Beidou said that, of course they were having fun.


At this time, the trees with three coconut-like heads all moved.

The reason was that Walnut had just stood on their heads.

Fortunately, they didn't know what"Wangshengtang" was, otherwise they would be even more angry at this time.

Even so, they still swung their heads like whips and swung them towards Xiangling and the others.

"Get out of the way!"

The four of them were very agile.

They crouched and jumped as the arrows came at them like whips, dodging them accurately every time.

"Find a solution quickly!"

This time it was Yun Jin who quickly scanned the elf illustrations.

"Coconut tree, the three heads can combine to exert a powerful spiritual force, and their movements will become sluggish when the weather turns cloudy."

When the information of the coconut tree appeared in the elf encyclopedia...

Xiangling hurriedly shouted:"They will become sluggish when it is cloudy? They should be afraid of dampness, hurry up, use the power of water element to make the surroundings humid."

Hu Tao:"I am fire."

Xin Yan:"I am also fire."

Yun Jin:"Rock."

Xiangling:"……I���It's fire."

For a moment, the four were speechless.


"What should we do now!!!"

At this moment, the four of them were already in a panic, seeing that the coconut trees were about to surround them.

Hu Tao suddenly had an idea.

"By the way, don’t we have Pokémon?"

As for their own Pokémon, after drawing them, they memorized their Pokémon’s moves by heart. They have also tried to use them.

However… for the people with the Eye of God, when they encounter danger, the first thing they think of is their own strength.

That’s right.

Now their Pokémon’s combat power is far inferior to theirs, but Pokémon’s advantage is that they have all kinds of magical moves.

This is something that the owners of the Eye of God don’t have.

Su Yan held the Pokémon Battle Competition to let everyone know that as long as Pokémon can be used well, sometimes it can be more powerful than pure strength.

Just like now.

Walnut aimed at one of the gaps that had not yet formed an encirclement, and immediately pointed at that place

"Everyone, run in this direction!"

Xiangling and the others still didn't understand the situation.

At this moment, Hu Tao shouted again:"Crying Mask, use 'Black Mist'’!"


Instantly, the crying mask lying on Walnut's shoulder suddenly spit out black smoke.

The smoke was very thick and dense, and in the blink of an eye, the surroundings lost all color.

"It's now!"

"Everyone run!……!!!!"

Finally, with the help of the crying mask, the four of them managed to escape the encirclement of the wild coconut trees again.

"Woohoo, I'm so unlucky today. We were supposed to be out for a picnic."

Seeing that she had escaped again, Xiangling was depressed.

Little did she know... the other three were looking down on her.

If Xiangling hadn't provoked the bees, she wouldn't have gotten into this situation.

"Forget it, let’s go back to Liyue. I’m so tired."

Xin Yan shook his head and said to the Weeping Mask lying on Hu Tao’s shoulder:"Weeping Mask, thank you. If it weren’t for you, we would have to spend a lot of effort to escape.""

"Hehe, my crying mask is awesome, right?"

Hu Tao held his head high with great pride.

However, Yun Jin said inappropriately:"Why, you don't call it a coffin now?"


Hu Tao had no way to refute it, so he immediately changed the subject.

"How do we get back now?"

"Let's find the way."

Xin Yan looked left and right. Now they were still in the forest. She looked at the sun in the sky and pointed in a certain direction.

"The direction of Liyue should be this way"

"OK, we……"

But just as they all nodded and prepared to leave,

Boom, boom, boom!

Suddenly, there was a sound like an earthquake on the path ahead, as if... footsteps?

"No, no way, what is it this time?"

At this moment, Kurumi wanted to die.

But not long after...

I saw a few familiar faces in front of me, running towards this side desperately.

Among them was a little fire horse, running faster than all of them...

A young man wearing a pirate eyepatch even waved hello over here.

"Oh, you are all here.

Xiangling knows all these people.

"Ying, Miss Lisa, Klee, Paimon, and Mr. Kaeya, why are you here?"


Kaiya looked behind him, then looked at Xiangling and the others in front of him.

"I think we should run faster."


Xiangling and the other four showed strange expressions at the same time.

But soon, they knew what was going on.

"Hey hey hey————————"

Behind them, many Pokémon appeared, and they all looked like water-type Pokémon.

Rage, irritation, anger... raging fire seemed to be burning in the eyes of these Pokémon.

It seemed that they would not stop until they caught up with Kaia and the others.

"Quick, quick, run away!!!!"

Xiangling and her four friends just escaped danger, and now they have to run again.

Xiangling (eyes wide open):"What's going on?!"

Lisa (helpless):"Hey, it's all my fault for not keeping a close eye on Klee. Just now she ran to the back to fry fish, and ended up angering all the Pokémon living in the lake."

Kaeya (smiley face):"Haha, they've been chasing us for more than ten minutes, I didn't expect they wouldn't give up even after this."

Ying (staring):"Kaeya, if someone blew up your house, would you let that person go?"

Klee (apologetic):"I'm sorry, everyone, it's all Klee's fault, but Klee just wanted to fry fish, she didn't expect there were Pokémon inside." Walnut (surprised)

:"Hurry, we see the exit of the forest!"

The group hurried, even���They escaped from the forest.

What happened?

The Pokémon living in the lake never wanted to let them go.

Even after they escaped from the forest, they still chased them.

So... the scene that Zhongli saw appeared.

"It's Master Hu and the others... What are they doing?"

But then, his eyes turned up and fell on the sky.

There were two Pokémon that Zhongli had met before, talking helplessly.……

"Alas, the people in this world are just ridiculous."

"Haha, you and I both saw how much Zhongli cared about Yukira. As for the group of people below, although things got out of hand, they never thought of attacking Pokémon from beginning to end. I admire these people a little bit."

"You have a point."

"Suicune, we can't let things go on like this. Do you go or do I go?"

"Go ahead, Yandi"


That's right.

Zhongli saw that the two elves were the second of the three holy beasts who were law enforcers.

They replaced the eyes of the Phoenix King and wandered around Liyue.

Once something happened, they would decide whether to intervene.

Whether it was Zhongli subduing Yukira, or Xiangling and the others provoking the three bees, or Klee throwing bombs, they naturally saw it.

But the three holy beasts would not intervene unless it was necessary. At this moment.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control...

Yan Di immediately turned into a ball of fire from the air, and fell from the top of Xiangling and the others' heads like a meteor.

The next second.


As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of the rope for ten years. The sudden movement scared Xiangling and the others again.

"What happened again?!!"

"I, we didn't do anything this time!"

At this moment, the flames around the Emperor of Flame gradually dissipated.

Many eyes immediately recognized it. On the day when the Phoenix King descended, everyone in Liyue could hear it clearly.

They also knew that they were law enforcers and possessed the power of immortal gods.

"Look, it's that elf, ok, it seems to be called Yan Di?!"

"Hey, hey, hey, is it going to sanction us?"

"Sanctions? Eh, what should we do?!"

At this moment, some people began to panic.

Although they did not abuse the Pokémon, and were even chased badly, God knows what Entei will do...

However, just when they were worried...


Entei let out a shocking roar at the Pokémon that were chasing them.

In an instant, the Pokémon that were chasing them stopped.

Entei let out a deep roar.

Of course,

Xiangling and the others did not understand the language of the elves, so naturally they did not know what Entei was talking to them.

But soon, they saw that after communicating with Entei, the elves immediately turned around, either returning to the forest or returning to the lake where they lived these days.

Gradually, the Pokémon dispersed.

"It seems that the matter has been resolved.

Seeing this, everyone was sweating.

But at this moment, Emperor Yan���He walked over slowly...

The people who had just breathed a sigh of relief were now filled with anxiety.

They only heard Emperor Yan speaking to everyone through telepathy.

"The Pokémons have just arrived here and are still unfamiliar with this world. They are inevitably a little nervous. You are all humans with extraordinary powers. Please don't do anything to irritate them."

Yan Di's voice was powerful without anger, but also a little polite.

The reason was simple.

These people were all owners of the Eye of God, but when they faced danger several times, they did not do anything to harm the Pokémon.

Just based on this point, Yan Di respected them.


Everyone looked at each other.


The elves had just arrived in this world, and this was still a strange environment for them.

People would inevitably feel nervous when they were in a foreign land, let alone elves.

"Sorry, we will pay attention to it next time.……"

After receiving apologies from several people, Emperor Yan turned into a fireball and disappeared into the sky just as he had come.

"The three sacred beasts are indeed very domineering."

Looking at the traces of the Flame Emperor disappearing, Kaia couldn't help but admire from the bottom of his heart.

Then, he looked at everyone

"Everyone, we are really destined to meet today. How about we make an appointment to go on an adventure together another day? But we have to be more cautious next time. After all, I don’t want to be punished by the three sacred beasts.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, everyone said:"No!"


Elf House

""Oh, it's really interesting."

Su Yan suddenly opened his eyes. He had sensed something when Entei and Suicune were about to attack.

If the three sacred beasts were the eyes of the Phoenix King, then the Phoenix King could be his eyes.

Although the range of what Su Yan could hear and see was unmatched by any Pokémon, it was troublesome to keep an eye on the whole world.

His attention was always on a few places.

The Elf House was one of them.

And... Sky Island

"The world is so busy right now, how can Tianli still sleep?"

"That's all"

"Let's deal with the matter tomorrow.……"

After that,

Su Yan slowly picked up a Poké Ball on the counter.

This Poké Ball was different from the others. It was transparent and you could see clearly inside.

Inside the Poké Ball, the nine-headed Whirlpool Demon God was closing his eyes.

: ๖ۣۜTử ๖ۣۜNhạn

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