"Cut open this sea?!!"

Su Yan's words to Menghuan were naturally heard by Ningguang and Keqing.

Is this possible?

Take the Rock King, one of the seven rulers of Liyue, for example. The most talked-about thing is that he threw a rock spear into the sea and suppressed the Whirlpool Demon.

In the end, the rock spear shattered and turned into the Guyun Pavilion Islands.

This is a story that the people of Liyue have heard since childhood and has become a legend.

That's right.

This is the god of Liyue, the former glory of the Rock King.

Although cutting open the sea cannot be compared with it, I am afraid that other immortals in Liyue cannot do such a thing except the Rock King.

"Are you serious?"

At this moment, Ningguang clasped her hands together nervously. She could no longer tell whether it was true or false.

However, before Su Yan could speak, Meng Huan, who had transformed into a blue flame blade ghost, interrupted and said:

"Miss Ningguang, cutting open a small area of the sea is something that a champion-level elf can do. To me, it is just a piece of cake."

""It's just a small matter?"

Ningguang was stunned again.

The next second, she saw Menghuan suddenly raised the fire sword in his right hand.

"There are no ships in the sea right now, Miss Ningguang, Miss Keqing, watch out."

With a low shout from Huanhuan, suddenly!

The fire sword, which was only a few dozen centimeters long, seemed to have received a huge stimulus.

It suddenly began to absorb the surrounding elemental power crazily.


The fire elemental power was like the glow of fireflies all over the sky, obeying Huanhuan's call.

But in just a few breaths, the fire sword, which was originally a few dozen centimeters long, had expanded visibly...

Bang! One meter!

Bang! Two meters!

Bang... Four meters!

Every time there was a sound of a flame explosion, the fire sword would double its size.

"This, I have never seen such a terrifying fire element power. An ordinary holder of the Fire Element God's Eye, with this speed and amount of absorption, would probably explode in an instant, right?"

"Terrible, too terrible, is this the true power of Pokémon?"

At this moment, Keqing recalled that when she was in the store, she asked Su Yan if she could have Mew.

At that time, Su Yan's answer was... You, can't control Mew.

At that time, Keqing was still unconvinced.

But now seeing Mew's performance with her own eyes... She really doesn't deserve it.

At this moment, the time was only eight or nine seconds.

The fire sword in Mew's hand had expanded to a huge length of 100 meters.

However, while Ningguang and Keqing were stunned, Mew turned to Su Yan and said awkwardly

"Ahem, Su Yan, I'm sorry, the elements here are a little different from the elf world. I'm a little uncomfortable with it the first time. Next time, I can at least shorten the time by half."


Su Yan smiled.

Indeed, perhaps in the eyes of Ningguang and Keqing, it was incredible that Menghuan absorbed the fire elemental power in this way.

But in Su Yan's opinion, Menghuan condensed this 100-meter fire sword, which was indeed not fast enough.

And Menghuan had already given the answer.


I saw Menghuan holding up the fire sword and slowly walking towards the edge of the terrace of the Qunyu Pavilion.

Then, its eyes looked far away at the Liyue Sea.


Its eyes, which were emitting a little flame, suddenly became fierce.


""Sword of Regret!!!"

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost transformed by the dream suddenly shouted.

With one sword, he slashed out!

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost aimed at the sea and slashed the fire sword in his hand.

At this moment, the huge 100-meter-long fire sword swung out a sea of fire, forming a flame sword energy, which cut through the sky from the high altitude of the Qun Yu Pavilion.

‘The roaring sound of flames...

The sword energy of fire burned the air, evaporated the clouds, and then cut through the sky of Liyue.

Such a huge movement naturally attracted the attention of the entire Liyue.……

"Big hill is sick... Second hill... Third hill……"

A girl was walking on the street, humming a song and promoting her business.

"Is there anyone who needs to take care of the funeral? It’s ok to do it in advance. Today we have a buy one get one free offer at the Wangsheng Hall. It’s definitely a good deal."

However, at this moment… the movement in the sky suddenly caught the girl’s attention.


The sword of fire swept across the sky.

The girl's expression suddenly changed when she saw this scene, and she shouted even harder.

"Natural disasters are coming, today Wangsheng Hall is having a big giveaway, buy one get three free for the whole family bucket, if you are slow then everyone will be gone!!!"


"Oh my, the Qun Yu Pavilion is really lively today."

In the square, an old woman was setting up a stall, and a strange pot was placed on the table next to her.

She looked at the sword energy that cut through the sky, her eyes suddenly became deep, and her tone was slightly shocked.

"I don't know which great man made such a move."


Wanmintang is a very popular food restaurant in Liyue.

Today, it is also full of customers. Among them, the name of chef Xiangling has attracted countless customers.

At this time, the sea of fire in the sky also caused all the guests to look up. In a blink of an eye, everyone's face was full of horror.

"Oh my god, what is that thing!"

"It was fire, a flaming sword energy that could burn through the sky. I just saw it. It seemed to have been cut from the Qun Yu Pavilion."

"This... is there something big going on at the Qun Yu Pavilion?"

Even Xiangling, who was cooking, ran out of the store in a hurry.

But when she saw this picture in the sky, Xiangling's mouth drooled unconsciously.

"Wow... So clouds can be roasted?"

Others were surprised and shocked...

But in Xiangling's opinion, the sky looked like roasted marshmallows... She wanted to eat them.


Liyue, Northland Bank.

A cheerful young man leaned against a pillar, watching the movement that broke through the clouds, his brows furrowed tightly.

"strangeness���When did the Jade Pavilion have this kind of power? I'm afraid it's very close to the one from the Fire Country. It seems that I have missed some very important information."


Liyue Teahouse.

The handsome young man with elegant manners slowly put the cup on the table and then turned his eyes to the sky.

At this time, all the guests of the restaurant gathered at the railing, pointing at the sword energy in the sky, it was very lively.

Only the young man quickly withdrew his gaze.

"I don't know whether this incident is good or bad, I have to find time to meet this [Adventer]."


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