If you were to ask... what is the most iconic building in Liyue.

Then, the people of Liyue would definitely point to a magnificent palace floating in the sky.

It is called the Qun Yu Pavilion.

It is owned by Ningguang, one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, the 'Tian Quan Star'.

The Qun Yu Pavilion is not only magnificent and gorgeous, but also uses various precious materials to enable it to float in the air.

There is no other such a grand work in the whole of Liyue.

Early this morning, Keqing invited to the Qun Yu Pavilion.

In the office of the Qun Yu Pavilion... at this time, two women were talking, one of whom was Keqing, and as for the other... a mature woman with waist-length snow-white hair and wearing a tight cheongsam with gold and white inlays, was now talking to Keqing.

"I think your suggestion to me last time was too risky. After all, the Seven Stars Invitation Ceremony is coming soon. Let’s talk about this matter after that."

There is no doubt that this beautiful and mature woman is the richest woman in Liyue! She is also the one who controls the Tianquan Star among the Seven Stars of Liyue... Ningguang!

Keqing seemed to have anticipated Ningguang's statement.

"Now that Liyue has begun to enter the era of human rule, it is time for the immortals to withdraw. Humans, in the end, will have to rely on themselves."

There are immortals in Liyue.

For thousands of years, the people of Liyue have been blessed by the immortals and have lived through the war-torn era in peace.

The people of Liyue all respect the immortals.

But there are also people like Keqing who only respect the immortals in their hearts, but think that the times are different now. Now this is the capital of trade and the era of human management.

People should use their own hands to protect themselves, rather than always relying on immortals.

In her opinion, only in this way can Liyue have a future.

In fact, when has Ningguang never thought about it?

"I understand what you said……"

Ningguang looked at Keqing and said,"But if we want to protect Liyue with our own hands, we still need strength. You know that not many people have the Eye of God.……"

The voice fell.

Keqing was silent at this time.


The gods and immortals of Liyue all possess very powerful strength, not to mention that Liyue’s most respected master, Emperor Geo, is also one of the most ancient gods.

This is incomparable to humans, at least this is the current situation.

It would be fine if nothing happened, but once something beyond human control happens, without the protection of the gods and immortals... the consequences will be disastrous.

Keqing's silence means that she understands that what Ningguang said is true, and she knows that she dare not gamble on the future easily.

After all, if humans want to be independent, they must have a protective power.

In the world of Teyvat, the reason why humans have the ability to compete with monsters is all because of the elemental power given by something called"Eye of God".

Unfortunately, the number of Eyes of God is extremely rare, and they will select their holders.

How easy is it for humans to rely on their own hands to protect Liyue?


Keqing suddenly looked up at Ningguang

"Ningguang, let me introduce you to a partner"


Ningguang looked at Keqing in confusion. She had already taken out a red and white sphere from her waist.

The sphere was about the size of Keqing's palm and was something Ningguang had never seen before.

"What's this?"

"This should be a kind of container, something called a 'Pokeball'."

Yes, this is the Pokeball that Su Yan gave to Keqing after she bought Tanshi.

As soon as she threw the Pokeball lightly.


The Pokeball, which was originally the size of the palm of her hand, instantly expanded by twice as much.

The moment the sphere opened, it burst into a dazzling red light.

This made Ningguang and Keqing raise their hands to resist.

However, the next second...

Ningguang was stunned.

Just because a strange creature ran out of the red light released from the Pokeball.


Su Yan taught Keqing how to use the Pokeball yesterday, so before going up to the Jade Pavilion, she had already put Tanshi in it.

In fact, when Su Yan demonstrated yesterday, Keqing's expression was the same as Ningguang's now, both were confused and horrified.

After all, a small palm-sized sphere could actually fit a 60-centimeter-long Tanshi. Keqing racked her brains and couldn't figure out the principle of this thing.

At this time, in addition to being horrified by the Pokeball, Ningguang's eyes were attracted by Tanshi.

"This, this is a monster?!"

Keqing looked at Tan Xiaoshi with a gentle look in her eyes.

"It's called Tanshi. It's not a monster. It's a Pokémon I bought from the [Pokemon House] on Liyue Street yesterday."

"Pokémon? Pokémon House?

Ningguang raised her eyebrows, as if she was thinking, as if she was recalling.

But she had never heard of these two words before.

Keqing naturally took in Ningguang's expression.

"It seems that you don’t know about this store either."

As expected…

When Ningguang saw the Poké Ball, she guessed that she didn’t know about the Poké House.

Otherwise, with her personality, she would definitely buy a Pokémon…

And how could a Poké House that even Ningguang didn’t know about do business in Liyue?

Keqing is very smart. She has guessed that Su Yan must have used some means to open a store on Liyue Street.

The most brilliant thing is that this means can even be concealed by Ningguang.


"This is what happened."

At this moment, Keqing told Ningguang that she had accidentally seen two Pokémon on the street, and then found Su Yan's shop, as well as everything that happened afterwards.

At first, it was nothing...

But when Ningguang heard that Su Yan and the so-called Pokémon were from outside the world, her expression began to fluctuate.

In fact, she was more and more surprised the more she listened.

"Cultivating the elves to their strongest form, their power can be comparable to that of gods?!"


In Liyue, immortals and gods all possess great divine power, and immortal magic is endless.

However, now Keqing tells herself that humans can become partners with these [Pokemon], and they also have the potential to be comparable to immortals and gods?

Is this possible?

Let alone Ningguang, Keqing didn't take Su Yan's words to heart before.

"Pokémon do have all sorts of strange moves, I've already confirmed that. As for whether they really have the potential to become gods... I'm not sure whether what that person said is true or not, how about... you judge for yourself?"


Ningguang rested her hand on her chin, her eyes fixed on Tan Xiaoshi.

Ever since it came out of the Poké Ball, it has been curiously looking around.

Sometimes it looks around curiously on the table, and sometimes it is curious about the decorations in the room. No matter how you look at it, it looks harmless.

Not to mention, in Ningguang's eyes, Tan Xiaoshi is like a child who is curious about everything.


Ningguang loved children very much. After observing Tan Xiaoshi's behavior, she unconsciously revealed a gentle smile.

"Pokémon... cute little creatures"

"But the man named Su Yan said that when it grows up, its power will be comparable to that of a fairy god... I find it hard to imagine this, because in my opinion, this is absolutely impossible!"

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