At this moment, Zhongli's eyes were already spinning around as he held the scabbard in his hand.

After all, the scabbard was a Pokémon, not a lifeless weapon.

Obviously, the power of the Lizard King Leaf Blade was much stronger than the scabbard. So much so that even the ghost and steel scabbards could not withstand this attack.

Zhongli looked apologetic.

He mistakenly thought that the scabbard and the weapon were of the same nature, and immediately returned the scabbard to Xingqiu.

"Sorry, this... I'll return the scabbard to you."

"I know you didn't mean it."

After Xingqiu took the sword sheath, he quickly took out the potion from his body.

When he fed the sword sheath...

Zhongli suddenly said:"It is not an opponent you can contend with. You go to the central lake and wait for me. I will lead it away and then"

""Zhong, Zhongli, guest minister, how could we possibly abandon you?"

Hu Tao puffed her lips. If they really left Zhongli here, wouldn't that be disloyal?

However, Zhongli was depressed.……

"……If you stay here, I won’t be able to use my skills."

Fortunately, because of what happened with Inazuma before, Lisa’s intuition told her that this man named Zhongli was definitely not simple.

After all, he was someone who could chat with Su Yan...

She quickly pulled Hu Tao and said,"Have you forgotten what the owner of the Elf House said? We can only run when we meet this elf. Since Mr. Zhongli was able to block its attack just now, we will only be in the way if we stay here. Besides, if we don’t leave here, won’t he be able to escape?"

"Then, we will go to the front and wait for you.

Fortunately, Walnut finally listened.

At this time, Du Jianshao also woke up from his coma.

""Mr. Zhongli, please be careful."

After that, they ran towards the lake. They looked back from time to time... but the trees were so dense that they could not see Zhongli's back soon.

When they were a distance away,……

"Thank you."

Zhongli suddenly said to the Lizard King.

In fact, after the Lizard King missed the attack just now, it did not take the next step, but stood there with its arms folded.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for Hu Tao and the others to leave, let alone let them talk.

And all this is because... a human not only discovered the hidden self, but also blocked his attack?

This made the Lizard King very curious about Zhongli.

So after Xingqiu fed the Dujianscabbard potion to them, the Lizard King did not attack again until they left.

""Gala." (You are quite good as a human.)

Unfortunately, Zhongli couldn't understand the Elvish language of the Lizard King.

Since he had lost his divine power in this, he couldn't make the Lizard King speak the human language.

But from the other party's attitude...

Zhongli asked:"Do you want to fight me?"


The Lizard King's arms slowly dropped, and his eyes became sharp again.

At this moment,

Zhongli looked like a very interesting prey in his eyes.

""Galla!" (High-speed movement!)

Suddenly, the Lizard King disappeared from the spot.

In fact, it used a high-speed movement move, greatly increasing its speed.

And while increasing its speed, it also used a lightning-fast move.

The two moves overlapped, and if there were other people at the scene, they would definitely not be able to catch its whereabouts.

But... it was facing Liyue's Geo King!

"Very quickly."

Zhongli caught the Lizard King's figure with just a glance.

Then, he kicked out with his legs, colliding with the Lizard King who was using Lightning Flash.

At this moment... the Lizard King's pupils showed surprise for the first time. He, he could actually see his movements clearly?

And what's more terrifying is... his human body could actually block his attack?

This is unscientific!

"The power is not bad."

Zhongli's kick only exerted a little force, and the lizard king was kicked away.

However, the lizard king was very agile. It continued to fly backwards and suddenly stepped on the big tree behind it. Then it crossed its hands and looked forward.

With a kick of its two elastic feet, it rushed towards Zhongli like an arrow.

""Galla!" (Cross cut!)

"Oh, interesting, the moves of Pokemon are also mysterious."

Zhongli was not in a hurry. When the Lizard King attacked... he used both hands to stop the Lizard King's arm that was about to swing. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In the horrified eyes of the Lizard King, it tried to break free from Zhongli's control.

But the opponent's hands were like rocks and could not be loosened at all.

"Unfortunately, you are no match for me now."

As soon as Zhongli's voice sounded, the Lizard King felt as if his body was hit by a rock.


This time, it hit the tree heavily.


Then... the whole tree broke in half.

""Ga... la." (Is this guy... really a human?)

At this moment, the Lizard King stood up again with some difficulty.

Zhongli's attack just now was not light.

What was even more terrifying was... the Lizard King could not see clearly how Zhongli knocked him away.

It, a king-level Pokémon, actually lost to a human with bare hands?

How is this possible?!

Seeing that the Lizard King could still stand up, Zhongli was also a little surprised.

"Do you want to continue?"

But at this moment...

0Seeking flowers


The momentum of the Lizard King suddenly rose.

""Gala!!!" (Super Evolution!!!)

Then, colorful energy surged like a spring, and began to shine around the Lizard King.

Zhongli had seen this scene before.


"No, that's not right... It feels a little different."

At this time, a round colored shield rose up around the Lizard King, which was obviously completely different from evolution.

Zhongli was no longer so calm, because he could feel the Lizard King in the shield, and his power was rising steadily.

"Looks like I have to be more serious."

Just as his face became serious...


The colorful light shield exploded, and the Lizard King reappeared in front of Zhongli.

However, it did not change from its original appearance.

And it was obvious that the Lizard King looked surprised.……

"Lizard King, you are no match for him. Just do what you should do and you don't need to care about them."

""Gala, Gala!" (Yes, Lord Su Yan)

At this moment, the Lizard King glanced at Zhongli, and then said:"Gala, Galaga." (Human, wait for me, I will find you soon, and I hope that I can have a real fight with you then.)

Then... the Lizard King jumped onto the giant tree and disappeared into the forest in a blink of an eye.


At this moment, Zhongli's mind was full of question marks.

What did it say at the end?

He couldn't understand.

But he was very clear about one thing.

"It seems that this lizard was following his instructions, otherwise how could it leave so easily? It was clearly unwilling to admit defeat just now."

"And... the evolution just now was also very strange."

Zhongli shook his head.

He still needed more time to understand Pokémon.

"Forget it, let's go meet up with Master Hu and the others first. Hmm... But how to explain it? Just say that the lizard suddenly had diarrhea? Or sprained its ankle?"

A battle, come and go quickly.

At this time, Zhongli has gradually disappeared in the forest, and he can still be heard talking to himself faintly.

"By the way, I haven't let Shakira out this time... So, what am I doing here?"

At the same time... at the snowy mountain.

Alice, riding on the ivory pig, is now yelling at the four people

"Hey, Master Diluk, this woman's Pokémon is too strong, I can't beat her at all"

"At least better than the four of us put together."

"According to Article 39, Article 142, and Article 389 of the Liyue Criminal Law, you have now committed the crimes of intimidation, robbery, and intentional injury."

"……I don't know where the master went."

I want to say:

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