""Get up!!!"

At the location of Guyun Pavilion, Su Yan opened his hands, his eyes were very sharp.

Not long after... a snowy mountain suddenly appeared from the horizon, flying towards this side at high speed.

As the snowy mountain came to Guyun Pavilion, Su--Yan's palm gently waved.

The mountain moved from Longji Snow Mountain began to slowly fall behind Guyun Pavilion...

This scene is enough to make anyone feel numb.

With just a wave of his hand, he has the ability to move mountains and fill the sea... This is the picture.

But it's not over yet!

Su Yan looked in another direction.

With a slight movement of his palm, he moved another ordinary mountain, keeping a distance from the snowy mountain.

"Groudon, it’s up to you!"

"Lord Su Yan, don't worry!"

As soon as the mountain landed, Groudon started running. Although it was bulky and had short legs, its size could replace its running speed.

After a while, it climbed to the top of this ordinary mountain and hollowed out the entire mountain by"digging holes" from above.

Not long after...


The whole mountain began to turn red, with red magma constantly erupting from it, and then slowly flowing down from the top of the mountain.

Volcanic ash was floating all over the island.

"Oh My God……"

"Boss Su Yan is going to create a brand new island"

"Of course, there are snow-capped mountains, volcanoes, forests, and deserts.……"

"But isn't it rumored that the boss of the Elf House is going to build an arena for the competition?"

At this time.

Su Yan looked down at his own masterpiece in the air.

It is similar to the Elf Island.

He moved the snow mountain, let Groudon create a volcano, and moved the nearby forest, which was mixed with many fruit trees. The original land of Guyun Pavilion was also formed into a desert under Su Yan's special treatment, and sandstorms would blow from time to time. Nowadays, the Guyun Pavilion Islands in the Liyue Sea have not only been integrated into a huge island by Su Yan, but also after Groudon created the earth, it has been blended to expand three times the area than before.

So far... except for the unique environments, only a piece of open space at the back of the island is left.

"The arena at the front of Guyun Pavilion will be used for large-scale competitions in the future. The middle area is called"Champion Road", and the empty space at the end will be used to build the future Elf Alliance!"

Su Yan smiled with satisfaction.

"After the first round of eliminations, let the remaining contestants experience the cruelty of the environment, and then recruit a few elite, king, and champion-level elves to play with them. This will not only greatly reduce the number of people, but also let them know that trainers cannot only command, but also need judgment!"

Many people in Liyue must be puzzled at this time.

Why does Su Yan want to do so many things?

Because he wants to make this place into the Teyvat version of the Elf League.

Now that Liyue has been integrated with Pokémon, people who own elves will sooner or later have clear levels.

Then, the emergence of"gyms" will be needed.

If there are gyms, there must be management.

Thinking of this...

Su Yan immediately sent a voice message to Zhongli and Venti at the same time

"Zhongli, Wendy, I will build an organization called"Elf Alliance" here"

"It is specially used to formulate the relevant rules of Teyvat Pokémon and trainers. In addition to me, I will reserve eight positions as representative figures of various countries"

"Are you willing to take on one of them each?"

After all, Teyvat is different from the elf world.

The power gap between the gods, the owners of the Eye of God, and ordinary people is too big.

So when holding a competition, it is natural to specify corresponding fair rules.

Otherwise, the meaning of the elf battle is lost.

But if it is a life-and-death fight, or a duel between the owners of the Eye of God, then another set of rules is naturally needed.

These are the characteristics of Teyvat. Su Yan does not want to completely turn Teyvat into the shape of the elf world.

There will definitely be competitions between the Eyes of God in the future.

So Su Yan plans to build the first Elf Alliance, and it would be best if two of the positions are held by the gods of Liyue and Mondstadt.

After all... strength is supreme.

Of course, Zhongli's strength is beyond doubt.

As for that guy Venti... Su Yan knows very well how much he has hidden


At this moment, Zhongli and Wendy naturally heard Su Yan's voice transmission.

"Elf Alliance?"

Zhongli's eyebrows moved. Although he didn't know what the Elf Alliance was, he could roughly understand it after listening to Su Yan's description.

If someone else had asked, he might have considered it.

But this person was Su Yan.……

"I have no problem."

Wendy didn't need to say anything more, and responded without thinking:"Hey, I have no problem either."

·· ········Request flowers··· ···

·· ········Request flowers··· ···

But Wendy soon showed a hint of confusion, and then asked:"I heard that you are planning to let the gods of the seven countries take the position, but why are there eight positions?"

Just now Su Yan clearly mentioned that in addition to him... then who is the last position going to be given to? However, Su Yan quickly gave Wendy and Zhongli the answer

"The last position will naturally go to the strongest trainer. As for who this person is... well, we'll have to wait until the competition is over in a few days to find out."


Eight positions, seven gods, and one strongest trainer.

Of course, this so-called strongest trainer is not fixed. When the conditions are set in the future, anyone who meets the qualifications can challenge the current one.

........... 0

........... 0

If the winner wins, they will be replaced.

Although the scale of the first Elf Battle Competition is only in Liyue... but when the other six countries are fully present in the future, the competition between the strongest trainers will become very terrifying.

So Su Yan is currently just laying the foundation for the future"Teyvat Elf Alliance".

As for how the future will develop... now we can only look forward to it.

He now wants to be a guide

"So that's how it is, the Teyvat Elf Alliance... Interesting, I will definitely support this matter."

After Su Yan's explanation, Zhongli roughly understood his idea.

Venti also rarely became serious:"Well, although Mondstadt has not yet had any Pokémon, I will do my best."

"That's great."

The two gods were very cooperative. Su Yan knew very well that, firstly, they were afraid of his power, and secondly, they wanted to see how far Teyvat could go.

But no matter what... now two of the seven countries have agreed.

No... it should be said that three countries must agree, and the gods of the third country will arrive in Liyue in a few days.

But when those two see Liyue now... I guess their faces will be very interesting, right?

In this way, nearly half of the countries in Teyvat will join this elf alliance.


Su Yan now looked towards the direction of the Qun Yu Pavilion

"Miss Ningguang, I need your help with something."

Suddenly hearing Su Yan's voice transmission, Ningguang immediately responded:"Mr. Su Yan is polite. No matter what you ask, I will do my best."Big.: ๖ۣۜTử ๖ۣۜNhạn

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