The place where Su Yan is now is no longer the world of the original gods.

That's right.

It is the elf world!

After learning that the elf world will merge with the original god world, Su Yan has been preparing for this.

He first awakened the super beasts from all over the world, and then constructed a new space in the highest [Pillar of the Spear] in [Tianguan Mountain] in the elf world.

Then, in this new space, he opened up a dimensional channel connecting [elves] and [original gods].

I still remember that Zhongli once heard Su Yan mention... that he has the ability to break the dimension.

Su Yan is not joking, but really has this ability.

At this time.

Su Yan, who returned to the elf world, looked up and saw one of the super beasts.

"Palkia, I'll leave the Liyue store to you. By the way, exile that guy named Tartaglia to the endless dark space early tomorrow morning, so as not to affect my popular science teaching to others. I don't want to see him for the time being."

Palkia is the god of space in the elf world.

It controls space, and as long as there is a concept of space, it can control it.

Tartaglia's current situation is its work.

Before, Su Yan took Ningguang and the others to teleport to the Jade Pavilion, and it was also under its control that the space transfer was carried out directly.

Usually, it hides in space.

As long as Palkia doesn't want to, no one can find it.

At this time, Palkia took a step forward, but when facing the bean-sized Su Yan, it responded with respect.

"Leave it to me, Lord Arceus.

Palkia responded with a deep dragon roar, a language unique to Pokémon, but Su Yan was able to fully understand its meaning.

However, he glanced at the dozen or so super beasts at present and said helplessly.

"Didn't I just tell you a while ago? My name is Su Yan, Su Yan, do you understand?"

After these words came out, all the elves and beasts looked at each other, embarrassed.

In their opinion... calling Su Yan by his name directly, isn't that too rude?

Fortunately, as Su Yan said, Meng Huan has now adapted to calling him by his name.

"Everyone, just listen to Su Yan. Look how easy it is for me to call you now. This will make Su Yan happy too."


With Menghuan as an example, these super beasts nodded immediately after a little hesitation.

""Master Su Yan."


Yan slapped his forehead.

Maybe he was Arceus in his previous life, but now he hopes to be friends with Pokémon instead of a superior-subordinate relationship.

Forget it, take your time.

"It's up to you guys."

Su Yan shook his head helplessly, and then his eyes fell on a place

"How is the situation on the Elf Island today? Are the elves all right?"

Just as Su Yan finished speaking, a Pokémon that was slightly smaller than the other super beasts suddenly walked out in front.

It was all white, with four golden hooves, and looked like an alpaca, with a halo of creation on its body.

Compared with the surrounding super beasts, this elf may be slightly smaller, but the sense of oppression emanating from it is ten or a hundred times stronger.

It was once the master of Tianguan Mountain and the Pillar of the Spear. It was also called Arceus, the God of Creation, by the people of the Elf World.

However... in front of Su Yan, this Arceus nodded respectfully and responded

"Master, please rest assured. We have taken all the elves that were abandoned, expelled from their territories, or had almost no ability to survive to the elf island you created. I have also informed the master that you will improve the physical fitness of the elves that have been taken over today and find new trainers for them."

"That's good."

After hearing this, Su Yan smiled at Arceus and said,"You are just like them. You can just call me by my name from now on. Although you are an incarnation created by me in my previous life, to me, you have life and are an independent individual. You don't need to call me master."


Arceus hesitated slightly, but his eyes were clearly filled with excitement.

"Since it is your wish, I shall obey"

"That's right."

Su Yan nodded, and then remembered something.

"I'm going back to the Fairy Island to rest now. Arceus, please help me bring Celebi here. I need it for something."


Arzeus was a little puzzled. Now that Su Yan had regained his power of creation, he was almost omnipotent, so why did he still need Celebi?

However, he did not ask why, because to Arceus, Su Yan was absolutely

"I know where Celebi is now, just leave it to me"

""Okay, please."

Su Yan smiled and took a step.


With a phase fluctuation, he disappeared in this space.

However, just as Su Yan left, those super beasts immediately surrounded Palkia and Mew.

"Now you two are with Lord Su Yan, so tell me, what is the world of the original gods like?"

At this moment, the super beasts all showed various curious faces.

Most of them were originally sleeping in the elf world, some were hiding in the endless depths of the sea and never showed up, and some were traveling around the world every day.

But their knowledge is ultimately only at the level of the elf world.

In the future, they will be exposed to another world, and they will be very curious.


After Su Yan opened up the dimensional channel, he only brought Palkia and Mew, and selected a few elves that could fight at any time.

Apart from this, no other super beasts were brought.

The reason is that they were afraid that they would all appear in the world of the original gods, which would accelerate the fusion of the two worlds.

Before completing the popular science, Su Yan only let them stay in this space.

This made them more and more itchy, and they were eager to know...���What is the divine world like?

At this moment, Menghuan's eyes curved like crescent moons, and he immediately imitated Su Yan and explained the science of these super divine beasts.

"Hehe, the world of Genshin Impact is also very beautiful. Su Yan and I are now in a place called Liyue, where there are also mountains and seas, and humans live a busy life."

"It's a pity that the technology in that world is far inferior to our elf world. There is not even a TV. And, and... I met two humans, one is called Ningguang and the other is called Keqing. They are both very beautiful.……"

"By the way, I also saw a god who can make money. He said a lot of things, but he was actually very poor. I felt ashamed for him."

At this moment, Menghuan was talking endlessly about the appearance of the original gods and humans.

The super beasts listened with relish.

When they heard that some humans could also use elemental power and personally participate in the elf battle, they were immediately surprised.

At the same time, under Menghuan's popular science, they became more and more curious about the new world.

The more curious they were, the more they couldn't help but

"Hey, when will Master Su Yan take us there?……"

At the same time.

After Su Yan used the"Phase Shift" movement method, he arrived at the Elf Island in the blink of an eye.

This is a sea area somewhere in the Elf World.

Originally, there was only an endless sea.

Until a few months ago...

Su Yan used his creative power to create such an island in this sea area where no one had passed.

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