Chapter 157: Blocked Signals.

The next morning,

As soon as the sky shone, the sun could not wait to pierce the clouds and spread the earth. Motoko was crouching in the shade, tinkering with the two drones in front of him.

“Why is this thing so hard to get…”

He said in pieces.

Zhao Sheng, who was standing tall on the side, glanced at it and said lightly: “If you don’t learn to use high-tech products, how can you become an excellent prosecutor?” ”

Hearing this, Yuanzi’s voice was like a mosquito fly: “I’m not a prosecutor either…”


Yuanzi smiled: “The captain is right, what he said is very reasonable. ”

“Okay, don’t be poor, hurry up and get the drone ready, it’s time to search for their tracks.”

Zhao Sheng’s tone was not indifferent. Ten minutes later,

“Damn, finally got this thing done.”

Motoko wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked up at the drone that finally flew. The two drones first hovered above their heads for a while, then quickly cut through the sky and disappeared into the field of view of the two.

“Okay, we should get to work.”

Zhao Sheng clapped his hands and released his entourage elves. On the other side, Tianhe Town.

The sunlight shone through the window in the conference room, Lin Feng felt a warmth on his cheeks, rubbed his eyes, yawned, and slowly opened his eyes.

This is the south of June, the season when you don’t need a quilt to sleep at night.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the elf-shaking Ah Yun sitting in front of two computers, and the teacup placed next to him was steaming. Lin Feng carefully put the blanket on his back aside, walked over and asked, “Early, Sister Yun.” ”

Ah Yun turned his head and looked at it, with a smile on his lips, and replied, “It’s early.” ”

Immediately, she glanced at Lin Feng, who yawned repeatedly, and quipped: “You didn’t believe it when I told you to go back to sleep last night, didn’t you sleep?” ”

Lin Feng scratched his head and said with a smile: “Haha it’s okay, Sister Yun, you are really in good spirits.” ”

During the speech, Lin Feng deliberately did not look at the computer screen behind Ayun, after all, he was only a temporary part-time prosecutor, in case he accidentally glimpsed the confidential content, it would not be good.

However, Ah Yun took the initiative to point to the computer screen and said: “Look, this is the drone picture.” ”

Seeing this, Lin Feng stepped forward, and saw that the two computer screens were divided into eight pictures at this moment, each of which was a very clear forest scene.

“Although the drone has many advantages, it is small and lightweight, and the picture is clear, but the limitations in this dense forest are very large, and the field of view is severely limited.”

Ah Yun said.

Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully, in some dense forests, sunlight cannot penetrate in, outside during the day, inside as if the night drone really comes in handy in the case of a wide field of vision and few obstructions. Suddenly, a majestic and deep male voice sounded from the computer.

“Ayun, have you found anything unusual?”

Ah Yun lowered his eyes, quickly scanned the picture on the computer screen, and then replied: “Captain, there is no abnormal situation for the time being.” ”

“Well, remember to keep in touch with other teammates regularly.”

Zhao Sheng continued.


Ah Yun nodded.

As an information hub, a very important task is to keep in touch with each teammate and deliver important information.

At the same time, she also takes on the task of analyzing whether each teammate’s walking route deviates from the established route through satellite maps, and always pays attention to the drone shooting images.

These tasks may seem simple, but they overlap and are extremely tedious, and you have to have enough patience to complete them. Seeing that the time was still early, Lin Feng went out to buy two breakfasts, but as soon as he returned to the conference room, he heard Ayun’s exclamation.

“What happened?”

Lin Feng put down the breakfast in his hand and walked over quickly to ask.

Ah Yun’s eyes flickered, and he pointed to the picture on the computer screen and said, “Look.” ”

Lin Feng fixed his eyes and saw that the previous clear picture disappeared, replaced by a mosaic-like picture, like an old-fashioned TV series that suddenly lost its signal.

Ah Yun’s eyes flashed, her slender hands jumped flexibly on the keyboard, and after a moment, she took a deep breath and said with a solemn look in her eyes: “The drone has lost its signal.” ”

“For the time being, it cannot be determined that the signal is interrupted because of too far away, or that there are human factors that interfere.”

She muttered.

There have been cases in the past, where the drone lost signal with the rear because of the distance and could not accept the picture. Hearing this, Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

“I’ll try to see if I can contact them first, if not…”

As soon as the words fell, Ah Yun continued to operate the computer and dialed Zhao Sheng’s contact information, but only the sound of “beep” sounded in the conference room, and no one answered for a long time.

Ah Yun stood in front of the computer silently for a moment, and after a long time, she raised her head, a flash of essence flashed in her eyes, and said sharply: “It’s a poaching team!” ”

Lin Feng cast his gaze, and Ah Yun continued: “The drone has lost its signal, and now even the contact signal for their communication to the outside has been cut off, which shows that it must be man-made!” ”

Subsequently, Ah Yun did the same and used the computer and mobile phone to dial the contact information of each teammate, but without exception, no one connected.

“Now that teammates are scattered and drones and walkie-talkies have lost signal, the poaching team must have seized this opportunity to launch a counterattack against them.”

Ah Yun supported his cheek with one hand, stood up and paced back and forth, analyzing.

Lin Feng thought for a while, and immediately asked out loud: “Sister Yun, how do you know that they will launch a counterattack instead of taking the opportunity to escape?” ”

“Take advantage of the news jam and your message cannot be delivered to them, so seize this best opportunity to escape.”

Hearing this, Ah Yun nodded slightly and said: “What you said also makes sense, if only the captain were here, I am just responsible for collecting information, and I am not good at analysis.” ”

“So we have to plan for two things, and the poaching team in this situation is to counterattack or escape.”

“However, whatever the possibility, we need to pass this important news to the captains in time to prepare them.”

Ah Yun said quickly, and at the same time began to clean up the computer with both hands.

“Lin Feng, I need your help now.”

Then, Ah Yun turned to look at Lin Feng with a solemn expression.

“Okay, Sister Yun, you say.”

Lin Feng nodded.

“We don’t know exactly what kind of action the other party will make, so I plan to take the device to the field now and try to shorten the distance and see if I can reconnect the signal.”

“Of course, this is just an attempt, not necessarily a success, because there is a high probability that the poaching team will have a signal jammer in their hands.”

“However, no matter what, I have to find a way to get the information into the hands of the captain.”


Ah Yun’s voice gradually fell.

Five minutes later, Lin Feng and Ayun, who were ready to go, officially embarked on their journey to the wilderness.

“We don’t need to go deep into the wild, we just need to be outside, I’ll try to see if I can reconnect the signal, and if not, I’ll immediately send the intelligence to the prosecutor’s department and let them deal with it.”

“However, with the experience of the captain, when we found that the signal was cut off, we would immediately take corresponding countermeasures, and maybe before we could reconnect the signal, the poaching team was caught by the captain.”

Ah Yun said with a smile.

But even so, there was a hint of worry hidden under Ah Yun’s eyes covered by a smile.

The other party is fully prepared, even the signal jammer is an extremely rare high-tech product in the outside world, with the configuration of their squad, it is estimated that it is very enough.

The two moved quickly, and with a roar, Ayun started an off-road vehicle and roared away with Lin Feng. The slightly petite Ayun sits on the high main driver’s seat of the off-road vehicle, giving people a sharp sense of contrast.

Ten minutes later, the off-road vehicle passed through the villa of the Zhengzhou family, and Lin Feng saw through the window that a large seal had been affixed to the door of the villa.

“This villa has been temporarily banned, and when the incident is over, the procuratorate will send someone to deal with it.”

Ah Yun explained in due course.

However, what Ayun didn’t know was that after the villa appeared, Lin Feng’s shadow climbed up the roof of the car along the window, and after facing the villa for a moment, the off-road vehicle stopped steadily in an open space near the wilderness.

“Okay, here it is.”

Then Ah Yun took out a small table and put two computers on the table, and his hands could be flexibly knocked.

“I’ll try to see if I can break through the signal shield after shortening the distance.”


Lin Feng took the lead.

“Just be out on guard.”

Ah Yun continued.

Immediately, Lin Feng moved a small stool to get out of the car and found a shady place to sit, but his eyes always remained on the off-road vehicle.

In a small forest very close to here, Lei Zi put down the telescope in his hand, turned his head to K and said: “Boss, it’s Si’er’s childhood friend.” ”

“That off-road vehicle is Zhao Sheng’s, and I haven’t seen the woman inside, but she is operating two computers.”

K nodded, glanced at the bandage on her wrist, she looked indifferent, and said, “Made them.” ”

As soon as these words came out, Si’er’s pupils shrank sharply, and he subconsciously glanced in Lin Feng’s direction.

“Boss, it’s already very close to the villa now, or let’s go directly, so as not to dream more at night.”

Lei Zi smiled coyly

“Besides, when we met those two guys earlier, wasn’t it just a lesson?”

He continued, K glanced at Lei Zi lightly, and said coldly: “A teenager, a woman, how much time does it take us?” ”

“There is a boss and you make a move, of course, you can solve them in an instant.”

Lei Zi said with a smile.

K didn’t continue to speak, she snapped her fingers, and a petite elf with a pink body suddenly appeared out of nowhere, its head was inlaid with a ruby, and its purple pupils were very mysterious.

“Sun Eevee, it’s over to you.”

K said.

Then, Sun Eevee looked lazy and slowly walked towards Lin Feng, with a gentle pace.

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