A week has passed since Celebi brought life to the vegetation of Liyue.

Inside the Elf House

, Hu Tao was staring at the Rotom Pokédex.

"Oh my, I feel dizzy, I am almost dizzy!"

But soon, the two bright eyes turned into circles.

"No, I can't do it anymore, stop, stop."

She couldn't bear it any longer, so she could only yell at the Rotom Illustrated Book to stop. She felt like throwing up...

After a while, Kurumi glared at Su Yan and protested in dissatisfaction.

""Boss, your picture flashes too fast. I can't tell what Pokémon it is."

Su Yan spread his hands, looking helpless to the girl.

"Master Hu, if you can see clearly, then what is the point of extracting elves? By then, wouldn't every wealthy person go straight for quasi-god?"

"……That's right."

Hu Tao thought she didn't have much Mora, the kind that she couldn't afford even if she drew a quasi-god.

There was nothing she could do.

Who made the current Wangsheng Hall business so bad and poor?

Hu Tao really couldn't figure it out. She was already very���She was walking around the streets, asking everyone if they wanted to hold a funeral in advance, but she was always looked down upon.

It was difficult, too difficult.

Why was running a business so difficult?

Ten days ago, when the sky of Liyue was ripped by the fire sword, she even decided to do a loss-making business of buy one get the whole family bucket free. As a result, she was scolded...

Fortunately, Wangshengtang was very respected in Liyue before, and because of this, the previous generation still accumulated a lot of wealth.

Hu Tao thought that many people on the streets of Liyue now carry Pokémon.

If she also brought a Pokémon with her, it would definitely be more effective to promote it.

So, she came.

She was not very interested in the competition next month.

After all, she had only one goal, to restore the glory of Wangshengtang.

Then the question came.

To attract customers, you must draw a cute, beautiful, and super good-looking Pokémon.

In this way, when the customer is attracted by the Pokemon, she can take the opportunity to promote the business of the Hall of Rebirth. When the customer is confused, she can make a lot of money, and it is best to bring the whole family.

But... imagination is always beautiful, and reality is cruel.

Rotom's sliding pictures are too fast, and she can't see clearly at all.

There is no way, she can only resign herself to fate when her plan fails.

"So what did I draw?

Kurumi pouted and looked carefully at the picture where Rotom stopped.

The next second, her face turned ugly.……

""Ah, what is this?!"

The picture on the illustrated book was a completely incomprehensible Pokémon. Its characteristics... looked like a black hook that hooked up a golden mask.

It was not good-looking. Although it had its own characteristics, it looked very strange.

When Hu Tao saw this Pokémon, her whole body suddenly leaned back tactically.

You know, only the first draw in the Pokémon House is free.

If you don't want to... you have to pay Mora for the next draw.

But she was poor. She couldn't spend all the wealth accumulated by the previous generations at once.

How could she face the successive masters of the Hall of Rebirth? At this moment.

Su Yan saw Hu Tao's fainting behavior, and he was really helpless with this girl.

Even so, he still glanced at Rotom and patiently explained

"Well... Master Hu Tao, you drew [Crying Mask], a ghost-type Pokémon."


When the word 'ghost' was mentioned, Hu Tao instantly perked up.

This time, she neither fainted nor fell.

Seeing Hu Tao's excitement after hearing the word 'ghost', Su Yan was even more amused.

"That's right, the Crying Mask is a Pokémon born from ancient clay that absorbed strong resentment, and it can evolve into the Death Coffin (Diluo Coffin) in the future."

Who knew that just after Su Yan finished his popular science, Hu Tao became even more excited.

"Can it evolve into a coffin?"

"Coffin? Yes, ah... no, but it doesn't seem to be wrong."

Su Yan looked at Hu Tao with a more and more strange look, and he immediately asked tentatively:"Why? Master Hu wants this elf?"

"Yes, yes, yes."

Walnut nodded repeatedly without hesitation, and then said:"This Pokémon is amazing. When it evolves into a coffin, I can then take it around to show customers as a sample. It simply exists for the Hall of the Dead!"

"……Pull, pull the coffin as a sample for the guests to see?"

Su Yan's mouth twitched several times.


As long as you are happy...

I hope you don't get beaten to death on the road.

Seeing a strange girl like Hu Tao, Menghuan and Celebi beside them showed different strange expressions.

"This girl is so weird"

"Right, right, a girl who likes the coffin of the god of death, I really couldn't imagine it before."

While the two little guys were talking to each other...

Hu Tao, who had come to his senses at this moment, suddenly asked weakly

"Wait, boss, how much is this coffin? It's too expensive, I can't afford it."

How could Hu Tao not have thought that one day she would have to buy a coffin from someone?

"……Its name is Crying Mask. Even after it evolves, it is still called Death Coffin, not Coffin. Thank you."

Su Yan knocked his head, and seemed to be hesitant about whether to sell Crying Mask to Walnut.

After thinking about it... forget it, this is the rule he set, and he can't break it himself.

Besides, Walnut can't abuse Pokémon... right?

After a little consideration, Su Yan said:"The characteristics of Crying Mask are quite special. It is more expensive than other Pokémon of the same level, four million Mora."

In the future, when Crying Mask evolves into Death Coffin, although its overall strength is not very strong.

But the unique characteristic 'Mummy' can make the opponent Pokémon lose its characteristics, which is quite special.

"Four million?"

Hu Tao heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Fortunately , fortunately, she could still afford four million.……

"Please wait a moment."

Su Yan turned around and walked into the room.

After a while... he came out with a crying mask.

Just as he walked to the counter... a familiar voice suddenly sounded from the door

""Boss! I'm here again!!!"

Upon hearing the voice, Hu Tao immediately turned around, and Su Yan smiled bitterly. He didn't need to look up to know who was coming.


Since she failed to win the gold here a while ago, she has been here every day for a week.

Yes, she has been drawing for a week.

To be honest, Beidou's luck is not bad. The elves she drew are both strong and weak.

But she just wants to draw a quasi-god...

Su Yan has already earned more than 10 million yuan from her drawing fees.

Only when Beidou came in and saw Hu Tao and the crying mask that Su Yan had just put on the counter, she immediately showed a dashing smile.

"Oh, there are guests."

Su Yan could only respond with a smile:"Hello, Miss Beidou, are you still drawing the God of Accuracy today?"

"Of course!"

Even though he didn't draw the quasi-god he wanted in a week, Beidou was still full of confidence.

On the other hand, after seeing Beidou, Hu Tao's eyes suddenly had little stars.

"Sister Beidou?!"

Su Ye smiled lightly, and then introduced Beidou:"This is Hu Tao, the head of the Wangsheng Hall, who just bought a crying mask from me."

""Ah, hello."

Beidou extended his hand generously.

In Hu Tao's mind, Beidou was a famous person in Liyue, and now he was standing in front of her.

You can imagine how excited she was.

"Hello, Sister Beidou, I am Hu Tao, and I have always been looking forward to meeting you and making friends with you."

"Hahaha, of course, we'll be friends from now on."

Beidou's personality destined her to have a wide range of friends.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Beidou was attracted by the crying mask.

""Hu Tao, is this the Pokémon you drew?"

Hu Tao nodded like a chick pecking at rice and introduced:"Yes, Sister Beidou, it's called Crying Mask, and it can evolve into a Coffin in the future."

Su Yan next to him rolled his eyes and corrected:"It's the Death Coffin"


However, Beidou looked thoughtful.

She had heard of the Hall of the Rebirth, but she didn't expect that a girl as beautiful and cute as Walnut would like coffin-type Pokémon.

But soon, Beidou suddenly raised his head and said to Su Yan

"Boss, hurry up, I want to draw Pokemon, I have a feeling that I will definitely draw a quasi-god today!!"


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