
As soon as Mond and his four companions stepped into the elf house, a voice of Fantasy suddenly rang in their minds.

As soon as the voice fell, Lisa, Ying, and Keli all raised their heads in surprise.

The first thing they saw was Fantasy.

Lisa was even more surprised because she realized that the voice was transmitted through her mind.

However, this trace of surprise was quickly dispelled.……


"A hairless cat!!"

A cute little girl with elf ears, wearing a red dress and a red hat suddenly jumped up, her face full of excitement, and even pulled Lisa's sleeve.

"I want this pink cat."

However, when this was said, Menghuan suddenly became anxious.

It put its hands on its waist and responded with a dissatisfied look.

"……I'm not a cat!"

Since Su Yan's last time to popularize Pokemon for the people of Liyue, how long has it been since people thought it was a cat?

Just when Menghuan was anxious, there was also a magical creature floating in the air, it was the famous Paimon.

She sucked her fingers and looked Menghuan up and down.

"Not a cat? Are you also an emergency food?"

But she soon realized that there was something wrong with this sentence.

Why did I say 'also’……?

"What did you say?!"

For a moment, Menghuan stared at Paimon, very angry.

The two little guys floating in the air stared at each other, and there were faint sparks rubbing.

Such an atmosphere made the blonde girl quickly pull Paimon away, and then said to Menghuan:"Sorry, sorry, Paimon didn't mean it, I apologize to you on his behalf."

"Woohoo, Ying, you are so biased."

Paimeng spread his hands innocently.

Ying had given it the name of emergency food, and she had never apologized to him.

The originally quiet store suddenly became lively...

Su Yan, standing in the new counter, felt a sense of nostalgia when he saw these familiar faces.

The fatigue of the past few days seemed to be swept away.

He smiled and greeted them.

"A few friends from Mondstadt, this is my partner Mew, also a Pokémon, but it is not a hairless cat, its hair is too fine to be seen by human eyes."

At this time, Lisa's beautiful eyes fell on Su Yan.

She heard Qin say that the owner of the Elf House came from outside the world, including Pokémon.

And the Pokémon he owned was extremely powerful. Not only could he force back two Liyue Seven Stars with one blow, but he also had the existence of fairy magic.

For this reason, she had to pay attention to the person in front of her.

Of course... They came all the way from Mondstadt, and Lisa didn't know what happened in Liyue these days. After all, she went straight to the Elf House as soon as she arrived in Liyue, and the information from Teyvat was lagging behind.

"Sorry, Boss, these two guys didn't mean it. Wait, how do you know we're from Mond?!"

"I know……"

Seeing Lisa suddenly become surprised while talking, Su Yan smiled and glanced at the people in front of him.

"The Knight of Favonius, librarian, Ms. Lisa"

"Klee, the Spark Knight of the Knights of Favonius"

"There is also Ying, the adventer and Mondstadt Honor Knight, who is on a journey to find his brother, and... the legendary emergency food, Paimon."

"Welcome to the Elf House."

Listening to Su Yan listing the names and identities of Lisa and others like a treasure, it is conceivable how surprised Lisa was.……

"You, you actually know us?!"

Look, those mature and charming lips couldn’t close for a long time.

However, in this situation, there will always be someone who breaks this serious occasion.

Sure enough...

While Lisa was astonished, Paimon suddenly shouted excitedly:"Oh oh oh, Ying, we are famous! Now even the people in Liyue know our name!"


Ying immediately touched her forehead with a headache.

Paimon, it seems that she still doesn't understand the situation...

Is emergency food a good name?

However, Su Yan looked at Paimon's appearance, and a familiar feeling arose in his heart.

He looked at Lisa with a smile, and then said:"Haha, Miss Lisa, don't think too much, you come to me, you also want Pokémon, right?"


Lisa nodded. They had come all the way from Mondstadt to Liyue. They came for Pokémon.

Of course, there was another reason.……

"Boss, I heard that you will also hold a Pokemon event. Can you tell me the details?"

Pokemon comparable to immortals, the Knights of Favonius naturally want it too.

This is what Qin Qian told him before leaving.

Of course.

Su Yan would not hide anything from Lisa's question.

"Well... that's the case, but the exact time has not been decided yet, but it will be soon, I will announce it in three days."

In fact, Su Yan's sudden announcement of holding a Pokémon competition was not a whim.

After all, Pokémon is unfamiliar to people in the world view of the original god.

In order to let people better understand Pokémon, holding a competition is the best way to popularize science. What's more, the prize is a legendary Pokémon with the power of a fairy.

As for the date, it is undecided.

That's because Su Yan plans to announce the time after the first Pokémon comes, so that those who can't afford Pokémon can have a chance.

And the day that was supposed to come next month was also advanced because of the appearance of Lugia...

Yes, the day... is today!

"Three days later? I see."

Lisa's face was filled with astonishment. Fortunately, they didn't stay on the road for too long.

Now, they have to extract the elves quickly, otherwise they will not be able to catch up with the progress.

"Boss, let me smoke first."

"No problem."

Lisa was in the lead, and Su Yan immediately called Rotom

"��Before that, let me explain the rules to you.……"

After explaining the rules of drawing and buying to Lisa, she memorized them one by one.

"OK, I understand, boss."

"Then let's get started!"

As Rotom's illustrated book spun at high speed, Lisa's expression was almost the same as the others', showing great nervousness.

The difference was that Lisa silently said in her heart:……

"Don't be too expensive, don't draw too expensive Pokémon!"

In fact, this time she came to Liyue to learn about Pokémon and to serve as a vanguard for the Knights of Favonius.

But... the Knights of Favonius are very poor.

From Jean, she learned that Ningguang bought a Pokémon for a price of 1 billion.

To be honest, Lisa can't afford this price...

If it was Jean from the Gunnhild family, she could still afford it, but the Knights of Favonius needed"quantity" rather than"quality".

But in terms of extraction, it can only be left to fate.


When Lisa nervously held her hands and shouted"Stop!", Rotom's rotation also stopped abruptly.

Then, Lisa, Ying, Paimon and Klee, all eight eyes fell on Rotom.

A green bud appeared on it, small and cute, but it didn't look powerful at all.

Of course, Su Yan had to explain it to them.

"Oh... Miss Lisa, the Pokémon you drew is Mimosa."

At this point, Su Yan suddenly looked up and stared at Lisa for a few seconds, then smiled and said:"Maybe it's fate. Although the Pokémon you drew is weak now, as long as it has a close bond with you, it can evolve into a rose-type Pokémon, which is very suitable for your title of Rose Witch."


Lisa had done some research before coming here, and knew that elves could evolve.

Now she heard that an elf that looked like a flower bud could actually evolve into her favorite rose...

It seemed like it was destined.

But she still asked with some concern:"Boss, how many Moras does this elf need?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Su Yan stretched out three fingers.

"Three million molas"


Lisa was relieved.

Great, she could afford it.

"Boss, I want this mimosa!"

However, just when Su Yan was about to take the elf out, Lisa continued,"Boss... Can I continue to draw? Someone asked me to help him draw an elf."

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