In Xia Nai’s original words, knowing Lin Feng was the most correct decision she made this year, and there was no one.

“Brother, in the future, you will develop and become a powerful trainer, don’t forget to carry your sister and me.” Xia Nai helped Lin Feng fill out the application form and chattered.

Lin Feng’s eyes were full of smiles, no one didn’t like to listen to good words, and said: “Sister, I’m only an intermediate trainer, and I haven’t left a strong eight characters.” ”

“But you’ve received the elves for less than a month,” Natsuna said faintly.

She has also been working on the front desk of the Elf Battle Center for several years, and this is really the first time such a talented trainer.

In about half a month, he became an intermediate trainer, and in the words of the novel, it is terrifying.

The two went to the office hall together, and Xia Nai was very familiar with the staff here, and quickly applied for the status of intermediate sparring partner.

“After becoming an intermediate sparring partner, the mandatory sparring missions per month are reduced from 100 to 50, and you can choose bounty missions on the mission platform.”

Lin Feng operated his mobile phone and opened the task platform.

[Mission: Capture Meow].

[Task demand: Recently, a meow that constitutes theft appeared in the vegetable market in Tianxin District…].

[Task reward: 2,000 yuan].

[Note: The minimum requirement for this task is an intermediate trainer].

Catch the stolen meow….

At first glance, this task did not seem to be difficult, but after thinking about it carefully, Lin Feng felt that it was not as simple as he imagined.

As we all know, the wet market has a huge flow of people and the aisles are tight, and it is not difficult to catch a flexible meow in this environment.

What’s more, in the event that in the process of action, losses are caused to the surrounding vegetable stalls, this cost is not only borne by Lin Feng himself.

[Mission: Family sparring].

[Mission Requirements: Designate grass elves as sparring partners].

[Task reward: 1,000 yuan].

[Note: Stinky flowers excluded].

Grass system? Excuse me.

Lin Feng shook his head and continued to look down.

[Mission: Field Escort].

[Mission requirements: Meet the idea of two junior trainers going to the wild, and protect safety along the way].

[Task remuneration: 3,000 yuan].

[Note: The minimum requirement for this task is an intermediate trainer].

“I want to go into the wild.” Lin Feng pondered.

“This task is in line with my heart.” Because he cheekily stayed in the No. 7 Ruins a few days ago and helped expel wild elves, Lin Feng’s wild survival skills have improved rapidly.

“This mission is good, the content is very simple, as long as the two trainers are safely escorted to the wilderness, and then safely returned, even if the mission is completed.” Xia Nai saw Lin Feng’s gaze fall on this task and spoke.

“Just get to the outskirts of the forest?” Lin Feng asked.

“Of course, if you want the mission to go to the central area of the forest, the minimum requirement is at least a senior trainer.” Natsuna explained with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded abruptly, and then spoke, “Then let’s do this.” ”

Then, he clicked accept, and a message immediately popped up on the mobile phone screen: “Mission accepted successfully, please arrive at window 11 of the mission hall of the battle center within ten minutes.” ”

“Well, I should also go to the front desk to continue working, I wish you a good journey.” Natsuna stood up and stepped on high heels and left.

Lin Feng did not delay, because it had been going smoothly in the Elf Association Building before, and it was only nearly eleven o’clock now.

“Go early, then take the field with you, maybe you can come back in the afternoon.” Lin Feng thought in his heart.

He walked to the mission hall and came to window eleven, where he saw two familiar figures standing.

“Hi, meet again.” Fang Qingya, who was chatting with Cheng Yunyun, suddenly saw the boy she had been worried about before appear in front of her, her heart beat faster and she showed a sweet smile.

Lin Feng looked at the two girls in front of him, and also felt a little strange, even if he met in the Elf Association building before, how could he still meet here.

“It seems that you and the two of us have a good fate, hello, my name is Fang Qingya.” Without waiting for Lin Feng to speak, Fang Qingya took the lead in extending her white right hand.

“Yaya! This must be an opportunity from heaven to you! You must hold it firmly! Fang Qingya’s face remained unchanged, and she shouted in her heart.

A hint of surprise flashed in Lin Feng’s eyes, and he also stretched out his right hand, and the two hands clasped together, but Lin Feng immediately withdrew again, ignoring Fang Qingya’s somewhat resentful eyes.

“Lin Feng.” He nodded lightly.

“I’m Cheng Yunyun.” Cheng Yunyun nodded.

“Actually, if you don’t say it, I also know your names. Anyone who has seen you both should know your name. Lin Feng secretly complained in his heart.

“Classmate Lin Feng, are you also here to post tasks?” Fang Qingya asked.

“You’re here to post the mission?” Lin Feng did not answer positively, he looked up at the eleventh window in front of him, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

“Yes, after the two of us passed the Junior Trainer certification, we planned to go to the wilderness, growing up so big, but I learned from textbooks that the wild is dangerous, and this time we want to see it ourselves.” When Fang Qingya heard Lin Feng’s question, she gushed endlessly.

Sure enough….

“So you two decided to come here to issue a mission and find a trainer to escort you to the wilderness?” Lin Feng said, but his tone was extremely determined.

“yes, how do you know!” Fang Qingya looked a little excited.

And at this time, Cheng Yunyun on the side spoke: “It’s strange to say, why hasn’t the person who accepted the task arrived yet?” ”

“Yes, it is clear that it will arrive in ten minutes, and now the time will be right away.” Fang Qingya nodded repeatedly.

“Would you like to open your phone and see the name of the person who accepted the task?” Lin Feng’s expression became indifferent again, and he had confirmed this matter one hundred percent.

Hearing this, Cheng Yunyun took out his mobile phone and saw the name of the task recipient: Lin Feng.

She suddenly froze in place, raised her head and looked at Lin Feng who was looking at her with a smile, and for a while she didn’t know how to speak.

Instead, Fang Qingya, as if she had no heart or lungs, immediately looked full of joy after seeing the name, and shouted excitedly: “Is that the task you received?” ”

Seeing Lin Feng nodding, she was ecstatic.

Cheng Yunyun next to him finally eased his mind, saw his girlfriend like this, took a few steps back, and said helplessly: “Stupid Qingya, do you know that the person in front of you who looks about the same age as us is an intermediate trainer!” ”

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