On the roof.

Tartaglia looked around carefully, and when he carefully observed that no one was looking at this side... he tapped his toes lightly, and disappeared in a flash.

Not long after... he appeared at the door of the elf house.

Looking around again... there were not many people on the street at this time.

In the distance, some people were fighting elves, just pulling most people over to watch the fun.

Tartaglia smiled lightly, turned his palm, and took out the tool to pry the door.

The shops in Liyue are similar, and the doors are all of the same style.

He knows it too well.

Besides, Su Yan and Ningguang left, and it seems that they did not leave any anti-theft measures.

All of this was observed by Tartaglia...

Sure enough, it only took two or three seconds.


The door of the elf house was easily opened.

Tartaglia showed a successful smile.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he sneaked into the store like a ghost, and then quickly closed the door.

Familiar with the place.

Obviously he has done this kind of thing many times.

After entering the elf house, he immediately observed the surroundings.

After confirming that there were no people or creatures around, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, he didn't leave any anti-theft measures. Did I overestimate him?"

At the same time, Tartaglia felt very strange.

"This is too careless, doesn't he know how many eyes in Liyue are watching this place?"

Pokemon is booming. This is already a well-known thing in Liyue, no... I'm afraid it's now a well-known thing in the whole of Teyvat.

A few days ago, he even witnessed Su Yan's martial arts bear master forcing back Ningguang and Keqing, two of the Seven Stars of Liyue, with one move.

It can be seen that Pokémon is not inferior to the owner of the Eye of God. In just a few days, the Elf House has produced hundreds or thousands of Pokémon...

With such combat power, even the Ice Kingdom, which is known as the strongest among the seven countries, and the country where Tartaglia serves, will inevitably want to have it.

This is why Tartaglia has been secretly observing the Elf House's every move for several days.

If he can find out the source of Pokémon... it will definitely be a great achievement.

And what has concerned Tartaglia the most in the past few days is that every time Su Yan takes out the Pokémon, it is from the same place... in that room deep inside

"Come, let me see what the source of this secret is……"

Even though the shop was quiet at the moment, with no one in sight and no signs of life, Tartaglia did not dare to be careless.

He stepped lightly into the room.

Apart from that, he never touched anything.

Although Su Yan's shop was made up of walls and a counter, it was clean and tidy, with nothing inside, not even the most basic decorations.

Seeing the shop was so"clean" that Tartaglia could not help but complain.

"This guy called Su Yan is too stingy. He doesn't even make some decorations when doing business. Wouldn't people feel suffocated if they stayed in this environment for a long time?"

After ruthlessly complaining, Tartaglia finally crossed the counter and came to the door in the depths.

"Next is to open this door……"

Up to now, Tartaglia has been very careful, fearing that Su Yan would leave so easily and leave some anti-theft measures in the store.

However, until now, he has not been stopped.


Tartaglia did not open the door immediately.

Although there was no protection in the store, from the moment he entered the door, he always felt that the store was too quiet.

The quietness was a little unusual.

Tartaglia frowned, and then looked around carefully.

After confirming that there was no breath of any living creature,……

"Is it a psychological effect?"

"Forget it, let's quickly find out the secret of the origin of Pokemon, and then leave here and make plans."

While talking to himself, Tartaglia had already placed his hand on the door handle of the room.

What kind of scene would be behind this door?

In this small room, why can Su Yan always bring out Pokemon from inside, and the sizes and shapes are different.

And... After observing for the past few days, Tartaglia is sure that Su Yan has never left this store.

How does he eat, drink, and sleep?

Since entering the store just now, Tartaglia has not seen any rest facilities in it, not even a toilet...

It doesn't look like a place where people can live at all.

Then all the answers can only be hidden in this room...

Thinking of this.

Tartaglia's palm turned and pulled the door handle.


Just when he pushed open the door and opened his eyes wide to peek into this mysterious room……


"This this……"

At this time, the door was opened, and Tartaglia saw everything in the room.

But... why did this room give him a sense of déjà vu?

There were walls on all four sides, without any decoration, and only a counter in front.

Does this scene look familiar?

Tartaglia reacted almost subconsciously.

"Wait, how come I'm back to the store entrance?!"

Tadalia turned around quickly and opened the door behind him a crack.

Through the crack in the door, he could see Liyue Street outside.

That's right.

The moment he opened the door of the room, he not only did not peek inside, but even returned to the entrance of the Elf House without realizing it.

"Oh no, this is that person's anti-theft method!"

Tartaglia reacted instantly.

"How, how was this done?"

No wonder he was not stopped after entering the door. It turned out that the anti-theft measures arranged by the other party were so sophisticated.

He had no idea how he was tricked, and he had no idea what the means were.

But there was one thing... he was very clear.

Leave here.

This thought kept emerging in Tartaglia's mind.

He could no longer care about so much. Since he had stepped into the trap, he was afraid that Su Yan would find out sooner or later. He could only give up prying into the secret behind the door today. In a panic, he immediately opened the door of the shop.

Who knew that as soon as he stepped out of the door frame of the elf house.

The next second...

In Tartaglia's eyes, the scenery of Liyue Street suddenly changed.

The scenery in his eyes suddenly changed into four walls and that not-so-good-looking counter.


"I'm back again?"

Tartaglia turned around quickly.

He had just left the Elf House, but now the door appeared behind him again.

He opened the door again...

As expected, Liyue Street appeared in his eyes again.

At this moment,

Tartaglia's pupils shrank, and his cheerful face had completely disappeared, instead it was filled with horror.

"Damn it, how on earth am I trapped?!"

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