"Boss, is it my turn?!"

""Hurry up, the people in front, I want to buy Pokémon too!!!"

Since Su Yan announced at the door of the store that he would hold a Pokémon competition soon, and the legendary Pokémon would be the winning prize.

Then, under the popular science after the dream transformation... countless eyes witnessed the legendary Pokémon, and the goose feather snow fell from the sky, bringing winter to Liyue.

For the people of Liyue who have immortals in their hearts, that picture... what is immortal magic?

This is immortal magic!

Legendary Pokémon is like a divine bird with immortal power.

Now, anyone has the opportunity to own this divine bird that can change the seasons of heaven and earth?!


In the past two days, Su Yan's store has suddenly become the most popular and hottest store in the whole Liyue.

After all, there is an absolute prerequisite for participating in the competition.

That is to own at least one Pokémon!

"Um... My dear customer, you have drawn a normal-type frightened deer, which has the characteristic of running very fast. The price is... one million Mora."

"Oh, customer, you are lucky. You drew Dalubi, a fire and evil Pokémon. It is easy to tame even for ordinary people. The price is 5 million Mora."

"Customer, you drew a green caterpillar, which is a novice Pokémon that is easy to cultivate. It is very easy to evolve into Butterfree. The price is 200,000 Mora."

It has to be said.

Su Yan was not surprised by the hot business for two consecutive days. The only trouble was...

He not only had to popularize Pokémon to people, but also had to estimate the price based on the abilities of Pokémon.

During this period, most customers drew Pokémon that cost hundreds of thousands or even millions of Mora. With Su Yan's recommendation, they were very satisfied.

But there were also people who were lucky enough to draw a powerful Pokémon at once.

"Thirty million? ? ?! Boss, isn’t this too expensive?!!!"

"Customer, you drew a Scyther, which is extremely aggressive. In the future, it can evolve into a giant claw mantis that is both offensive and defensive. The premise is that you don't encounter a fire elf. This price is already very reasonable."

"Boss, what about mine? Such a small Pokémon costs 1 billion?"

"Customer, you are so lucky. You drew a quasi-god Pokémon. Do you remember the Round Land Shark sent by Miss Ningguang? She spent 1 billion to buy it from me at that time."

Of course, not everyone is as rich as Ningguang and Keqing...

Hearing Su Yan quote a price of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, those who didn't have time to be happy suddenly had sad faces.

How can ordinary people afford such a price?

There is no way, in the end they can only retreat and ask for a new draw this time, or give up.

Of course, there are still people who grit their teeth and buy powerful Pokémon even if they pay out their entire fortune.

After all, the value of Pokémon is now much higher than that of the 'Eye of God'.

You know, the Eye of God still needs to be recognized, otherwise it is useless.

The elves only need to be cultivated with emotion and heart. If you raise them, they will give you rewards.

Unknowingly, several days have passed...

Compared with a few days ago, Liyue has undergone earth-shaking changes.

As long as you walk on the road, you can see many people with a Pokémon.

Or in some spacious places, you can often see Pokémon fighting in pairs.

All this is for the upcoming competition.

At this time, it was almost dusk.

The customers in the store finally left.

Su Yan looked at the people coming and going on the street. Three out of ten people were accompanied by Pokémon. Although he has been busy these days, the result now is gratifying.

At this time, Menghuan next to him admired sincerely

"Su Yan, you are really amazing. In just a few days, you have made people in this place understand what Pokemon is."

But Su Yan shook his head at Menghuan's praise.

"This time, luck played a big role. If Keqing hadn't found Ningguang, it would have been impossible to popularize science to people in such a short time. People still only think of Pokémon as monsters or pets."

Then... when Su Yan's eyes fell on the street again, he saw a black-haired young man with braids standing at the door and looking at him...

He was dressed in a suit and stood with his hands folded. Whether it was his gentle and elegant temperament or his indifferent expression, he was unpredictable.

Even Su Yan raised his eyebrows slightly after seeing this person.

"Finally here."

At the same time, the young man said,"Boss, can I have a chat with you?"

"Of course, Mr. Zhongli……"

Su Yan naturally knew the person in front of him.

Zhongli, a guest official of the Wangsheng Hall.

However, this was just his incarnation in the human world.

Because this person's true identity was actually the god of Liyue... the Rock King, Morax!

As a descender from outside this world, without deliberately hiding, Su Yan guessed that the Rock King had probably noticed him as soon as he appeared in Liyue.

He showed up just now, perhaps because Su Yan's business was too hot in the past two days, and the other party couldn't find a"good opportunity".

Or... he had been waiting and watching, and because of the shocking changes in Liyue in the past two days, he could no longer sit still.

But no matter what the point was, Su Yan knew very well that the other party would come to his door sooner or later

"Please come in."

After inviting Zhongli into the store, Su Yan signaled Meng Huan not to let others disturb him.


Just like before, after revealing the superpower light in his dreamy eyes, Su Yan's shop was immediately isolated from the outside world.

Seeing this scene...

Zhongli's eyes suddenly showed surprise.

"Pokémon are even more magical than I thought, and they are truly worthy of being from another world.

Then, Zhongli���His eyes fell on Su Yan

"Boss, it seems you know my identity very well."

Su Yan smiled and nodded:"Hehe... Emperor Yan Wang is visiting in human form, so I have to cover for you. However, my shop is simple and there is not even tea. Please don't mind."

"Haha, you are too polite, boss."

Zhongli looked around and suddenly said

"A few days ago, you suddenly showed up in Liyue, and then asked your friend to brainwash a certain person in Liyue to approve you to open a store in Liyue. Special matters should be handled specially. Please forgive me for asking frankly, but it would be fine if you opened a store in Liyue, but a few days ago you also announced in a high-profile manner that you would hold an elf battle competition. Why?"

"It seems that Mr. Zhongli has been observing my every move from beginning to end."

Su Yan was not surprised.

As the God of Liyue, he would naturally pay attention to a sudden arrival, not to mention that he was so high-profile.

Su Yan had already known that the other party would ask such a question.

"Mr. Zhongli, whether it is opening a store or holding a competition, my original intention is to popularize Pokemon to people."


"This is naturally a preparation for the arrival of a large number of elves at the end of this month."

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