When the "Super Trainer System" brought him to the Pokémon World in his clothes, he was attacked by the Will of the World when he entered the Pokémon World because he consumed too much power, and he was unable to effectively resist the final serious damage.

If it can be called 'severe damage', then the damage is at least 80%.

Because the system is seriously damaged, when the cross-over Ash activates and starts the "Super Trainer System", functional modules such as the task system, system mall, roulette lottery and so on fail to load.

The system backpack is empty.,There's no newbie gift pack.,At the same time, there's no system guidance elf of the royal sister sound Lori.。


*badly* Super Trainer System has only three very core and basic functional modules left, namely "Quick Upgrade, Skill Copying, and Proficiency".

Rapid leveling and proficiency are not going into detail for the time being, this "skill copy", the note at the end of this function module, is to copy the skills of other Pokémon through physical contact.

Therefore, when Xiaomao said that he would take them to the backyard of the Oki Research Institute to play, Ash thought about finding a Pokémon for a while to experiment with "Skill Replication", which is one of the only three functions of the "Super Trainer System".

"Flame Fist, Freezing Fist, Lightning Fist, Earth Power, Million Ton Horn Strike, although this Nido King's talent and qualifications are not high, but I didn't expect to master so many powerful skills, and it is worthy of being an elf cultivated by a trainer. "

"If I can copy it all, then I'll make a profit. Ash's eyes lit up as he looked at the skills on the Nido King attribute panel.

"Woo-" Seeing Ash's blazing eyes and shining eyes staring at him, King Nido thought that Ash was envious of its muscles, and couldn't help but bend his arms and take the initiative to make a toning move.

"System, help me copy all the skills I have on King Nido's panel. "I didn't care about King Nido's bodybuilding performance, and all of Ash's attention was on the system's side at the moment.

I saw that as Ash issued the command of 'skill copying', a rapidly growing progress bar popped up on the system panel.

10%...... 50%...... 90%...... 100%

"Skill Replication", as the three core functions and basic modules of the Super Trainer system, works very efficiently, and in the blink of an eye, the system will copy all the skills mastered by King Nido.


Nido's skills didn't disappear after being copied by Ash's side, after all, it was 'copying' instead of 'stealing and depriving', but after King Nido's skills were copied by him, the skills in the system panel also became gray.

"Does that mean that after copying once, you can't copy again?" Ash thought to himself.

Although the system is seriously damaged, there is no longer any intelligence, but some basic mechanical feedback instincts are still there, feeling the doubts in Ash's heart, a '*' logo also appeared on the panel.

Ash clicked with his mind, and sure enough, a small pop-up window appeared on the panel, making an annotation describing the limitations of the "Skill Copy" function.

"Skill Replication" is one of the three basic functions of the Super Trainer System, although it can quickly copy Pokémon's skills through physical contact, but it is not infinitely copied.

The same skill on a Pokémon can only be copied once, and if the Pokémon learns a new skill later, then the new skill can still be copied, of course, only for new skills that have not been copied.

In addition, there is a limitation in the system's skill copying, that is, no matter how high the skill proficiency of the copied object is, the skill proficiency will only be "primary" after being copied

"There is a limit to the number of times, and the skill proficiency will be refreshed and reset, this is not a skill 'copy' at all, okay, it is obviously a skill seed from the other party. "

Looking at the annotation of the system feedback, Ash couldn't help but complain a little in his heart.

"But although there are limitations, being able to copy the skills of other Pokémon is already very powerful, so it's a big deal to find a few more Pokémon and copy them twice. "

Although he complained that the name "skill copying" was a little inconsistent with reality, in general, Xiao Zhi was quite satisfied in his heart.

The combat power of Pokémon mainly comes from its own strength level and the skills it controls, the strength level is equivalent to hardware, and the skill is software.

In the process of training and cultivating Pokémon, the most important thing to improve the strength and combat effectiveness of Pokémon is to start with level and skill.

However, whether it is to increase the strength level of Pokémon or help Pokémon learn and master skills, it is a very time-consuming, energy-consuming and resource-intensive thing.

And compared from the above resource consumption alone, although it also takes a lot of potions to restore physical strength and heal injuries to level up Pokémon, in general, the most invested time and energy.

Helping Pokémon learn and comprehend new skills will also cost a lot of time and energy from trainers, but the cost of resources is even greater, and you must know that the price of skill discs on the market is not cheap.

If it is a rare or powerful advanced skill, the price starts at 100,000, and the price of some special moves is as high as millions, and there is still no market.

It can be seen that Ash can copy the skills of other Pokémon through the system, and then learn to use them for his own Pokémon, what a powerful and perverted ability this is.

In the future, when Ash actually breeds his Pokémon, it will save him a lot of time, energy, and money, and maybe he can also make money by systematically copying the functions of skills.

Take the skills that Ash copied from King Nido just now, regardless of the ordinary skills for the time being, just the five high-level skills of "Flame Fist, Freezing Fist, Lightning Fist, Earth Power, and Megaton Horn Strike" are worth at least four or five million.

"Flame Fist, Freezing Fist, and Lightning Fist" are not only very powerful high-level skills in their respective divisions, but also punches with special energy damage, and the price of a skill disc can almost be sold for 1 million.

If the three skills are packaged and sold together, the price will be more expensive, after all, this rare, high-power advanced skill learner is completely priceless in the market.

Needless to say, "Megaton Horn Strike", as an insect attribute, the attribute ultimate with an initial damage value of up to 120 can easily be sold for millions on the market and has no price.

"The Power of the Earth" is also a ground-based ultimate, although the initial damage of the skill is only 90, but you must know that the initial damage value of the Earth and Lava God Groadol's special move: Cliff Sword in the original game work is only 120.

Because the system has the function of skill copying, just now Xiao Zhi touched King Nido with his hand, and copied a few powerful skills, and millions of alliance coins were easily credited.



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