"Why are you in such a hurry... Isn't there still two or three days left?"

After leaving the Elf House, Su Yan brought Menghuan and Celebi to Guyun Pavilion.

This is a group of broken islands at the far end of Liyue Port.

It is rumored that the Rock King, Zhongli, once fought fiercely with the Whirlpool Demon God, and finally cast a rock spear to suppress it in this sea area.

The broken rock spears also turned into archipelagos.

However... ten days ago, Menghuan slashed the sea with a fire sword, and the sword energy brushed past Guyun Pavilion.

When Su Yan just appeared here, he could see the shockingly smooth incision, which pierced through the entire island group like a fishbone, just like tearing open the seal.

Now it seems that the seal of Guyun Pavilion has only the last barrier left.

The Whirlpool Demon God is likely to break the seal at any time.

As for the person who spoke just now... yes, the one standing on the protruding rock pillar was Zhongli.

The changes in Guyun Pavilion naturally attracted his attention.

Look at the side of the rock pillar.

There is a lazy young man dressed in white and green robes, dressed like an ancient noble, and he also waved over here.

"Hello, you must be the owner of the Elf House. Mr. Zhongli just mentioned you to me. Nice to meet you. I am Wendy, a bard who travels around the world.

The most eye-catching thing is the dragon next to the boy.

After introducing himself, Wendy also introduced the dragon.

"This is Tevarin, the East Wind Dragon of Mondstadt."

After the voice fell, Su Yan smiled and nodded, as a response:"The Wind God of Mondstadt is indeed worthy of its reputation."

That's right, this young man is the God of Mondstadt, the idle God who never cares about things.

Of course, it may be so in the eyes of outsiders.

But in fact, this Wind God has been silently guarding Mondstadt. He blows away the wind and snow, flattens the mountains, makes the climate of Mondstadt pleasant and suitable for survival, and can remember the names of each of his people.

He gives people freedom, but every time Mondstadt encounters a disaster, he will always stand up.

Well, he is a good god, but it's a pity that he has a mouth that can fool people.

Of course, the name Wendy is just used by the Wind God in the world, just like 'Zhongli', the incarnation of Morax.

Only after Su Yan revealed his true identity, Wendy was surprised and said:"You, you know me?"

"Mr. Su Yan is mysterious, so it's normal for him to know your identity."

Thinking back to when they first met, Su Yan also knew his identity at a glance, Zhongli seemed to have gotten used to it.

Instead, he turned to Wendy and asked,"By the way, Barbatos, why are you, the wind god, not staying in Mondstadt, but coming here?"

Obviously, these two were not together before.

"As for me, of course I came here for Pokémon."

Wendy chuckled, then looked at Zhongli meaningfully and said,"As soon as I arrived in Liyue, I saw you running over here in a hurry, so I followed you out of curiosity."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhongli glanced at Wendy and smiled.

""Heh, Barbatos, I don't think you can afford Pokémon."

He was very sensitive to Mora. He could tell at a glance that Wendy was penniless.

The Pokémon in the Elf House cost more than 100,000 or even 1 billion Mora. Zhongli didn't think Wendy could afford it.

This was the fact...

After being exposed by Zhongli, Wendy's face suddenly became embarrassed.

Yes, let alone Pokémon, he was now penniless and couldn't even afford his favorite dandelion wine.

"Hey, old friend, why are you talking about something else?"

As soon as they finished speaking, they heard a dreamy voice complaining in their minds.

"Zhongli said this as if he could afford it. How come all the gods in this world are paupers?"

Zhongli and Wendy:"Uh."

They looked at each other, and then Wendy burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha...it turns out that Morax can't afford Pokémon either. I'm dying of laughter."

"Well, what do you know? I just had other plans."

How embarrassing Wendy's situation was just now, Zhongli was embarrassed now.

He hurriedly tried to change the subject with Su Yan.

Unexpectedly, Su Yan had walked in front of Tevarin.

This was a blue dragon with six wings.

Compared with humans, it was as strong as a mountain. In terms of size, it was comparable to the super beasts in the elf world.

At this time, Su Yan raised his head and smiled.

"Hello, Tevarin, can you shake my hand?"


Tevarin not only can speak human language, but also can understand it.

But for some reason, the person standing in front of it, even if he is as small as a sesame seed, gave it a feeling...

This person seemed to have a special magic that made it irresistible.

Look, Tevarin actually raised his paw involuntarily and lightly touched Su Yan's raised palm.

Seeing this scene, Wendy's eyes widened immediately.

He secretly sent a message to Zhongli, his tone full of nervousness

"Who is this friend from outside the world? He, he is not trying to kidnap my Tevarin, is he?"

At this moment, Zhongli was also staring at this scene in a daze. He could see that Tevarin raised his claws just now, as if he had raised them without thinking.

To put it simply, it was like Su Yan's words just now, like an order.

And Tevarin obeyed this order.

Zhongli knew very well that this East Wind Dragon was Wendy's follower, but at this moment he could not resist Su Yan's request...

This was by no means something that could be explained clearly by common sense.

As for Wendy's doubts, Zhongli also felt

"I also want to know where he comes from."

At this moment, after Su Yan touched Tewarin, he slowly withdrew his hand and then looked at the layout around Guyun Pavilion.

He was still muttering something.……

"It’s really interesting. Why didn’t I think of this possibility before coming to Teyvat?"


At this time, Zhongli and Wendy looked at Su Yan in confusion.


At this moment, Su Yan smiled and shook his head.

But anyone could see that he seemed a little absent-minded since he came to Guyun Pavilion.

Seeing that Su Yan did not respond, Zhongli frowned and asked:"Mr. Su Yan, you once said that if the Whirlpool Demon God awakens, you will kill it yourself. Now I guess it will break the seal and appear in the sea in less than two or three days. What are your plans?"

Then, Zhongli seemed to feel that this was inappropriate and added another sentence.

"If you need it, you can let me do it. Since I can seal it once, I can seal it a second time."

"No need, you don't have to do anything, just let me handle this."

In fact, Zhongli and the others could sense the changes in the Lonely Cloud Pavilion, so how could Su Yan not know it?

Otherwise, he would not be here.

However, he originally wanted to come here to take a look and then decide how to deal with this vortex demon.

But after seeing Wendy and the East Wind Dragon, he suddenly had a new idea.

Suddenly, Su Yan looked up and said to Zhongli

"Also, I changed my mind and decided not to kill it like that."

After hearing this,

Zhongli's handsome eyebrows frowned.

"What's the meaning?"


Su Yan smiled and then said something that shocked Zhongli and Wendy.

"This vortex demon... I want it!"


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