Two minutes later, Lin Feng looked at the empty backpack, and the smile on his face could no longer be suppressed.

And the balance in the account also broke through to six figures historically.

For many powerful trainers, this is just a small step; But for Lin Feng, this is a big step!

Now the inner joy is even more than when I was certified as an intermediate trainer.

Lin Feng came over this time and brought thirty energy cubes, in fact, there was no need to bring so many in one day’s formation.

However, the last field encounter told Lin Feng to always be prepared for accidents in case of emergency.

And this accident made him a lot of money.

Lin Feng even hoped that this beautiful accident would come more often, so that he could get out of the financial crisis as soon as possible.

At this time, the student who purchased the intermediate energy cube from Lin Feng successfully used the temptation of food to easily establish a temporary friendly relationship with the wild elves.

After success, they laughed and a sense of accomplishment was born.

Of course, there are a few students, relying on their extraordinary affinity, who actually mingle with wild elves without relying on foreign objects.

As for the rest of the students, they could only smile coyly and try to curry favor with these fussy wild elves with low-level energy cubes.

To say that there is no dissatisfaction in the heart must be fake, everyone is a classmate, why can’t it be free!!

There are not a few students who have this kind of thought, of course, they will only hide it deep in their hearts, and on the surface they still look like they understand Lin Feng.

More students know in their hearts that they are not related to Lin Feng, and the only thing they can get their hands on is the relationship between classmates, why is it free?

Of course, Lin Feng still gave a free piece to his good buddy Jiang Fang, after all, they are not only classmates, but also many years of revolutionary friendship.

If his parents knew that Lin Feng charged Jiang Fang, he would have to grab his ears and scold for a long time.

Zhu Hao, who had been paying attention to Lin Feng, saw Lin Feng’s expression, and an idea suddenly came up, and he went straight to Lin Feng.

“Classmate Lin, have you considered taking the energy cube to the market and selling it?” Zhu Hao asked.

To be honest, Lin Feng really had this idea.

However, considering various factors later, he needed to find a reliable channel by himself, and also experienced a series of interest fights, business competition, etc., and he suddenly lost interest.

It’s okay to make money, it’s okay to be troublesome.

“Teacher Zhu, do you have any good suggestions?” Lin Feng understood Zhu Hao’s purpose in asking him like this.

He didn’t mince words, he asked directly.

Zhu Hao said with a smile: “My wife is the store manager of the No. 7 Elf Shop in Anhan City, and you can put it for sale at her. ”

The manager of the elf shop?

Lin Feng’s thoughts moved, Anhan City opened several elf shops, spread over various districts, each of which needed to find its own high-quality sources and sell them in stores.

Therefore, each elf shop is actually a fierce competition.

Lin Feng didn’t think about selling it in the elf shop, but selling it here requires a bunch of proofs, energy cube security certificates, elf association security certificates, and so on.

Applying for a certificate requires a lengthy review and verification, which is extremely troublesome.

“You don’t have to worry about proof, my wife can help you deal with these troubles.” Zhu Hao saw Lin Feng’s concerns and spoke.

As soon as these words came out, Lin Feng was a little moved, but he instantly thought of one more thing:

“Teacher Zhu, you know, I have classes on weekdays, and I have to work in the Elf Battle Center on weekends, I’m afraid I don’t have much time to make energy cubes.”

However, Zhu Hao seemed to have expected it, and a smile appeared on his face and said:

“Actually, it’s better, as the saying goes, the quality of the energy cubes you make is so high. But the number is not much, which will have a better effect. ”

“If there are more of them, everyone will feel bad and feel that what they have in their hands has become less precious.”

In fact, Zhu Hao’s real intention is not the same as he said, after all, even if he sells a hundred yuan, it is only one million, and this little money is not worth mentioning to the elf shop.

Zhu Hao’s purpose from beginning to end was to sell Lin Feng a benefit, and establish a stakeholder relationship with Lin Feng and bind it together.

Such a genius who is destined to be extraordinary in the future, he must seize every opportunity to befriend him.

And at this moment, Zhang Yao, who was far away in the office of the elf battle center, suddenly sneezed.

“Strange, in such a hot weather, I didn’t catch a cold, how could I sneeze inexplicably?” Zhang Yao was a little puzzled and puzzled.

Shaking his head, he stopped dwelling and began to think about a more important question.

“Before Lin Feng completely shows his talent and is discovered by more people, I must establish a closer connection with him.”

“In addition to sending scrolls, is there any way to befriend Lin Feng?”

“It is not enough to send money, there is no shortage of garages, the resources are uncertain, and the cultivation experience has already been sent.”

“Alas, what a nuisance.” This big man who usually responds to the call and can rank in the top ten in the entire Anhan City, is very broken for Lin Feng at this time.

At this time, Lin Feng was talking to Zhu Hao with a smile.

“If you make a hundred pieces a week, will you be able to sell them?”

Zhu Hao replied without hesitation: “There is no problem at all with a hundred pieces, and Anhan City trainers have a great demand for intermediate energy cubes. ”

Yes, the elf strength that needs to feed the intermediate energy cube is between the intermediate level and the senior level, and in this range, the trainer is the most.

Most ordinary residents are at the level of intermediate trainers, and some are gifted to become advanced trainers.

No problem at all!

When Lin Feng heard Zhu Hao’s confident answer, his eyes suddenly lit up, staring at Zhu Hao in front of him, and said, “Good!” ”

As long as this long-term business can be completed, his financial pressure will be relieved immediately.

The two discussed again for a while to divide the questions, and after getting the exact answer, Lin Feng was finally satisfied.

In fact, Lin Feng is very open to this kind of thing, as long as he can reduce the trouble as much as possible, let him be a handshaker, except to provide energy cubes and take money, there is no need to do anything, even if it is divided into a little low.

However, Zhu Hao on the other side would also prefer to take a lower share and have a good relationship with Lin Feng.

However, at this moment, Jiang Ming held the last energy cube in his hand, looking at his two elves, and suddenly made a difficulty.

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