Qiu Shao looked at the mask on Lin Yan's head. The voice sounded very young, but in his memory, there was no such person or organization.

Not only that...

He watched for a long time, but he didn't find out what kind of Pokémon Lin Yan was using.

Could it be a hidden ghost or psychic Pokémon?

Judging from the earthquake and explosion that just occurred, the attack was at least gym-level or above!

Even though Qiu Shao's gym-level strength can almost walk sideways in the entire Hangzhou City, but facing such a terrifying and powerful enemy, Qiu Shao had to carefully consider what his chances of winning were.

He suppressed his anger, and at the same time, he clenched his main Pokémon in the palm of his hand, and looked at Lin Yan cautiously:

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Me? I'm just a C-rank hero passing by."Lin Yan looked very indifferent, and white smoke was still coming out of his hands. Qiu Shao was stunned for a moment, thinking that he had heard it wrong. He turned his head to look at the other senior members of the Hellfire Team, but they were also confused.

"C-class hero? What kind of organization is this?"

"Is it from Hangzhou? Or is it from another city?"

"What is your purpose here?"

""Tell me quickly, what is your purpose? Don't think you can force your way into the Hellfire Team just because you have some skills!"

The other elites of the Hellfire Team also looked at each other in bewilderment.

They have been in Hangzhou for so long, let alone Hangzhou, they know a thing or two about the Dragon Country and even the entire world, but they have never heard of an organization called C-class heroes.

Only Qiu Wencheng on the side always felt that this voice seemed to have been heard somewhere, but he could not remember it.

After all, in his eyes, Lin Yan was just a little guy with a little luck.

Qiu Shao, who was also confused, looked at Lin Yan. Their Hellfire Team had offended many people on weekdays. I'm afraid that the"C-class hero" in front of them is here to seek revenge!

In this case, I must not let him go!

Qiu Shao gritted his teeth and threw the Poké Ball in his hand with force!

When the Poké Ball in the luxury ball When the spirit was released, the next moment, the temperature of the entire villa suddenly rose as if it was thrown into a furnace!

In the scorching air and billowing flames, a dark brown centipede with twelve segments and a length of three meters emerged. There were four blazing flames at the head and tail. Its sharp appendages stomped fiercely on the ground, and the blazing waves of fire that erupted from its body instantly swept the floor of the villa!

Not only the ground, but even the surrounding walls were burning with blazing high-temperature flames. Many high-level people around hurriedly moved their feet to where there was no flame.

They had seen with their own eyes that someone accidentally fell into the high-temperature flames and was directly burned into powder, without even ashes left!

Qiu Wencheng and others were sweating profusely. Just getting close to the Burning Centipede felt like walking on dozens of burning carbons.

"Boy, you dare to break into our Hellfire Team alone"

"Since you don't want to confess, I'll catch you and torture you slowly."

"Burning Centipede, remember to hold back, don't let him die too easily!"

""Use the Flame Wheel!"

Qiu Shao pointed at Lin Yan and shouted arrogantly.

No matter what spirit Lin Yan used, first of all, force it out!

The next second, the surrounding orange and red hot flames quickly approached the Burning Flame Centipede, and the Burning Flame Centipede also curled up its body, connected head and tail, and rolled towards Lin Yan's position.

Although he said he would hold back, it was obvious that the Burning Flame Centipede was going straight to burn Lin Yan to ashes!

At this time, the temperature of the flame was at least several thousand degrees. Not only that, the high-speed rotating Burning Flame Centipede left a dent half a meter deep on the ground, like a wheel running through the concrete floor!

Unlike the people around him who were sweating all over, Lin Yan was as still as a mountain at this time. He raised his head and looked at the burning giant wheel rolling towards him, neither dodging nor evading.

"Damn, he turned out to be a lunatic who didn’t care about his life!"

"Who does he think he is? He wants to take advantage of the elves' skills?"

"Where's his spirit? Why can't I see it?"

"I don't know, maybe it's been scared away."

The various high-level members of the Evil Fire Team were talking about it, and everyone regarded Lin Yan as a clown who overestimated his own abilities.

And Lin Yan, when the rolling red, high-speed rotating flame wheel was about to rush towards him, slowly raised his right hand.

With a bang, the Burning Flame Centipede stopped rotating at high speed, and no matter how hard it tried, it could not move forward half a step! The high-level member of the Evil Fire Team who had just mocked Lin Yan stared at Lin Yan, his eyeballs almost falling out of his eye sockets!

This? Is this still a human? ?

Even if we put aside the thousand-degree flame of the Burning Flame Centipede, the power generated by the rotation alone is enough to crush a car! But

Lin Yan actually reached out and took it!!

Qiu Shao also looked at Lin Yan in shock, but after all, he was very experienced in combat, and immediately shouted the next order

""Flame Centipede, hurry up, use the bite!"

As soon as the words fell, the Flame Centipede spread out its body, opened its bloody mouth and bit Lin Yan!

Lin Yan still did not dodge or evade.


The Burning Flame Centipede smashed into Lin Yan, and even swallowed the stone on the ground.

Then, it swallowed it directly into its stomach without chewing. In just a few minutes, it seemed that everything had been settled.

The top leaders of the Evil Fire Team looked at the disappearing Lin Yan, and then they breathed a sigh of relief, and the horror on their faces disappeared.

"As expected of the boss, the Burning Centipede swallowed the guy in one bite!"

"How can human power compete with the elves?"

"Too arrogant!"

The surrounding Evil Fire Team leaders all blew rainbow farts, which could be called a fancy dog licking contest.

However, Qiu Shao looked at the Burning Flame Centipede and he always felt that the Burning Flame Centipede seemed a little bit wrong.

""Flame Centipede, what happened to you?"

After swallowing Lin Yan, the Flame Centipede did not celebrate by spitting fire into the sky as usual, but crawled on the ground in pain and whimpered a few times.

Soon, the whimpering turned into wailing, and even trembling all over.

The next moment.

The body of the Flame Centipede suddenly swelled sharply, and then it exploded directly from the abdomen, turning into sparks all over the sky.

A big hole was burned directly where the fire fell, and a few sparks sprinkled on the nearest senior officials, directly melting them into a pool of magma, without even a bone left!

The Evil Fire Team, who thought the dust had settled just now, was stunned for a moment, and the next second, their faces were full of horror, as if they were looking at some demon that had descended here.

In the horrified eyes of the crowd, Lin Yan just patted his clothes, and then looked at them indifferently.

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