After finishing today's exercise, Lin Yan felt that his whole body was full of strength.

How should I put it, every time he feels the sense of accomplishment that he is stronger today than yesterday, Lin Yan feels that it is worth it to lose so much hair.

After stretching his body a little, Lin Yan returned home.

In this life, the family he traveled to was neither poor nor rich, but an ordinary middle-class family.

In this world, trainers and their elves can do many things that humans cannot do.

In other words, as long as you are a trainer, you can be respected.

But Lin Yan's parents are not trainers, they are just ordinary employees.

But Lin Yan doesn't care.

Although his family background is average, his parents treat him very well and live a happy life. They usually save money for him to go to high school and college, so that he can have a better future as a trainer.

Of course, Lin Yan has never been very happy, but unfortunately he can't get over his parents.

Going out for a morning run this morning was actually to deal with his father

"Ah Yan, why are you back? Didn't I just tell you to pick the elf you like?"When Lin Yan's father saw Lin Yan coming in, he quickly put down the broom in his hand and walked over.

"Uh… I went out to exercise for a while. I looked at those elves and they weren’t doing very well. I might as well come back and do some push-ups."Lin Yan replied calmly.

The poor play with cars, the rich play with watches, and the extremely rich raise elves. This is no joke.

A middle-class family like Lin Yan's can't even afford to raise a Pokémon at home.

Moreover, for Lin Yan, raising elves, isn't that a pure waste of money?

An elf is not cheap. Even the more popular elves such as Bell Bud, Walking Grass, and Rattata are a huge expense for Lin Yan's family!

Moreover, this thing is not worth it at all.

I dare not say anything else, even the top three starter Pokémon and even the quasi-gods now, I am afraid they can't stop Lin Yan from making a finger.

However, he has not tried to find out where the upper limit of his current strength is, and he really wants to try it if he has a chance.

I don't know if the super-evolved version of the green caterpillar living in the ozone layer can withstand his punch...


These are Lin Yan's own thoughts.

In order to avoid trouble, he has never told his parents about his current strength.

So his parents, like those passers-by, don't understand the meaning of Lin Yan's single-minded physical exercise.

Now, in order to exercise, he doesn't even choose elves!

It's outrageous!

""Alas, I've told you so many times, don't exercise if you don't have time. Yan's father, you don't teach him well, and now he's an adult, but he still hasn't grown up. Look at his hair, it's thinning, you spoiled him." Seeing this, Lin Yan's mother also shook her head jokingly.

His parents are also quite cheerful and like to joke with Lin Yan.

Lin Yan was about to refuse, but he didn't expect that his father would take the initiative to speak.

"Oh, Mom, don’t you think it’s good to exercise when you have nothing to do?"

"But! Lin Yan, your mother is right about one thing! No matter how much humans train, they are always only at the level of a 3-legged cat. No matter how much they train, any elite elf can easily defeat you!"

"Look at your classmates, the more mature ones have already started to develop feelings with the elves, but what about you? You are almost bald, it will be difficult for you to find a wife in the future!"

"So, go pick a fairy now, you hear me? Save your mom the trouble, as long as it's under 100,000 yuan, just buy it."

"If it's more than 100,000... ahem, you can call me and your mom for advice."

Lin Yan immediately put on an embarrassed expression.

My goodness, his father's various rhetoric bombarded Lin Yan, and a set of combos made him unable to do it.

But to be honest, Lin Yan actually considered raising Pokémon seriously.

After all, the most profitable job in this world is to be a trainer and fight Pokémon.

Of course, the premise is that those trainers who are one in a million are

"Dad, Mom... forget it, it's not worth it to spend 100,000 yuan on a Pokémon."Lin Yan said after thinking for a while.

He did consider becoming a trainer, but Lin Yan didn't plan to buy Pokémon.

With his strength, there is still a shortcut.

Isn't it better to capture Pokémon physically?

Pokémon are creatures that admire strength. As long as they can be conquered, they will be willing to be conquered.

And it also avoids wasting money.

For his middle-class family, 100,000 yuan is not a small amount.

However, after these words were spoken, Lin Yan's parents looked at each other.

They thought that the child was worried that the family could not afford it, and they were a little moved!

Then, Lin Yan's father grabbed Lin Yan's hand and slapped a bank card on his palm.

"Go, listen to daddy, there are 100,000 yuan in this card, pick a good elf."

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Yan was pushed out of the door.

With a bang, the door closed.

Lin Yan:"……"

He looked at the bank card in his hand, feeling somewhat helpless.

The love from parents really should not be underestimated.

All right.

The 100,000 yuan is for him to buy elves. Anyway, he can also subdue elves by physical means. Isn't this equivalent to giving it to him directly, without the middleman making a profit.

Putting the bank card in his pocket, Lin Yan sighed and then went downstairs


After being"driven" out of the house, Lin Yan came all the way to the Pokémon shop.

This shop was built in the most prosperous area of Hangzhou City. It not only sells Pokémon Balls, Energy Cubes and other essential props for trainers, but also sells some Pokémon that have just been born.

There are many civilian Pokémon, such as Pidgeot, Rattata, Cat Monster, etc., with prices ranging from 5,000 to 20,000.

As for the 100,000 level, there are powerful Pokémon such as Magneto, Nidoran, and Mosquito.

Going up are the three starter Pokémons, who are gentle and have great potential, but the price is directly up to millions of sky-high prices!

Lin Yan knew that his parents were frugal just to prevent him from falling behind others right from the start.

Although he appreciated it, there was really no need to waste this money on the initial Pokémon.

He walked into the store and took ten Pokémon Balls from the counter.

Just these ten Pokémon Balls directly cost him 5,000 yuan, which was nearly a month's salary for his father...

My goodness, this trainer is really a money-burning profession!

""By the way, brother, why don't you see your Pokémon?" The clerk asked with feigned curiosity when delivering the Poké Ball.

"Not now, but will be soon"

"Oh, then you have to be careful. I heard a few days ago that someone tried to subdue Kentaro with his bare hands and ended up being hospitalized. He hasn't come out yet."

The clerk looked at Lin Yan and said something with a hint of meaning.

Because he recognized Lin Yan at a glance. Isn't this the fool who jogs around Qingshan Lake every morning? Does this fool really think that he can subdue Pokémons by exercising?

Lin Yan naturally heard the implication of the words, but he was too lazy to pay attention. He calmly shrunk the Poké Ball and threw it into his backpack.

"By the way, please ask"

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