"Super evolution?"


When Su Yan uttered two words they had never heard of before, Ganyu and Lisa both seemed a little confused.

That's right.

This is the secret power possessed by the Pokémon from the Pokemon House.

Of course, [Mega Evolution] is just that, they have never heard of it.

And [Gigantamax] sounds equally unfamiliar to them.

Su Yan slowly explained:"Remember the changes of the martial arts bear master in Liyue Harbor?"

"Of course I remember."

On the day of protecting Liyue Harbor, Lisa had not yet arrived in Liyue, but Ganyu saw it clearly.

The size of the martial arts bear master suddenly became almost the same as the God of Elves, and even his strength increased a lot.

How could Ganyu forget the scene of that day?


"But didn’t you say that day, Mr. Su Yan… that form is called super gigantic?"

Obviously, Gan Yu not only remembered the martial arts bear master’s shocking form, but also remembered Su Yan’s popular science.

After hearing this…

Su Yan nodded immediately and popularized it again.

"Yes, in fact, Gigantamax and Super Gigantamax are the same form, but Super Gigantamax is more powerful and can also perform special skills and moves, but not everyone can master Super Gigantamax." Speaking of this , Ganyu and Lisa raised their eyebrows at the same time.

"Mr. Su Yan, you suddenly told us this. Are you referring to... the Pokémon from the Pokémon House, which are not only geniuses among geniuses, but also have the ability to Mega Evolution and Gigantamax?"

"The answer is correct."

Su Yan smiled faintly. It's easy to talk to smart people.

All the Pokémon placed in the Elf Island, after being reshaped, have the strongest talents, moves, and individuals.

And they also have the potential for super evolution.

Gigantamax and Super Gigantamax are more special. Both require super energy to trigger.

But for Su Yan, this is not a problem.

He can easily copy the super energy of the Infinity, but it still requires some necessary conditions to display it.

Of course, super evolution is also the case. Now the Pokémon purchased by the Liyue people from the Elf House have not been able to induce these two hidden powers, so so far no trainer has been able to make them display them.

So after Su Yan finished speaking...

Ganyu and Lisa's puzzled brows now showed surprise.

Then Su Yan said

"As for the three Pokémon I'm going to reward you with, they have great potential, roughly the same as the Azure Blade Demon, and... they can more easily stimulate the two forms I just mentioned. Of course, having said that, it ultimately depends on the efforts of you two trainers."

After saying that, Su Yan's fingertips slid across the Rotom Pokémon Book.

Not long after... various Pokémon pictures suddenly appeared on the Rotom Pokémon Book.

Except for one of these Pokémon pictures, Ganyu and Lisa had never seen the rest.

Only when their eyes fell on the familiar Pokémon at the same time

"Hey, isn't this Diluk's Pokémon?"

Yes, there is a Pokémon in the Pokémon Book, it is Litten.

It is also the pre-evolution appearance of Diluk's Pyrocat.

Everyone has seen it during the competition.

"Yes, Diluk's Pyro is the Starter Pokémon. The pictures you see in the Rotom Pokémon Encyclopedia are all Starter Pokémon."

After the words fell,

Ganyu and Lisa realized that the Litten that Diluk drew was the Starter Pokémon that Su Yan mentioned.

At this moment, they looked carefully at the Rotom Pokémon Encyclopedia, carefully examining the various Starter Pokémon.

Seeing that the two were both serious and rigorous, Su Yan did not urge them, but said,"No hurry... take your time to choose, but you only have one chance."

The Starter Pokémon, after all, is just a general term.

Even if the talents and potentials are almost the same, there are also differences between strong and mediocre.

As for what the two will choose in the end... it depends on their luck.

For this, Su Yan will not interfere with their choices.

Although Lisa and Ganyu do not know the other Starter Pokémon except Litten, they can more or less guess their attributes based on the appearance of these Pokémon.

Ganyu even asked,"Mr. Su Yan, these Starter Pokémon are all of the three attributes of fire, water, and grass, right?"

Su Yan nodded and answered her question immediately

"That's right, except for Owlmouse, which has grass and flying attributes, the other three starter Pokémons only have three separate attributes of fire, water, and grass before evolution, which are also their main attributes in the future."

Not long after that...

Lisa seemed to have made a decision:"In that case, I want this snake."

As soon as she said this, Su Yan was a little stunned by the picture of Rotom that Lisa pointed to. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Snake, Miss Lisa, it's a grass-type Pokémon."

Lisa's original Pokémon was Poison Rose, which was already known to everyone.

Now she chose another grass-type starter Pokémon.

Just this point, Lisa's choice puzzled Su Yan.

Could it be...

Sure enough, after this battle, Lisa seemed to have discovered some patterns vaguely?

"I know it's a grass-type Pokémon. For me, it's too troublesome to build a team with multiple attributes. It's more convenient to have a single attribute."

"Hehehe... OK, of course no problem."

Su Yan smiled knowingly. Obviously, Lisa had already realized that even a single-attribute Pokémon, as long as it was successfully assembled, would be no worse than a multi-attribute Pokémon.

Take the grass-type Pokémon for example...

If there are six grass-type Pokémon, then once auxiliary skills and moves such as [Sunny Day] and [Green Grass Field] are used, the six Pokémon can exert powerful power at the same time.

This is something that a multi-attribute team cannot do.

And... If Su Yan remembers correctly, the vine snake on the Elf Island is very special...

It can only be said that Lisa picked up a treasure.

"Thank you, Boss Su Yan."

After Lisa expressed her gratitude to Su Yan, Gan Yu beside her was still puzzled.

Of course, she didn't understand Lisa's choice.

Obviously, she hadn't thought of the step that Lisa had considered.

But this was someone else's choice, and she had no right to interfere, not to mention that she seemed to have made a decision in her heart.[]

"My Ice Dragon is very disadvantageous to Steel and Fighting attributes. It would be great if I could get a Fire and Psychic attribute."

Unfortunately, although Ganyu can judge the main attribute of these three beasts based on their appearance, she doesn't know what the second attribute is...

Thinking of this, Ganyu suddenly asked Su Yan for advice.

"Mr. Su Yan, may I ask...are there any of the three great families with fire and psychic attributes?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, Su Yan's fingertips slowly landed on the Rotom Atlas.

"Of course there is... It is a Pokémon with fire and psychic attributes."

I want to say:

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