This black bear is burly, with hair hanging down on the sides of its face, and its wrists are like white gauntlets wrapped, slowly lifting one knee, the whole is like the black and white colors in the yin and yang fish.

In Donghuang, this is the posture of ‘Golden Rooster Independence’ in Taijiquan, and when you look at it, it is like a gentle lake and a rushing water.

Martial Arts Bear Master!!

Apprentice Xiong subconsciously retreated, startled by the momentum of the elf in this painting, and then secretly lowered his head and cast a curious gaze.

However, the next moment.

Lin Feng pointed to the martial arts bear and said

“This is the evolved you.”



Apprentice Xiong put his head above the drawing paper, and his black eyes kept turning.

Because he did not live in the group, the bear apprentice had never seen his evolutionary form.

The domineering martial arts bear master on the drawing paper caused a great impact on its young and fragile heart.

Apprentice Xiong looked down at his small body, and then looked up at the martial arts bear master on the paper, his eyes seemed to be burning with flames, and he shouted loudly.

This is the difference in the personality of elves, and some elves face such a situation, thinking how can a weak self evolve into a strong elf.

But the bear apprentice is different, it has a strong temperament and high fighting spirit, and it will only become more and more courageous when encountering difficulties and setbacks.

Lin Feng looked at the reaction of the bear apprentice and nodded in satisfaction.

“Well, then, I’ll tell you a story.”

Lin Feng pointed to the bear apprentice on another drawing paper and said, “A story about it. ”

Apprentice Xiong turned around and looked at Lin Feng obediently.

Eyes full of curiosity.

“This is a story of the mountains and rivers of the boxing town.”

“A long, long time ago, in a place called the Galar Continent, there was a group of bear apprentices, and under the leadership of the martial arts bear master, there were many bear apprentices living.”

Hearing the beginning, Apprentice Xiong’s eyes became focused.

It turned its head to the west.

That was the direction of the continent of Galar.

“One of the bear apprentices fell in love with the most beautiful bear apprentice in the group, and it began to frantically pursue this beautiful bear apprentice.”

Lin Feng’s voice did not stop, and he continued to scribble on the paper: “Martial Dao Bear Master told it: Only the most powerful bear apprentice can be with the beautiful bear apprentice. ”

“And if you want to become the most powerful bear apprentice, you must defeat the other elves.”

“But it’s too weak.”

“Any elf can defeat it at will.”

On the drawing paper, pictures of the bear apprentice fighting various elves began to appear.

“The steel armored crow caught it in the air and laughed at it: Even I can’t defeat it, how can I become the most powerful bear apprentice?”

“The biting turtle swept it into the ocean and mocked it: the sea symbolizes breadth and strength, and I see in you only weakness.”

“Yan Rabbit smiled and burned it with flames, and the ancient moon bird looked at it and laughed loudly…”

While drawing, Lin Feng spoke, while paying attention to the reaction of the bear apprentice.


Lin Feng’s painting skills are superb, although the story is simple and rude, but the bear apprentice has a strong sense of substitution, and when he heard this, he was already angry.

Red eyes… At the same time, they stared at the elves who bullied the bear apprentices on the paper.

Lin Feng continued: “The battered bear apprentice is very unwilling, it wants to be with the beautiful bear apprentice, it wants to become the strongest bear apprentice, but it doesn’t know what to do, it is very confused. ”

“At this time, a trainer as handsome as me appeared. It saw the injured bear apprentice, did not dislike, but treated the bear apprentice. ”

Apprentice Xiong’s eyes were shining, and he couldn’t wait to hear what was next.

“After the trainer learned of Apprentice Xiong’s idea, he encouraged Apprentice Xiong and made a training schedule for Apprentice Xiong to become stronger.”

“Run 10 kilometers a day, pull up 100 times a day, sit up 100 times a day, 100 times a day…”

Lin Feng’s eyes flashed, and with a movement of his wrist, he continued to draw several poses on the paper.

“The training was very hard, and at the beginning, Apprentice Xiong couldn’t even do one-tenth of the training.”

“But the roaring flame of getting stronger drives it to work hard and keep it going.”

“After a month, he was able to complete these exercises every day without error, and he felt much stronger.”

“And at this time, it met the elves who had bullied it…”

Speaking of this, Lin Feng put down the drawing paper in his hand.

I’m not going to talk about it anymore.

The story is simple.


Apprentice Xiong stood anxiously beside Lin Feng, his eyes full of longing.

Talk quickly, speak quickly! Dying bear!

“Want to know what’s going on behind that?” Lin Feng asked with a smile.

After seeing Apprentice Xiong nodding desperately, Lin Feng cleared his throat and said solemnly: “No hurry, now you should start training.” Otherwise, you will be bullied by the elves in the story in the future. ”

“Ugh!” The green caterpillar has a roaring flame burning in its eyes, and after listening to this story, it empathizes, as if it sees itself being bullied and knocked down.

Lin Feng’s words made it excited and angry.

I, want to become the most powerful bear apprentice! With the prettiest bear apprentice!

“If you want to hear the next story, you want to know if you can defeat those elves.” Lin Feng pointed to the action in the scroll:

“Then, you have to exercise according to the training method above.”

For the bear apprentices of the fighting department, the training method is very simple, and it is enough to increase the combat experience while improving the physique.

Although these basic moves are simple, they work very well and can be very beneficial to the initial form of fighting elves.

Seeing the bear apprentice who was training alone in the courtyard, Lin Feng nodded in satisfaction, and then began to think about a question.

“How the hell do you make money…”

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