""Is this... a magic spell!!!"

In the shop, Ningguang and Keqing watched the people outside the door suddenly become noisy.

Listening to their conversation, they realized that although they could see the people outside, the people outside could no longer see or hear anything inside the shop.

The two sides were clearly less than ten meters apart... and this... just because of a beam of light flashing in Menghuan's eyes, this shop turned into a secret space?

This, this is too magical, right?


Su Yan clapped his hands and looked at Ningguang with a smile.

"Miss Ningguang, you must have something to ask me this time. Don't worry, the people outside won't hear or see our conversation."

"As expected."

Ningguang's astonished eyes have not yet calmed down.

Before coming here, she didn't believe what Su Yan said to Keqing, and even thought it was just a propaganda method.

And now Menghuan has shown such a skill...

It's like a fairy magic.

Ningguang quickly calmed down her frightened heart, and then asked:"Boss Su Yan, please tell me the truth about what I want to ask... Will Pokémon really not harm humans?"

Su Yan was stunned at first, obviously he didn't expect Ningguang to ask this question first, but he shook his head immediately.

"I didn't say that."


Keqing exclaimed suddenly.

You clearly didn't say that before...

Su Yan continued:"What I said to Miss Keqing is that once humans and Pokémon have an emotional bond, they will be humans' best friends and partners. As for wild Pokémon... after all, even rabbits bite when they are anxious." With this sentence, Keqing thought it seemed to be true.

"Well, there is nothing wrong with what Boss Su Yan said."

"So that's it."

Ningguang's face was tense just now, but now she relaxed.

She asked again:"Boss Su Yan, if we can cultivate Pokémon to the extreme, can we really have the same power as immortals and gods?"

Obviously, the reason why Ningguang asked these two questions was definitely for Liyue.

If Pokémon are out of control and really have the power of immortals and gods, it will be absolutely catastrophic.

Especially after seeing what Menghuanlu did, she was even more worried.

But Su Yan shook his head again

"Not really."

Ningguang was not anxious this time, but said sincerely:"Please help me, Boss Su Yan."

Since Su Yan indicated that Ningguang could ask questions, he would naturally explain it to her.

"Pokémon also have strong and weak"

"No matter how well a weak elf is trained, there may be a small gap between him and the owner of the Eye of God."

"Elite-level elves are well trained and can be on par with top-level God's Eye owners. By the way, Miss Keqing's Tan Xiaoshi is one of them."

"Only legendary elves have the power to compete with immortals."

"Of course, the power of the Pokémon in the end depends more on its trainer.

Ningguang and Keqing listened very carefully.

As soon as Su Yan finished his last sentence, they both looked surprised.

"Can legendary elves compete with immortals?"

"Yes, legendary elves even have the power to change the seasons of heaven and earth, and can indeed compete with ordinary immortals."

After saying that, Su Yan slowly raised a finger

"In terms of pure strength, the quasi-god-level elves have the ability to destroy Liyue City with one blow."


Keqing had heard Su Yan mention this before, but she didn't pay much attention to it before. Now that she listened carefully, she didn't know whether she should be happy or nervous.

Ningguang's mouth opened slightly.

She never thought that Pokémon would have so many levels.

But if you think about it carefully, this is inevitable...

People also have strong and weak points, and animals are even more so.

At this time, seeing that Su Yan didn't continue, Ningguang asked again:"So, the quasi-god is the most powerful existence in Pokémon?"


Su Yan shook his head:"It's just that you don't need to know it yet."

"……Boss Su Yan, you really know how to keep people in suspense."

Ningguang sighed softly, but she knew in her heart that although Su Yan did not continue, he still said it.

That's right.

There are more powerful levels above the quasi-god.

As for Ningguang's complaint, Su Yan smiled and said,"This is also for your own good."

"So what do you say... Should I believe what you just said?"

Ningguang spread her hands, her expression was helpless.

She was actually very conflicted.

If what Su Yan said was true, Pokémon might be able to become a self-protection force for the people of Liyue, and they no longer need to rely on the protection of immortals and gods.

But, words are not enough...

Dream's move can indeed be called very magical, but it has little to do with power.

However, Su Yan was not angry at all for Ningguang's question, but smiled as usual.

"Haha, I understand.

Then, Su Yan shifted his gaze from Ningguang to Keqing.

"Miss Keqing, I guess you have read the Elf Encyclopedia carefully?"


Keqing didn't know why Su Yan suddenly asked this, but she still said truthfully:"I have memorized the information of Tan Xiaoshi, but when I opened the evolved form, the illustration was blank."


Ningguang was confused by their conversation.

What is a Pokémon Encyclopedia?

What is evolution?

She didn't understand anything.

However, Su Yan ignored it and continued to ask Keqing:"The Pokémon Encyclopedia I gave you is blank. If you want to see the information of other Pokémons, you need to record it yourself. As for what form Tan Xiaoshi will evolve into... do you want to see it in advance?"

Keqing's eyes lit up:"Can I?"

Su Yan nodded, and then said something shocking

"I can satisfy your request, and at the same time, I can let Miss Ningguang see what is the power beyond the immortals."


Ningguang was suddenly shocked.

Power beyond that of an immortal?!

Isn't that... a god?

Before she could recover from the shock...

Su Yan continued,"But it's not easy to use it in my shop, so I can only borrow Miss Ningguang's Qun Yu Pavilion."

Ningguang would not object to his request.

"No problem, we'll go there now."

After saying that, Ningguang turned around impatiently and wanted to take Su Yan to the Jade Pavilion.

It was obvious how eager she was to know the answer.

However, just as Ningguang turned around, Su Yan's voice came from behind.

"No need to bother."

As soon as the voice fell, Ningguang heard another finger snap from behind.

In a trance, she felt her eyes flickering in a trance, and the space around her seemed to become distorted.

Not only her, but Keqing's face was almost exactly the same as Ningguang's.

Obviously, she also realized that the surrounding space was distorted...

Fortunately, this distortion was only for a moment.

But the next scene shocked both of them.

A strong wind blew.

Whether it was Ningguang or Keqing, they saw their dresses fluttering in the wind.

In front of them, except for the cotton-like clouds, the entire Liyue below and the Liyue Sea in the distance were in sight.

It turned out that in the moment they were distracted, they were no longer on Liyue Street, but appeared on the terrace of Qun Yu Pavilion...

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