"Then let's officially start."

Yerunno pointed at Xiaozhi and said, "Xiaozhi, my target is you."

Xiaozhi nodded, "Of course no problem."

Sanna looked at Serena, who was also a girl, "Serena, let's have a battle."

"Ah, I haven't officially experienced a Pokémon battle yet?"

"Serena, you are not a trainer?"

"That's right, but..."

Serena was a little hesitant. The original purpose of her trip was to find her husband. She spent all this time with Xiaozhi and never seriously trained Firefox.

"That's no problem. Pokémon battles are very interesting. As your debut battle, it has extraordinary significance."

"Serena, don't refuse!"

Serena finally nodded, "Okay, come on!"

The reason why Serena agreed was that she didn't want to be a drag.

Generally speaking, people who participate in summer camps are of the same age and their strengths are not much different, so summer camps are very challenging for teamwork.

In their team, Xiaozhi is very strong. In Charizard's words, all the trainers present are not his opponents. Citron is a gym trainer and is also strong. The only weak one is Serena, but Serena will not admit defeat. She also wants to try the fun of Pokémon battles.

Citron looked at the short-haired boy Doroba and said, "It seems that the two of us should be a team."

"Stop talking nonsense."

Doroba said straightforwardly, "Let's start directly. I won't lose."

"Neither will I."

Citron is full of confidence. He is a gym trainer and a famous young genius in Miare City. If he really loses to his peers in this summer camp, it will be embarrassing.

Yeruno threw the Pokémon ball, a white light flashed, and Squirtle appeared on the field.

"It's Squirtle!"

Xiaozhi recalled his Squirtle who had joined the fire department and had his own career. These were all precious memories of the past.

"It's decided to be you, Frog."

Actually, Xiaozhi participated in the summer camp just to relax with Serena for a few days, so he didn't bring out any powerful Pokémon.

And the professor named their team the Frog Team, Xiaozhi had already thought of his intention.

Yeruno looked at Pikachu next to Xiaozhi and asked, "You don't use Pikachu?"

He couldn't figure it out. If the situation allowed, wouldn't it be better to send out Pokémon with restrained attributes?

Xiaozhi said, "No, Frog is the Pokémon I got from the professor, and I want it to participate in this summer camp."

Yurika stood behind Xiaozhi and shouted, "Xiaozhi, I'll cheer for you and Frog, come on! Hey yo~ Come on! Hey yo~"

"Pika, Pika~"

Pikachu shouted unyieldingly, and me, I will cheer too.

"This is not bad, water vs water, so I'll start," said Siyeruno.

Since he finished speaking, Siyeruno beat the beat rhythmically and started dancing on the spot, and Squirtle in front of him also danced to the rhythm.

Xiaozhi asked, "Is this your tactic?"


Siyeruno smiled and said, "Xiaozhi, my dream is to set up a dance troupe with Pokémon, and the rhythm and steps of dance can be used in Pokémon battles. As long as we can dance to the rhythm, we can easily dodge any skills."


Xiaozhi raised the corner of his mouth. He had seen Siyeruno's battle in front of the wooden house window before. It was indeed a very special tactic, but it was too confident to want to dodge all skills.

"Frog, let's use Flash."

While dancing, Yeruno said, "Squirtle, let Xiaozhi see our rhythm, and dance to the rhythm."

Squirtle's short legs kept swinging, and its body was very flexible. It looked at Frog, which was getting closer and closer to it, and prepared to dodge as usual.

Squirtle jumped up lightly, with amazing jumping ability, but it overlooked one thing, Frog was not inferior to any Pokémon in terms of speed.


Frog exerted force on its feet and jumped up suddenly, quickly catching up with Squirtle who jumped into the air. Squirtle was startled and quickly retracted into its shell. Frog's head hit Squirtle's shell and pushed it out.

Yeruno watched Squirtle land safely, then turned to look at Xiaozhi, "This is the first time I see a skill that Squirtle didn't dodge, Xiaozhi, you really impressed me." Xiaozhi looked at Squirtle, this Squirtle was very wrong, in the swing of the rhythm, it really had extraordinary flexibility, and almost dodged the lightning of Frog.

You know, Frog'sIts jumping ability and speed are among the best among all his Pokémon.

"But this is interesting."

Xiaozhi smiled slightly, raised his head, and said, "Rhythm tactics? Then let me disrupt your rhythm."

"Frog, use Freeze Beam!"

Squirtle dodged easily, but when it landed, it almost slipped, and the ground was covered with thick ice.

"Good job, then use Lightning Flash, and then use Slash in succession."

Faced with the rapid attack of Frog, Squirtle was flustered, but after adjusting the rhythm, it barely dodged, and then it was caught up by Frog, and Slash was swung out, with sharp blades in the air.

Squirtle dodged in a hurry, and just after dodging one move, the next move followed closely, one move after another, very quickly, making it overwhelmed.

After a long time, Squirtle's steps were completely disrupted, and the one-word slash directly knocked it out, making it lose its combat ability.

After taking back Squirtle, Yeruno looked a little disappointed, "The rhythm tactics failed, and today I suffered a Waterloo!"

In the other two places, Citron defeated Doroba's Charmander with Digger Rabbit.

And Serena lost. After all, up to now, Serena has not officially fought a Pokémon battle, and her combat experience is very shallow.

"In other words, only Shana won in our Squirtle team. What a failure!"

At the table, Yeruno, who knew the result, roared to the sky, and was deeply shocked. This time he lost so thoroughly.

Xiaozhi looked at Serena sitting next to him, who was lowering her head, a little disappointed, and poking the food in the bowl with chopsticks in a depressed mood. He smiled and comforted, "Okay, Serena, it's no bigdeal. Cheer up, everything has a first time..."

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