Chapter Seventy-Six: I’m Really Awesome!.

A week later.

“Is this the White Rainbow Martial Arts Hall?”

Looking up at the mansion full of ancient atmosphere in front of him, Lin Feng sighed with emotion, look at this appearance, it is worthy of being the largest martial arts hall in Anhan City, Lin Feng looked around, some yellow tiles of vermilion walls, large red pillars came into view, carved sculptures of humanoid elves, majestic wind speed dog stone statues at the gate, and the main entrance of the red atmosphere.

Of course, there is also a gold plaque on a black background at the door, on which is written the four big characters of the White Rainbow Martial Arts Museum. As in this table, it contains an ancient charm, which is immediately distinguished from other martial arts halls.

Lin Feng is quite interested in martial arts, after all, which Donghuang person has no martial arts dreams, and has not fantasized about hoeing the strong and helping the weak.

Although it has little to do with fighting, in this dangerous elven world, it is necessary for elf strength to break through the sky and learn self-defense techniques.

What’s more, Lin Feng’s current physique is comparable to the strength of an intermediate elf, learn a little fighting skills, and directly teach the bear apprentice hand-in-hand.

With his mind turning, he took a step and stepped over the door covered with golden studs.

Entering the gate, a loud noise rushed towards him, and what appeared in sight was an open-air square that could accommodate at least forty or fifty people at any time.

There are some pine trees planted around the square, and at the same time stand some stone carvings that Lin Feng cannot understand.

In the square, there were more than a dozen men in martial arts uniforms standing neatly, and in front of them, Lin Feng’s martial arts teacher Xiang Rongzheng stood with a serious face.

Xiang Rong turned his head and saw Lin Feng’s figure, his eyes shining, but he still said to the dozen or so men in front of him with a straight face: “You guys practice independently first.” ”

After speaking, he strode towards Lin Feng, and the men behind him stretched their necks one by one, casting curious eyes at Lin Feng, and after seeing the appearance, they exclaimed one after another.

“You are finally here, the master has been waiting for you for a long time.”

Facing Lin Feng, Xiang Rong changed his serious expression, and a smile reappeared on his face, and then, under the leadership of Xiang Rong, Lin Feng came to a hall.

“You wait here for a while, I’ll call the master over.”

After Xiang Rong finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

Lin Feng scanned the circle, and the doors of this hall were open in all directions, carved beams and paintings, carved poles, cornices and anti-universe, magnificent atmosphere. The floor of the hall was covered with exquisite marble floor tiles, and the hall was empty, with a few chairs scattered and some wooden instruments that Lin Feng could not understand.

A few minutes later, Li Yutang, dressed in a Tang costume and with a white beard, suddenly appeared in front of him, and Lin Feng was startled. At the same time, he felt more and more that the strength of the person in front of him was unfathomable, and there was no footstep close to him.

Li Yutang looked at Lin Feng, a smile appeared on his face, stretched out his hand and said, “Sit.” ”

The two sat on the chairs nearby, but Xiang Rong before did not know when he returned to the square, meticulously taking all the disciples to practice.

“You’re finally here.”

Li Yutang stroked his beard and smiled kindly.

“Senior Li, after all, I am just a student, and I am in school on weekdays..”

Lin Feng said weakly. This week, he was at home and collected detailed information about several bigwigs that day.

President Li and Zhang Yao didn’t need to say much, they just wanted to befriend Lin Feng, but Li Yutang and Rao Xiuming in front of them were different, and they both wanted to accept Lin Feng as a disciple at the beginning.

On the Internet, Li Yutang’s resume is as follows: an elite-level trainer, who won the second place in the 9th Donghuang Fighting Conference, and ten years ago in an elf tide, he physically fought against the elite-level Nido King…….

Not only is the elite-level trainer, but Li Yutang himself also has elite-level strength, maybe his elves can’t beat the trainer himself.

The Donghuang Fighting Conference is also thunderous for Lin Feng, it is not a low-level event such as the Young Eagle Cup, this is a major event held by Donghuang every year, attracting trainers with fighting elves from all over Donghuang to participate.

And Rao Xiuming’s resume shocked Lin Feng: a senior cultivator, who participated in the fourth cultivation conference and won the championship, and now he is working in the Anhan City Elf Association, and has taught disciples all over Donghuang over the years…

It is no exaggeration to say that with this resume, Rao Xiuming can completely walk sideways in most of Donghuang.

“Do you want Apprentice Xiong to learn the art of fighting, or do you learn the art of fighting yourself?”

Suddenly, Li Yutang asked aloud, interrupting Lin Feng’s thoughts.

“Is there any difference?”

Lin Feng wondered.

Li Yutang did not hesitate and said directly: “Apprentice Xiong learns the art of fighting, and we will teach various fighting skills and fighting techniques. ”

He paused, glanced at Lin Feng, and continued: “If you study in person, we will polish your body, hone your will, and teach skills that are sufficient for self-defense. ”

Hearing this, Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully, and immediately said, “Then can I choose all?” ”

Hearing Lin Feng’s answer, Li Yutang showed a smile that had succeeded in his plan and said, “Of course, you can, but ordinary people are mostly weak compared to elves, and even if I try my best to teach, the progress will be very slow.” ”

Who expected Lin Feng to actually reply: “Senior Li, then I shouldn’t be like this, my body is quite strong.” ”


Li Yutangzai carefully looked at Lin Feng’s body up and down, there were only few traces of training, and besides that, he couldn’t see anything outstanding at all.

Those few traces of training… It is still a trace of training with Xiong’s apprentice at the beginning. Ever since he obtained an intermediate physique, he had forgotten about this matter.

And because the intermediate physique is a direct system reward, except for himself, except for himself, the physical strength is now comparable to the intermediate elves, outsiders can’t see it at all.

After all, can you see that Ash’s small body can actually resist the attack of the divine beast?

“Your strength may be different from ours.”

Li Yutang’s eyes were complicated, and after considering it for a long time, he decided to tactfully remind him not to hurt the child’s self-esteem.

“Really, although I don’t look great on the outside, I’m really strong.”

Lin Feng’s face was serious. Looking at Lin Feng’s serious expression, Li Yutang suddenly made a difficulty.

It’s hard to turn this kid around, but we can’t let him underestimate our strength, it’s time for him to see what it means to be really strong.

“In this way, I will randomly pick a disciple who has only been in the martial arts hall for two months, and you can discuss with him.”

Suddenly, Li Yutang suddenly came up with an excellent idea.

It is necessary to let Lin Feng realize the strength of his own martial arts hall, but also to let himself know more about Lin Feng’s own situation and where he needs to strengthen training.

In this way, go find a disciple with primary strength!


Lin Feng’s eyes were bright, and the interface agreed.

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