Under the blue sky, the majestic wind mixed with the hot wind blows towards the lake, stirring up ripples.

Jiang Fang looked at the mosquito coil tadpole in front of him and scratched his head, and the urn whispered to the wrist force next to him and asked: “You say, how can we be friends with it?” ”

Jiang Fang tried, but every time he approached the elf, the other party would show a terrified expression and run away.

“Wrist power!”

Wrist Force shook his head, his mind was only training and fighting, and for it, fighting was the best way to make friends.

When it wins, it takes the initiative to make friends with the other party; When it loses, it is forced to make friends.

Jiang Fang looked around and caught a glimpse of Lin Feng, who was standing by the lake enjoying the scenery, and with a thought, he took a step and ran towards Lin Feng.

“Brother Feng, come up with an idea, how to make friends with elves?” He smiled and asked.

“It’s simple, if you want to make friends with the elf, you have to let it know that you are not dangerous to it, but can bring it benefits.” Lin Feng said lightly.

“No danger, good to bring?” Jiang Fang thought thoughtfully, thought for a moment, and said tentatively: “How about I take it to train together?” ”

Lin Feng: “…….”

“As the saying goes, if you want to grab a person’s heart, you must first grab his stomach. Do the same with an elf, give it something tasty and it will lose its vigilance against you, a technique common all over the world. Lin Yang said in a tone of hatred that iron is not steel.

These are the contents that have been learned in the book and belong to the compulsory points of the college entrance examination.

“Good! I understand! Jiang Fang replied with high spirits, he looked around, and sure enough, he saw that the other students were using energy cubes to lower the vigilance of the elves.

After figuring out how to do this, he took out two low-level energy cubes from behind his back.

He first handed an energy cube to the wrist force beside him, and then took the only remaining piece and tiptoed towards the mosquito coil tadpole.

“Classmate Lin, you have learned the knowledge in the book very solidly.” Zhu Hao said with a smile.

Lin Feng hurriedly waved his hand and said modestly: “You are too rewarding, this is all basic knowledge.” ”

“Student Lin, do you want to go to Imperial Capital University or Magic Capital University in the future?” Zhu Hao appreciated the student in front of him more and more.

The strength is obviously far beyond his peers, but he is not arrogant or impetuous, the content of the book is extremely solid, the teacher is humble and reasonable, and he is handsome.

Lin Feng didn’t expect Zhu Hao to ask him directly like this, and he was stunned for a while.

Didu University and Modu University are both the top universities in the Donghuang area, and they are the first place, and the rest of the schools compete for the second place.

However, the two schools have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the imperial capital, where the imperial capital university is located, has the headquarters of the elf association, and countless powerful trainers have gathered.

Modu, where Modu University is located, has a more prosperous economy and closer communication with the outside world, and is a free place that countless trainers yearn for.

After a moment, Lin Feng replied: “For me, it is actually the same wherever I go, mainly to see which school will want me.” ”

Little slippery head!

Zhu Hao sighed in his heart, and even began to fantasize about whether his child would be as good as Lin Feng in front of him in the future.

Zhu Hao knew that with Lin Feng’s talent, as long as he continued to grow at this speed, he might not need to wait until the college entrance examination.

In the next semester, colleges and universities will throw olive branches to Lin Feng, and even personally come to Anhan City to take the lead to kidnap Lin Feng to his own school.

This kind of thing happens every year.

Of course, this is only the treatment of the top genius.

The two talked casually and began to pay attention to each student.

However, what surprised the two of them slightly was that these wild elves behaved very plainly when facing the low-level energy cubes handed over by the students.

It was completely different from what they expected.

The group of students looked at the low-level energy cube in their hands, and they were suddenly embarrassed in place.

“Could it be that this group of elves is no longer interested in low-level energy cubes?” A classmate muttered.

“Teacher Zhu, are there often trainers passing by here?” Lin Feng suddenly turned his head and asked.

“This is the outskirts of the Ugu Forest, the danger is very low, and there will be powerful trainers to lead people through.” Teacher Zhu recalled.

“Wait, do you mean…” Teacher Zhu’s eyes flashed abruptly and said

“Because these elves have been fed by trainers for a long time, their appetites have become picky, and they can no longer look at low-level energy cubes?”

“Most likely, so.” Lin Feng looked at the puzzled classmate in front of him with a funny face.

Because at this time, almost all the low-level energy cubes used by everyone to feed the elves, and the picky wild elves have looked down on the low-level energy cubes.

“I’ll experiment with it.” Lin Feng said.

After speaking, he took out a crystal clear energy cube from behind him.

Hei Luga, who had been quietly squatting beside Zhu Hao, saw the energy cube in Lin Feng’s hand, and it stood up abruptly, staring at it with blood-red eyes, and a low roar came out of its throat.

Saliva couldn’t help but run down the corners of its mouth.

“What a high quality!” Zhu Hao looked at this energy cube and said in surprise.

And the abnormal performance of Heruga beside him surprised him even more.

Zhu Hao was very aware of his own black ruga’s personality, and he was indifferent to everything, but when he saw this energy cube, he suddenly gaffed.

Zhu Hao stared closely at Lin Feng’s back and watched him walk towards a bobo.

Bobo looked at Lin Feng, who was getting closer and closer to him, and hissed in a low voice and made a warning sound.

Lin Feng bent over, trying to make himself less dangerous in Bobo’s eyes. At the same time, he had a kind smile on his face and held an energy cube in his right hand.

Sure enough, Bobo no longer hissed, but just looked at Lin Feng quietly, his wings slowly waving.

Suddenly, it smelled a tempting aroma from Lin Feng’s hand, and its eyes lit up.

In the next second, it fluttered its wings, its wings flapped and the dwarf grass on the side danced with the wind.

I saw a black shadow passing by, and the intermediate energy cube in Lin Feng’s hand had disappeared.

Then, this Bobo stood on a thick branch and swallowed the medium-grade energy cube in one bite, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

After eating, immediately after that, this Bobo flew down again, standing in front of Lin Feng, and chirping excitedly.

Many of the students standing on the sidelines were dumbfounded.

“Brother Feng, how did you do this?”

(Please, support, brothers, toss for a while today to sign the contract.) )

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