Through this wind, Ash listens and discerns more sounds caused by this wind and directly related to ......

However, Ash, who was immersed in sound listening, didn't notice that the gray mist wafting in the space he was in suddenly boiled and tumbled like a sea of clouds.

The gray smoke clouds are like burning, pouring molds, and paper-making, and soon condense into a huge blank canvas.

As Ash listens to the outside world, identifies and analyzes the things that make the above sounds, and restores the scenes, the images of these things and scenes are also presented in the frame as if they were impregnated with ink.

The wind from the field blew into Zhenxin Town, swept over the small house with white walls and red roofs of Xiao Zhi's family, Xiao Zhi's room on the second floor, and gently shook the small white lacquered wooden windows that were opened on both sides, making a slight creaking sound.

In the small yard, the flowers and plants planted by the mother Hanako are swaying and making a sound when the wind blows them.

A few Ba Da butterflies, who like to collect flower pollen and nectar in the yards of residents in the town, come out of the neighbor's yard after collecting pollen and nectar, flap their wings and make a cheerful cry of 'mile' in their mouths.

These big butterflies looked at the flowers in the courtyard of Xiao Zhi's house, and wanted to fly over to taste the nectar with some interest.

However, thinking of the owner of this house, it seems that he is very afraid and hates Pokémon, and these Ba Da butterflies are a little timid and dare not approach ......

In the meditation space, the more voices Ash hears and the more things he discerns, the clearer the scene restores.

In the meditation space, the scenes and scenes depicted in the gray smoke and mist are becoming clearer and richer.

The more and more content and richer the sound that came out of Ash's meditation, the wider and wider the scroll, and more and more smoke clouds in the gray space were mobilized and gathered into the scroll and then turned into a blank canvas.

As Ash's meditation time continues to grow, the size of the painting becomes larger and the content on the scroll becomes richer and richer.

One minute...... Five minutes ......

Ten minutes...... Half an hour ......

One hour ...... Three hours !!

Ash's meditation and the work of painting on a blank canvas with a mysterious invisible force did not continue forever.

Everything stopped as the gray smoke clouds wafting in the meditation space gathered to form a blank scroll, and the gray mist was consumed.



Before he could react more, Ash, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed meditating, tilted his head, and collapsed on the bed and fainted directly.



I don't know how long it took, but Ash finally woke up from his coma.

"What's wrong with me, I'm not meditating? All of a sudden, I fainted. "

"Could it be that there is something wrong with the meditation method of "Listening to Everything", or is it that something went wrong in my meditation process? "

Xiao Zhi, who woke up slowly, frowned and thought with some concern, what he didn't know was that he had just passed away from the ghost gate.

If someone from the Superpowers Association is here, knowing what Ash did just now, he will definitely scold him fiercely.


function of meditation is to exercise spiritual power, so as to activate the method of awakening and cultivating superpowers, because it involves the spiritual power and soul of the brain domain, so doing meditation practice is actually very risky.

Among them, the risk of meditation for the first time is the highest, the slightest carelessness will cause mental injury, the light person will become an idiot, mentally retarded, and the heavy person will directly become a vegetative person or even brain death.

Regardless of whether there is an awakened superpower or not, the first attempt to meditate must be guided by a special superpower, and few people dare to try it secretly alone like Ash.

The principle of meditation is to achieve a purpose of consuming one's own mental power by listening to external voices and other similar practices such as listening to external voices like Ash just now when the body and mind are completely relaxed.

Mental energy is consumed→ rested→ mental energy is restored→ mental power is strengthened, this is the whole process of meditation work and the principle of its final effect.

Only when the above steps are completed in their entirety can the entire meditation be completed, and the enhancement of spiritual power can be achieved in the end.

However, this link seems to be very simple, but in fact, there are some tricks and taboos in it.

One of the techniques is that because the time consumed by meditation is the same as the time required to recover mental power later, that is to say, if you meditate for 1 hour, you will need to rest and recover for 1 hour.

In addition, the most effective way to rest to restore mental strength is to sleep, so the time for superpowers to meditate is generally chosen at night before going to bed.

In this way, the meditation recovery time coincides with the natural rest time of the human body at night, so that there is no delay in doing things during the day, so to speak, one time is used as two.

In addition, in the dead of night, it is easier to enter a state of concentration and meditation is very efficient, so in the circle of superpowers, night is a time when it is customary to practice meditation.

As for the taboo of practicing meditation, it is: whether it is the first time to try meditation, or you have awakened your superpowers to meditate.

Meditation consumes mental energy, and it must be grasped to a certain degree, once the mental energy is consumed too much, the human brain will be traumatized.

And when meditating, all the mental power is consumed at one time, which is a taboo among the taboos, if the mental power is consumed too much in the front, it will only cause damage to the brain.

Then the mental power is completely consumed at one time, and the final result is to directly become a vegetative person or even brain dead, which is why Xiao Zhi just went to the ghost gate without his own knowledge.

In fact, generally speaking, it is difficult to completely deplete the mental power when meditating, because as an intelligent life, there is a safety alarm and protection mechanism in the body.

When a Pokémon is injured to a certain extent in battle, it will pass out, and its two eyes will turn into a pair of mosquito coil eyes, and when a person is severely injured physically or mentally, the body's protective mechanism will also be activated.

Therefore, when meditating, the mental energy is consumed to a certain extent, and the human body will naturally feel tired and send out alarm signals to wake it up.

Having awakened superpowers and having meditated many times, the body's alarm mechanism will be more sensitive, and it will be forced to exit the meditation state only when the mental power is almost consumed.



"The first release of the new book, asking for collections, flowers, rewards, and support!!".

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