"Master, Master, Master?!"

When the fox saw General Lei Dian actually saluted Su Yan, it is conceivable that the expression on his face was even more exciting than when Keqing saw Su Yan.

At this time, Keqing was also stunned. That was Inazuma's god.


Ying, who was trapped in the"One Heart Pure Land", also saw this scene at this time.

"This is impossible!"

Seeing her own flesh and blood, the puppet she created, actually calling Su Yan"Master"?

Ying was more surprised than anyone else present, and a little ashamed, after all, it was her body.


Su Yan just smiled faintly:"Why? How difficult is it for a puppet's consciousness to erase the orders you gave her?"~~?"

After hearing this, Ying became even more uneasy.

"How is this possible? I can't even erase the instructions I gave her. How did you do it?--?"

"How to do it?"

This time, Su Yan showed a sarcastic smile.

As long as he wanted, he could change even the laws of Teyvat, not to mention the orders of a mere demon god.

Just now, Su Yan slapped General Lei Dian's forehead. In fact, he did not give a substantial attack, but more like a mental shock.

In this way, he erased General Lei Dian's order.

However, he did not answer Ying's question, there was no need, but turned his head to look at Yae Shen Zi, and then pointed at General Lei Dian's puppet.

"If I want, she can be Inazuma's god now. Now... do you think you are still qualified to negotiate with me?"


Yae Shinko suddenly didn't know how to answer this question. Even though she had a quirky personality and usually had many ideas.

But now, General Thunder had been controlled by Su Yan, and he wanted to easily take over the entire Inazuma.

People would only think that this General Thunder was still the god...

What bargaining chip did she have to negotiate?

Could it be... that she could only watch Ying fall in front of her?


Yae Shinko's mind was spinning frantically, and suddenly.

She hurriedly asked:"Mr. Su, Su Yan, since you know Teyvat and Inazuma, you should know that I am in charge of Yae Hall, right?"


Su Yan raised his eyebrows slightly. Yae Shenzi was the editor-in-chief of 'Yaetang' and had all the rights.

But he didn't understand why Yae Shenzi asked this question, so he immediately asked with interest:"Why? You want to recommend a novel to me?"

"Haha, Mr. Su Yan is joking." Yajyoshiko bowed slightly with great respect, and then said:"I heard from

Miss Keqing that Mr. Su Yan is committed to promoting Pokemon, and Yajyotang has many loyal readers all over the world. As long as you nod, I am willing to help you promote Pokemon unconditionally."


Su Yan stared at Yae Shinko with great interest.

As expected of the head priestess of Naruto Grand Shrine, she was an old fox who had lived for countless years.

In this situation, she could still calmly analyze what she valued, and did not make it a condition. Instead, she said... to help her unconditionally.

"Oh, interesting woman."

Su Yan looked at the Goddess again, with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

Yes, promoting Pokémon is what he wants most.

If Yaedou can promote Pokémon to the whole of Teyvat, it can indeed save a lot of work.

Just like Ningguang can help expand his business, then Yae Goddess can play a role in publicity.

Everyone has their own areas of expertise.

But praise is praise, only Su Yan smiled and said:"Interesting, I am a little interested, but not enough……"


Yae Shinko knew very well that it would be impossible to exchange Huiying with only Yaetang's condition.

"Mr. Su Yan might as well say it directly, as long as I can do it."

Su Yan thought about it, and then looked at General Lei Dian beside him.

Then look at Ying in the 'Issue Pure Land' in the palm of his hand...

After all, he came to Inazuma only to rescue the elves, and now the scattered soldiers and Kanjo Bugyo have been destroyed.

General Lei Dian drew his sword against himself, but he erased the order and became a real puppet in name only.

As for Ying... her inaction caused Inazuma to lack resources, rebellions broke out, and the people were living in misery.

Although it was the 'Kanjo Bugyo' and 'Tenryo Bugyo' who deceived their superiors and concealed the truth.

But the reason for all this is that Ying, as a god, hides in the Issue Pure Land every day, pursuing eternity.


But this is Inazuma's own business, Su Yan doesn't care.

He doesn't want to be a saint. The only thing he wants is that the elves will not affect his plan when they come, and the rest doesn't matter.

Thinking of this...

Su Yan suddenly said:"In addition to the promotion of Yaedo, there are three conditions. As long as you and Ying can accomplish three things, I can let her go.

Seeing the hope of a turnaround, Yae God nodded repeatedly:"Please tell me."

"The first condition."

Su Yan also raised a finger without hesitation and said:"Within seven days, all the Fatui in Inazuma will be killed. Now the scattered soldiers have been killed by me, and don't tell me that you can't deal with the rest of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals."

As long as the Fatui exist in Inazuma, Su Yan will not be at ease about the safety of Pokémon.

What's more, there is a"pervert" in the Fatui.

Although Su Yan can control the Thunder General, Liyue is about to merge, and he doesn't want to be distracted and pay attention to the situation on Inazuma.

As soon as he puts forward the first condition,

"The scattered soldiers have been……"

There was a flash of surprise on Yae Shinko's face, but she quickly recovered. After seeing Su Yan's absolute strength, it seemed natural.

She nodded repeatedly and said,"No problem."

At this time, Su Yan raised his second finger.

"The second condition is... any family that colluded with the Fatui must be killed if they are guilty. Do you understand what I mean?"

"You mean the Tenryo Bugyo, right?"

Yae Shenzi gave a bitter smile. In fact, she had secretly investigated during this period of time. In addition to the Kanjo Bugyo, there was also the Tenryo Bugyo who colluded with the Fatui.

Now that the Kanjo Bugyo has been destroyed by Su Yan, there is only the Tenryo Bugyo left.

Who would have thought that two of the three Inazuma Bugyo colluded with outsiders?

It can only be said that... what Su Yan said to Ying just now is not unreasonable.

At this time, Yae Shenzi immediately narrated to Ying all the recent events in Inazuma.

After listening...

Ying realized that so many things had happened during this period of time.

"This is because I did not fulfill my responsibilities. I am indeed an incompetent god. I will personally fulfill the second condition you mentioned."

"Very good."

Su Yan did not propose a third condition, but turned his eyes to the puppet of General Lei Dian.

"After you finish these two things, come to Liyue to find me, and I will tell you the third condition. As for this guy, he will stay with me for the time being, and I will return him to you after you finish the three things."


Hearing this, Ying suddenly raised his head.

"You, you won't do anything strange to my body, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Su Yan said without hesitation:"I'm not interested in an empty shell."

Then, he said disdainfully

"Tsk, I don't like soulless guys. I was originally considering whether to revive Shin and let her manage Inazuma, and let her see how incompetent you, her sister, are. But after thinking about it carefully, this will only fulfill your wish, so I decided not to do it."

""What? What?!"

At this moment, Ying was no longer calm.

She was shaking... because of excitement.

"You just said you can revive your sister?"

The same is true for Yae Shinko. Su Yan's words undoubtedly gave them endless hope.

After all, they all have people they care about the most, but these people either died in battle or died for other reasons.

For thousands of years, Ying just couldn't get over the death of the previous Thunder God.

That's why he devoted himself to the pursuit of eternity, wanting to protect his sister's beloved Inazuma and make her an eternal existence, but he ended up taking the wrong path.

Now after hearing Su Yan's words, how can they not be excited.

However, facing the two excited……

"What? Is resurrection so difficult? Even my Phoenix King can do it!"

Su Yan seemed to be answering, and then said:"But even if you beg me, it's useless. I have no obligation to help you revive your relatives. You should think about how to complete the two things I just mentioned." Just after he finished speaking...


Su Yan's face suddenly changed, as if he sensed something

"Shit, Liyue's arrival has been accelerated by several hours. Is it because I used the"Sanction Light Gravel" just now?"


Just as he was talking, Su Yan suddenly sensed that the world had suddenly undergone a subtle change.

·· ········Request flowers0 ·····

Soon he realized that this change came from the direction of Liyue.

·· ········��Flowers0 ·····

There is only one reason that can change the world.

The time for the Pokémon to come has come!

He usually restrains his power, at least before completing the popular science, he tries not to speed up the arrival.

Unexpectedly, today he got angry, even if he controlled his power, the result was that the arrival was accelerated.

At this time...

Yae Shinko and Ying seemed to want to say something, but Su Yan ignored them and asked Keqing instead

""Ms. Keqing, I see that the tannin in your Pokéball has evolved. Do you want to go back to Liyue? I can give you a ride."

Keqing was shocked by what happened today.

She was still in a daze until Su Yan spoke.

"Ah, yes, I am preparing to return to Liyue. By the way, Mr. Su Yan, did you come to Inazuma by boat?"

"Take a boat?"

Su Yan laughed and threw the ball of light in his hand to the Eightfold God.

"I have reinforced the space of 'One Heart Pure Land'. You can take her with you. If you want to get her body back, come to me in Liyue after you are done."

"Space reinforcement?!"

The Eightfold Son of God quickly took over the Pure Land, looking stunned:"I, I can actually hold the space in my hands?!"

However, at this time, Su Yan grabbed the hand of General Lei Dian next to him with his right hand, stepped lightly, and came to Keqing in a blink of an eye.

.... 0

.... 0

Then... he pulled up Keqing with his left hand and stepped forward again.


The space barrage rose, and the three people disappeared.

At this moment.

In the sky, Yae Shinko and the shadow in the space were all in disbelief.

But soon they caught sight of the disappeared Su Yan, who was now standing in the ruins of Hiiragi Shinsuke's house on the outlying island.

"He, his speed, why, why is it so fast?!"

On the ruins.

General Lei Dian's expression was unresponsive. After all, after the command was erased, it was just an empty shell.

Keqing's eyes widened. She hadn't even reacted yet...

At this time, Su Yan saw those merchants hugging their Pokémon tightly, and some even said with distressed faces.

"Bell Bud, I will never let you leave my side again. Anyone who wants to take you away will have to step over my dead body first."

"Mo Hai Ma, I'm so glad you're okay, so glad."

Looking at the merchants' worried and excited expressions, Su Yan smiled knowingly.

Before, when these merchants were facing the weapons of the soldiers who carried out the survey, they disregarded their own safety. Su Yan saw it all.

"Forget it, let's go back to Liyue."

Su Yan stepped on his feet again.

This time, the"Phase" wave popped up, and the three of them left Inazuma in the blink of an eye.

"They disappeared again!"

At this moment, Yae Shenzi and Ying could no longer sense Su Yan's breath.

"Could he, could he have teleported back to Liyue?!"

Compared to the astonishment of Yae Shinko, Ying seemed to have a glimmer of hope in his heart after being stunned.

"He, he might really be able to revive my sister. Son of God, help me, I have to complete the two tasks he has given me as quickly as possible, and then go to Liyue to beg him, no matter what conditions he may put forward."


Hearing Ying's words, Yae Shinko seemed relieved and even showed a sly smile.


If I had known this would happen, I should have gone to Liyue with Miss Keqing and asked Mr. Su Yan to come and treat you.

"……I wish I had known him earlier, so that my sister might not have died, and I wouldn't have to isolate myself and take this long detour."

""Oh, it's not too late now, don't worry, I will help you."

Yae Shenzi said leisurely, and then his expression became gloomy, and the 'scrap' look was gone.

"It’s time to clean up the dregs of Inazuma!"

At the same time... on the outskirts of Liyue Mountain, a space crack opened up...

Suddenly, a huge rhinoceros beetle emerged from the crack.

There was no doubt that this was Heracross from Pokémon.

It was confused and its face was full of doubts.

"Where is this?"

Like this scene... This kind of thing is happening frequently in many places in Liyue at this time.

: ๖ۣۜTử ๖ۣۜNhạn

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