"Kaeya? Diluk!"

Lisa and her group arrived first.

As soon as they came out of the forest, they saw Kaeya sitting on the ground with Diluk and the others. Kaeya hurried over and asked,"Lisa? Are you and Klee okay?"

"We're fine, but……"

Lisa shook her head and turned around to say something.

Suddenly, Walnut jumped up in surprise.

""Zhongli guest official!"

It turned out that at this time, Zhongli also walked out of the forest. He was unharmed and still as elegant as ever.

"Well... that lizard just chased me for a long distance, but it suddenly left, so I rushed to meet you. Fortunately, I am fast and I caught up with you."

This was the wording that Zhongli had thought about for a long time. It was better than saying that the Lizard King sprained his ankle...

In fact, after he repelled the Lizard King, he had been following...

Ah... No, he was following Lisa and the others quietly. In addition to thinking of an excuse, he also didn't want others to know that he could easily stop the Lizard King.



Coincidentally, Beidou and the others who came from the desert also arrived.

As the previous people said, as long as they walked outside the lake, they would sometimes see volcanoes, sometimes snow-capped mountains, or forests.

In other words... no matter which direction they came to the lake, the contestants would gather here.

The most important thing is... this place is very safe.

There are no wild Pokémon, let alone those terrifyingly strong king-level Pokémon.

""Sister Beidou~"

Zhongli is back. Hu Tao is naturally happy to see that Beidou and the others are safe.

Accompanying Beidou and the others are Yunjin, Xinyan, Ganyu and Xianyun.

At this moment, Shenhe slowly walks to Xianyun.


Who would have thought that Xianyun's face was full of disbelief after seeing Shen He:"You, how come you are faster than your master?"

Shen He immediately pointed at Kaiya and Yan Fei and said,"Oh, I was with them after I came in, and soon I met a woman riding a pig, and then... we got here. By the way, we have been sitting here for about two or three hours, and it was quite boring."

"A woman riding a pig?!

Xianyun blinked. The scene was so beautiful.

But it didn’t matter.

"This, this is unfair!"


She was almost attacked by a pterosaur outside, and she met a terrifying scorpion. She finally got here.

But her apprentice said... She got here for no reason?

And she sat here for two or three hours?

And she was bored?!

Of course.

Hu Tao, Bei Dou and others also heard the conversation between Shen He and Xian Yun.

Zhong Li was the only one who knew Alice's identity, so he could probably guess what was going on.

"Wuuwuwu... How could this be? This is so unfair."

Xiangling and Hutao immediately had sad faces.

Why are others so lucky? Not only did they meet the Lizard King, but they also kicked the cactus.

Beidou, on the other hand, laughed and said,"Hahaha, it doesn't matter. Anyway, this adventure is quite exciting. If I sit here and wait, I will definitely be bored. It's too boring."

I can only say... He is worthy of being the captain of the Southern Cross Fleet.

When the three groups of people from the forest, desert, and snow mountain gathered together, they could not help but share the process of how they came here

"Like a silent assassin lizard?!"

"A stone pterosaur flying in the sky?"

"Scorpions hiding in the sand? And they killed a lot of people?!"

When Kaeya, Diluk, and Shenhe learned how terrifying the journey was, they realized how lucky they were. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It seems that I am lucky, thanks to that crazy woman"

"Kaia, that's not what you just said.……"

It was getting darker.

The contestants outside started arriving.……

"Oh, it's too difficult. You don't know, we just encountered a dragon king scorpion in the desert. If I hadn't run fast, I would have died there."

"How could you be as scary as what I encountered? I came from the forest and was originally in a team with a few friends. Halfway through, two teammates were killed by a lizard. Fortunately, I reacted in time and hid in the bushes. As a result, the lizard looked at me and left. Thinking about it now, I still feel scared."

"Hey, since I came in, I feel like I have become a prey"

"This kind of tormenting game, I really want it to end quickly."

Most people were dejected.

Seeing so many people die in it, it was simply a feast of killing.[]

No wonder the owner of the Elf House said that...

But, this is too much.

"Oh, it's all my fault for being too greedy. I didn't want to participate at first, but I ended up……"

At this time, more than 30 people have arrived at the lake.

Many people saw their companions being killed with their own eyes, and they felt bad.

But there are exceptions.……

"Lizards? Scorpions? Why haven’t we encountered any here?

The contestants from the volcano were all amazed after hearing about the experiences of others.

"To be honest, we did see a lot of people get eliminated when we came down from the volcano, but they were either surrounded by wild Pokémon or they fell off the mountain because of their carelessness. We didn’t really encounter any scary Pokémon."


When these words came out, the people from the other three parties widened their eyes.

"This, this... Doesn't the volcano have such a powerful Pokémon?……"

But what was even more strange was that there were no powerful Pokémon in the volcano, but why did the participants who arrived here seem to be so few?

Logically speaking, shouldn't they be doing well?

However, just when people were surprised and confused, someone suddenly shouted:

"It's Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing!"

Yes, Ningguang and the others finally arrived here.

They were accompanied by their own Pokémon.

However, compared to when they first came in, the Blade Blade and the Shark seemed to have become stronger.

"Hello, everyone."

After Ningguang nodded to everyone, the Eightfold God immediately looked around.

"Are there only so many people coming?"

She remembered that there were about 500 contestants, but now there are less than one tenth.

This puzzled Yae Shinko.

However, at this moment...

Kyuubi beside Yae Shinko suddenly spoke, and he spoke in human language.

"This is not surprising. The place where they came from was guarded by the Dragon King Scorpion, the Ivory Pig, and the Lizard King. All of this was done by Lord Su Yan to let you contestants understand that Pokémon also exist like us."

"Oh, I see……"

Yae Shinko nodded, and then she suddenly realized that something was wrong

"Huh————"Nine, Nine-tail, why are you talking?"

Yae Shinko's surprised voice immediately attracted the people who were already sitting on the ground to rest, and they all stood up.

Nine-tail licked his paw and then laughed softly.

"I have lived for a thousand years, so what is so difficult about a mere human language?".


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