Chapter 67: Our Determination and Conviction Become One!

Inside the gymnasium,

The foundation was destroyed by the burrows under the huge body of the large rock snake, and the site exploded, and bricks and stones splattered in all directions, leaving no place to stand.

Relying on its size advantage that surpassed the bear apprentice, the big rock snake constantly jumped out of the ground, opened its blood basin and mouth, and gnawed towards the bear apprentice!

Without hitting the blow, the big rock snake stood tall with its huge body, spitting out a gust of wind from its mouth, and suddenly this strong aura intensified, roaring out towards the bear apprentice!

“It’s Dragon’s Breath! Hitting the opponent may cause a paralyzing effect! ”

The sharp-eyed docent said immediately.

However, just like before, the bear apprentice stepped on the ground again and immediately set off a strong air current, and it jumped up again amid the exclamations of everyone!

“Jump on it!”

Lin Feng said positively.

The command strategy of Zhu Tong on the opposite side was to use a continuous attack posture at the beginning, and the huge size of the big rock snake made the bear apprentice fall into a passive defensive state.

Everyone thought that Zhu Tong would use the defensive characteristics of the Great Rock Snake to fight, but he did the opposite, launching wave after wave of attacks at the beginning, allowing the bear apprentice to fall into his own attack rhythm.

Mainly, Zhu Tong’s back 850 thought that it was not advisable to blindly defend in the face of the bear apprentice, and he would eventually be knocked to the ground by the physically energetic bear apprentice.

“Apprentice Xiong has once again shown its amazing reflexes and jumping ability!”

“In one attack after another, the big rock snake not only did not hit the opponent once, but also lost serious physical strength.”

“Dodge it!”

Zhu Tong looked at the situation on the field that was completely different from what he expected, frowned, and said loudly.

Is there really no way to take the bear apprentice? In mid-air in the field, the bear apprentice who jumped up and the big rock snake just looked at each other, and it controlled its body and landed on top of the big rock snake’s head.

The big rock snake struggled and shook its head vigorously, but the soles of the bear’s apprentice’s feet seemed to be glued, and he didn’t move!

“Big rock snake, hit the ground!”

Zhu Tong said with a huh.

Hearing this, the huge body of the big rock snake swam, and its huge head brought a whistling wind sound, wanting to smash towards the ground.

“Frozen Fist!”

Lin Feng naturally couldn’t let the big rock snake get his wish.

Immediately afterwards, the bear’s apprentice’s fists glowed with white light, the frost flakes wrapped its fists, and the surrounding temperature dropped instantly, and the big rock snake felt a chill above his head, and his action couldn’t help but sluggish.

Immediately, the bear apprentice smashed down with both fists, punch after punch, the big rock snake screamed, and the struggle became more intense, but in the next second, the freezing effect was triggered!

“It’s an added effect of Frozen Fist! There is a certain chance that the opponent will fall into a frozen state! ”

In a short period of time, the ten-meter-tall rock snake’s whole body was frozen by ice, and its huge body was trapped in the ice sculpture, like a sealed monster.

“Kick down!”

Lin Feng saw the big rock snake that was frozen with a smile on his face and said loudly.


Hearing Lin Feng’s voice, Zhu Tong’s pupils on the opposite side shrank sharply, but he didn’t expect that Apprentice Xiong had mastered this extremely restrained fighting skill of the Great Rock Snake.

“Lin Feng player directs the bear apprentice to kick down, this is a skill that determines damage according to the opponent’s weight, the heavier the opponent, the higher the damage given.”

“According to the data, the average weight of the big rock snake is about 210 kilograms, but the huge big rock snake of Zhu Tong’s player obviously weighs more than the average level.”

“If Zhu Tong does not have a plan to deal with it, then the situation will deteriorate rapidly.”

The docent instantly spat out a series of words, and he knew in his heart that when the big rock snake fell into a frozen state, the outcome of this game was already predetermined.

Zhu Tong was also desperate, and it was impossible for his Great Rock Snake to master the fire system skill and end the frozen state early. Now I can only pray that the Great Rock Snake can take this powerful blow.

On the field, the bear apprentice, who looked very small in front of the big rock snake, had a flat face, and it came to the big rock snake, its legs bloomed with white light, and kicked hard towards the middle torso of the big rock snake!

Kicking down was originally a hard kick to the opponent’s foot, but the big rock snake had no feet, so he had to retreat.

In an instant, the large rock snake that fell into a frozen state obviously felt a huge force transmitted to its whole body, and it tried desperately to control itself as it fell downward.

But it can’t control its body and can only watch itself fall to the ground.


The venue shook violently, and the huge body of the big rock snake crashed to the ground, colliding with the ground, raising bursts of gunsmoke.

“The big rock snake fell to the ground, covered by gunsmoke!”

The docent said. A moment later, the smoke on the field dissipated, and the big rock snake gasped, and there was an icy chill in its triangular eyes!


The big rock snake raised its head and roared, its tail wrapped in the sound of whistling and breaking wind, sweeping left and right, it was extremely angry at the moment!

“It’s the characteristic of the big rock snake, strong!”

“Under the strong effect, let the big rock snake avoid being kicked down and killed by one blow!”

The docent said passionately.

“However, the situation is still very unobjective to the big rock snake, and the bear apprentice with strong physical strength is still preparing for the next fierce attack.”

Seeing the big rock snake standing on the field again, Zhu Tong’s eyes were burning with flames, and he waved his arm and shouted: “Big rock snake, rock collapse!” ”

This time, our determination and conviction to win have become one, and this is our all-out blow!

As soon as the words fell, a huge rock formed out of thin air in front of the big rock snake, and with a low roar, the huge rock carried an unstoppable momentum and smashed towards the bear apprentice!

“What an amazing landslide! This is the killer blow produced by the fusion of the hearts and emotions of the trainer and the elf! ”

“The power of faith? It’s a pity, bear apprentice, dig holes! ”

Lin Feng’s eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice.


Zhu Tong smacked his tongue.

He never expected that Apprentice Xiong actually mastered the hole digging skill, which had not been used once in the previous competition. But it’s also very normal to think about it, in the first two games, Apprentice Xiong almost relied on his fists to crush all the way.

In the face of this obviously unreasonable rock avalanche, it is natural to avoid its edge.

A second before the huge rock hit the bear apprentice, the latter had already retreated into the ground and disappeared, and the huge rock lost its target and could only be in close contact with the ground, and the rock fell apart in a violent collision.

After losing the trace of the bear apprentice, the big rock snake let out a bored roar.

Because the big rock snake had used the digging skill before, the caves in the ground extended in all directions, and the big rock snake was completely unable to predict where the bear apprentice would appear from.

“Broken rock!”

Lin Feng spoke up.

In the next second, the bear apprentice broke out from the hole next to the big rock snake, and at the same time, his fist flashed white light, and he smashed into the body of the big rock snake with a fist.


The big rock snake suffered pain, and it could no longer hold on and fell to the ground with a bang! Bang bang!!

The dust and smoke cleared, and the stadium venue was no longer the same at this time.

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