"This... is the Elf House."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun transformed into a human and came to the door of the Elf House. Holding the red mirror frame in his hand, he carefully looked at Su Yan's shop.

Then he walked into the shop with enchanting steps.

Coincidentally... at this moment, in the depths of the shop, Menghuan was floating out of the room with Celebi.

Ningguang was also there.

Celebi was slightly larger than Menghuan in size. It was a jade-colored elf with a slightly greenish appearance. Its cute appearance was almost the same as Menghuan.

""What a cute Pokémon!"

Look, Ningguang was immediately attracted by its cuteness. Yes, it was exactly the same as when Keqing saw Mew.

It's just that Keqing dared to ask for Mew, but Ningguang didn't dare...

She knew very well that the Pokémon that could follow Su Yan must have extraordinary abilities.

At this time...

Celebi floated in front of Su Yan shyly, and then asked respectfully in the elven language:"Ah, Lord Arceus, please give me your orders."

But before Su Yan could speak, Mew pointed at Su Yan and

"Celebi, Su Yan doesn't like us calling him like that, from now on we have to call him by his name"

"Eh, is that so?"

Celebi blinked. Yesterday, it was sleeping in the ancestral hall in the Tong Forest (Oak Forest) of the Elf World. As a result, an alpaca suddenly appeared and scared it.

Then, after the alpaca's narration, it knew that something big was about to happen in the Elf World.

And now... it knew Su Yan's identity.

It just seemed a little reserved and afraid when it first met him.

"Yes, from now on, you can call me Su Yan just like Menghuan."

After saying that, Su Yan reached out and gently stroked Celebi's little head.

The friendly eyes, the easy-going tone, and the doting caress all made Celebi feel that the person in front of him seemed to be easy to get along with.


It nodded heavily and smiled.

Of course, Ningguang also saw this scene.

Seeing this warm picture, she couldn't help but smile.

Su Yan now was just like the group of children she often took care of. She loved him sincerely.

Although she couldn't understand the language of Celebi and Menghuan.

But this didn't prevent Ningguang from seeing Su Yan exuding charming charm.

For a moment, she was stunned.

It was not until Su Yan introduced Ningguang to Celebi that she hurriedly regained her mind.

"By the way, let me introduce you, this is Miss Ningguang"

"Hello, Celebi.

Ningguang regained her composure and quickly extended her slender hand in front of Celebi, waiting to touch her.


Celebi knew that this was the way humans greeted each other, so she immediately touched it with her little hand, and then said to Su Yan:"Su Yan, this Miss Ningguang has a red face, so beautiful"


Su Yan then turned his gaze to Ningguang, who indeed looked a little hot.

"Miss Ningguang, are you feeling unwell?"

Ningguang shook her head repeatedly.

"……I, I'm fine."

As Su Yan's eyebrows curled, he seemed to see something.

He just smiled faintly and did not continue the topic.

"Miss Ningguang, Celebi is the god of the forest. It can help the trees we plant grow quickly."

After hearing this, Ningguang, who was originally embarrassed, was suddenly surprised and asked,"God of the forest?!"

Is it the same concept as the god of Teyvat?

At this moment!

"God? God of the forest?!"

The voice came from the store entrance.

It was undoubtedly the True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng.

She was not eavesdropping, but just when she walked in, she happened to hear Su Yan introducing Celebi to Ningguang.

However, Su Yan seemed to have known about it for a long time and did not show any surprise.

Ningguang turned around and saw the newcomer.……



Ningguang only said one word before she was interrupted by Master Liuyunjiefeng.

She immediately understood.

"Xianyun, how come you are here?!"

As the Tianquan Star of the Seven Stars of Liyue, Ningguang had to deal with these immortals in the past.

Obviously, she knew this human incarnation of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun.

Xianyun was the human name of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun.

"This Immortal... ahem, I just happened to pass by here and saw the exquisite decoration of this store, so I was curious and entered. It was not my intention to come here"

"Exquisite decoration?"

Su Yan's mouth twitched, and then he pointed to the surrounding

"Are you referring to my decorations that are all walls? Or is it referring to this counter that I bought from a second-hand store?"


Xianyun had just stepped into the store, her mind was on Su Yan and Ningguang, and now she realized that this store really had no decoration at all.

No... She had heard that people in Liyue were talking about the Elf House these days, and each Pokémon was expensive.

Now, the excuse she made up in a hurry sounded like nonsense.

There was no other way, so she had to force it to the end.

"What do you know? This... This is called returning to nature. Anything with form and color will fade away one day. Only simplicity can last forever. That's right, I... I was attracted by the simple and natural decoration of this store."


Su Yan couldn't help but admire the man in front of him. He was indeed a super chat master. It turned out that he was not only good at chatting, but also good at talking nonsense. Of course, Su Yan also had a set of skills in chatting.

"So, Mr. Liuyunjiefeng, since you like to return to the simplicity of nature, why do you dress so gaudy?"

"Humph, that's because... Eh hey hey?! How did you know it was mine?"

Xianyun was about to respond, but the next second she realized that Su Yan had seen through her identity.

You know, she is now in human form.

Her pupils widened, and she looked at Su Yan in disbelief.

Ningguang next to her also had a look of surprise.

There are countless residents in Liyue, but only a handful of them know True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng.

As a visitor from outside the world, Su Yan actually knew the identity of the person in front of him clearly, and he was in the form of an incarnation.

Ningguang couldn't understand it...

She only heard Su Yan smile faintly and said,"In Liyue, I can't think of anyone else who is so good at chatting except you, True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng."

"Good vision!"

As soon as the words fell, Xianyun immediately gave a thumbs up.


At this moment, Ningguang's face was full of black lines, and her hands were covering her forehead.

She could hear that Su Yan was teasing Master Liuyun Jiefeng.

However, Master Liuyun Jiefeng actually took it as a compliment...

The two elves were also full of question marks at this moment.

"Menghuan, did you understand what that person said just now?"

"I don’t quite understand...but that person seemed to be praising Su Yan, saying that he decorated the store very well."

"Oh~ Su Yan is so awesome"

"Celebi, you don't know this, I was the one who helped Su Yan choose this second-hand counter."

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