I just finished making a big gift purchase at the sailing market, found a nearby courier company, and mailed these gifts out, after all, there are many gifts purchased this time.

Although he has a system storage backpack, like his mother at home, Aunt Mieko, Dr. Ohki, and cheap teacher Sakaki...... A gift for TA, Ash can take it back and give it to TA himself.

But for Tieruno, Doropa, Citron, far away in the Carlos region...... TA's gifts, however, need to be mailed by a courier company.


After filling out the courier form and sending the courier out, Ash and his party were also communicating where to go for dinner, but they didn't expect a phone call to come at this time.

"Huh?!Sister Nanami~" Seeing the number remarks displayed on the phone screen, Ash was stunned for a moment, but hurriedly pressed the answer button-

"Hey~ Sister Meimei. "

"Ash, where are you now? My sister promised to entrust Picoxi's child to you to raise, and then you said that you wanted to give it to your little girlfriend in the Carlos area, and my sister agreed. "

"But because the baby was just born, I put it by my side and raised it, and now 213 is out of the juvenile stage in the baby skin, so I'm going to send the baby over to you. On the other end of the phone, Xiaomao's sister Nanami said.

"Is Baby Pi out of the juvenile stage?Sister Meimei, you can teleport over, you also know the address code of the Poké Ball Teleporter on my side, and it just so happens that I am also going to contact Serena, and I can also teleport Baby Pi to her." "

Ash said with some joy in his tone.

Previously, Dr. Ohki Pokémon Summer Camp graduated, and he and Xiao Shigeru became Pokémon trainers in advance before their official debut at the age of 10 because they won the honor of outstanding students of the summer camp.

And in order to celebrate the two becoming trainers, Nanami also prepared a gift for the two, Nanami gave Xiaomao an elite qualification Eevee, and what she was going to give to Ash was the child of her ace main force Picoxi~

However, at that time, Pi Kexi had just given birth, the elf eggs had just hatched, and the baby was still in its infancy, so it was not appropriate to entrust it directly to him, so Nanami left the baby by her side to raise it.

Now that Pi Bao is finally out of the juvenile stage, and Pi Kexi and Pi Bao have already made corresponding instructions, they have agreed and accepted the arrangement of going to the new training (AEFI) family to live, so Nanami is also ready to send Pi Bao to Ash's side.

"Okay, I'll teleport over then. On the other end of the phone, Nanami reminded her, and then put the baby in her arms into the Poké Ball, and then used the Poké Ball Teleporter in front of her to teleport it.

And Ash, who received the reminder, also took out the portable Poké Ball Teleporter as soon as possible.

"Zizi ......" In a slight burst of electric sparks, a blue and blue moon ball with a bright yellow crescent pattern appeared in front of Ash and everyone around him.

"Sister Meimei, I received the Poke Ball, and I'm here in Hualan City now, and I just picked out a small gift for you, I'll teleport the Poke Ball back to you again, and I'll let Pi Bao bring it to you." "

As he spoke, Ash opened the Poké Ball, put the Sun Floating Horn Bracelet he had purchased at the Sailing Market on the wrist of the leather baby, and after giving an explanation, he took it back into the Poké Ball, and then used the Poké Ball Teleportation Machine to teleport it back to Shigeru's sister Nanami again.

"Wow!!What a beautiful Sun Coral Bracelet, thank you Ash, I love (^^) this gift of yours" opened the Poké Ball that had been teleported back, and Nanami received a gift from Ash.

"Sister Meimei, if you like it, it's fine. Seeing that Nanami liked the gifts she picked for her, Ash was also very happy.

While the two were talking, Nanami teleported Baby Leather again.

After chatting for a few words, Ash who hung up the dot tower immediately dialed Serena again.


On the sofa in the living room, Saqi, who was sitting together watching TV and eating refreshments, glanced curiously at her daughter's vibrating mobile phone.

"Who is it?" Seeing her daughter grab her mobile phone and not show it to her, Saqi took a sip of the black teacup, and asked with a dissatisfied and depressed expression.

"Mom, don't ask~" Serena said angrily.

"Okay, don't ask, don't ask, look at your nervous and expectant look, don't think it's that stinky boy from Kanto Zhenxin Town. Saqi said dissatisfied, after all, her baby daughter was abducted by other boys, and it is normal for her to be dissatisfied as a mother. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Serena didn't pay attention to her mother, who was resentful, but happily connected to her phone.

"Hey~Brother Ash^o^" Serena clipped her throat and shouted sweetly.

This move of her daughter also made Saqi on the side roll her eyes, if the girl in front of her was not her own daughter, it is estimated that Saqi would directly mutter: "Bichi, shameless, phew." "

"Serena, didn't I say that I entrusted you with the baby that Nanami's sister gave me? Now that the baby is out of infancy, Nanami has already sent the baby to me. "

"In a moment, you go to your Pokémon Center in Chaoxiang Town, and I'll teleport Baby Pi to you. "[]

"Also, these days I have been participating in the water Pokémon beauty pageant competition in Hualan City, and at the same time I brought Xiao Chun over to meet Xiaoxia, tomorrow I will be ready to return to Zhenxin Town, this time I came to Hualan City here to buy gifts for all of you. "

"After a while, I'll give the gift to Babyskin, and then use the Poké Ball Teleporter to let Baby Skin bring the gift to you and Aunt Saqi. Ash said.

When I was shopping for a gift just now, in addition to the girlfriend of Eggplant, Ash didn't forget Saqi's mother-in-law.

Considering that Saqi is an ironclad rhinoceros rider, she has a cheerful personality and is very heroic, and she doesn't wear much luxury jewelry, so Ash didn't give her a pearl necklace like her mother, but gave her a pair of gemstone earrings inspired by sailfish.

Sapphire material, the first gift to the mother-in-law, will not say that the grade is too low, followed by the shape of the sailfish, exquisite and at the same time with a hint of strength and strength, Xiao Zhi guessed that Serena's mother should like it.

"Is Baby Pi going to be sent over soon?and bought me a gift, thank you, Brother Ash, I'm going to the Pokémon Center~" Hearing Ash's words, Serena was overjoyed.

Get off the couch, put on cute slippers, and run straight out the door, then run towards the Pokémon Center in the middle of town.

"Hmph╯^╰, it's really a big girl. Saqi, who didn't hear the content of the call and didn't know that Ash also bought her a gift, looked at the back of her daughter leaving happily, and Saqi became more and more resentful.



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