
The residual yang is like blood.

In the center of the battle shrouded in the setting sun, from a distance, it looks like a wind-speed dog covered in bloody tulle.

A handsome-looking young man walked out of the battle center, followed by a slightly tired bear apprentice.

Lin Feng looked at the gradually dimming skyline, the darkness slowly swallowed the earth, he lowered his head, his eyes were soft: “Go home.” ”


Go home and have fun with ice!

The bear apprentice, who was physically and mentally exhausted from the long battle, recalled the taste of ice and joy, and was instantly full of vitality.

“Most of today’s harvest is due to Wang Guang.” Remembering the second middle school boy before, Lin Feng showed a hint of a smile.

Thanks to Wang Guang’s indomitable spirit, after the first defeat, he fought Lin Feng four times.

Of course, all four defeats.

Lin Feng originally planned to release water in the last scene for the sake of fine water and long flow. As a result, Wang Guang on the other side did not care about failure at all, and his fighting spirit was higher and higher every time.

At the end of the five games, if it weren’t for the fact that the little fire dragon’s physical strength was really exhausted, Lin Feng suspected that Wang Guang would continue to fight with him.

“It’s nice to be rich.” Lin Feng sighed secretly.

Wang Guang’s five games, plus three more sparring partners later, received a total of four hundred yuan.

This is Lin Feng’s income for one day.

“However, the most important gain is that the level of the bear apprentice has been raised to level six, and it is only one step away from level seven.”

The next four Little Fire Dragons provided a total of sixty-five experience points, which was also because after level six, defeating the level five Little Fire Dragon only gained fifteen experience points.

Now the rank of the bear apprentice is LV:6 (90/100).

After leveling up, the bear apprentice’s body has been improved a little in all aspects, and the battle with the little fire dragon is more convenient.

Moreover, after the sparring mission, Lin Feng also took Xiong Apprentice to the training ground inside the battle center and used equipment for training.

And this kind of training also allowed Apprentice Xiong to gain fifteen experience points.

“Experience points can be gained both during training and combat.”

“Sparring partner is really the most suitable profession for me, which can not only make money, but also improve the strength of Xiong Apprentice.”

“Well, there’s a free lunch to eat.”

Thinking of this, Lin Feng, who had not yet eaten dinner, quickened his pace and said to the bear apprentice beside him: “Let’s have a big dinner in the evening!” ”


And inside the battle center after Lin Feng left, in a lighted office.

“Supervisor, this is today’s report.”

Dressed in a suit, Zhang Yao, a typical social elite, put down the mobile phone in his hand and picked up a stack of reports.

“Four sparring partners have been added to the battle center today, including one senior trainer, two intermediate trainers, and one rookie trainer.” The woman in her work uniform leaned over and said.

“Rookie trainer?” Zhang Yao’s eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Rookie trainer-level sparring partners have always been a scarce position in battle centers.

On the one hand, most of the new trainers lack actual combat experience, and the command level is low, and it is difficult to take on the position of sparring;

Secondly, the rookie trainer improves quickly, and the demand for battle is not high. At this stage, elves can often be steadily promoted to the primary level through training.

“Yes, this is the report of that rookie trainer.”

Trainer: Lin Feng

Elf: Bear Apprentice

Body: A

Speed: B

Move: A

Reaction: A

Overall assessment: A

Evaluation: Given the lack of specific data on Xiong’s apprentices, we can only make vague evaluations. However, according to its evolutionary form, it is estimated that this elf has great potential.

“Oh? Bear apprentice? Looking at this report, a hint of surprise appeared on Zhang Yao’s usually calm face.

As the head of the battle center, his own trainer level is at the top of Anhan City, and he is no stranger to the Martial Arts Bear Master, an elf who once shined in the World Championship.

However, it is a pity that martial arts bear masters and initial form bear apprentices are too rare, and they do not exist in Donghuang, and he has seen them personally.

“Find out his background?” Zhang Yao spoke.

His parents are the research institutes of the Anhan City Elf Research Institute, and they conduct research in various areas all year round. According to feedback from the Elven Center, this bear apprentice may have been obtained by his parents in Galar. The secretary said.

“It’s really good luck.” Zhang Yao sighed in a low voice.

As far as he knew, in the alliance black market, the value of a bear apprentice was much higher than that of a quasi-god cub.

It’s not that there is a big difference in strength between the two, but the rarity is different.

Although quasi-god cubs are rare, as long as they pay a large price, they are not worried.

But the bear apprentice is different, it is located in an extremely hidden mountainous area, and it is so rare that only a few people have accepted it for several years, and it is a valuable existence in the black market.

“Observe for a period of time, if he can become a junior trainer within ten days, I recommend it to the Elf Association.”

The Elf Battle Center itself is a subordinate organization of the Elf Association and is responsible for discovering outstanding talents.

After Zhang Yao simply ordered a few words, he didn’t mention more.

At his level, unless the difference in strength is not much, no one can let him look at it twice.

Even the most genius trainers are just geniuses. If you want to become a strong person, you still need to put in a lot of effort and hardship.

Occasionally giving a little kindness to a young man is just planting a sapling, and whether it can grow fruit depends on himself.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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