start arranging this matter as soon as I get back to Liyue."

Since the doctor's problem has been solved, Ningguang accepted the task without hesitation.

As soon as she finished speaking, Keqing next to her recommended herself.

"Ningguang, building a Pokémon Center is urgent, I'm here to help……"

I want to say:

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