"Good (^▽^) × 3"

"Goodbye Sakura Sister~"

"Goodbye Sister Calamus~"

"Goodbye Sister Peony~"

"Okay, all of you have a good trip, remember to call when you get off the bus in Changpan City, and you must come to Hualan City to play again next time you are free." "



Outside the high-speed rail station, after saying goodbye to Xiaoxia and her three sisters, Xiaozhi and his party also carried their luggage bags to check in and enter the station, and then took the return high-speed rail.

"Whirring ......"

At 7:45, the high-speed train departed, and the white metal long queue drove out of the Hualan high-speed rail station, and then headed west.


On the high-speed train, Pikachu lay lightly on Ash's lap, enjoying his touch, with a relaxed and happy face, and a look of satisfaction.

"By the way, Ash, over there at Quartz Publishing House, the beauty album about the ugly ugly fish has been printed and bound, and the name of the album is set to be "Ash Ugly Ugly Fish の Beauty Album"

In addition, the first edition printed 100W copies, and although the initial publicity time was not long, only two days, Quartz Publishing House is the largest Tu 250 book publishing house in the Kanto region, and there are many channels. "

"At the same time, add Xiaozhi's popularity, as well as your social platforms such as Weibo, as well as the fan base of the skill online store...... After cooperating with the publicity, there are already many people in the Kanto Pokémon professional circle who know about the ugly fish beauty album. "

"The first printing of 100W volumes has been booked out in just half a day, and Quartz Publishing House is already contacting the book printing factory for the second wave of printing. "

"In addition, although the first printing of 100W copies has been booked, but the official sale is at noon today, and the second time the book is printed 300W volumes, so Quartz Publishing House wants to let Xiaozhi do a live broadcast of the album when you go to the online store clinic next. "

"Next, the publishing house will send some samples and toys to the periphery, and when the time comes, Ash, you can use it as a small gift for fans for free during the live broadcast—" Xiaolan said.

Because it is related to his future career development, Xiaolan is particularly concerned about the publication of "Xiaozhi Ugly Ugly Fish Beauty Album".

Except that at the beginning, Xiao Zhi contacted the editor-in-chief of Quartz Publishing House, and then contacted and discussed the details, Xiao Lan was in charge.

At the moment, if it weren't for Xiaolan, Ash wouldn't have known that the ugly fish's beauty album had been printed for the first time 100W copies, and it had all been booked out in half a day, and now the second wave of album book printing has begun.

"The first printing of 100W albums has been booked, and now we are seizing the time to print the second wave of albums, and the number of second wave albums has reached 300W volumes......"

"Next, I will send sample books and book peripherals to me, so that I can carry out live broadcasts? OK~ No problem. After listening to Xiaolan's report, Ash readily agreed.

As the author of the album, the more the album sells, the more he gets as the author.

According to the law of the market, the royalty of publishing a physical book is 6%~10% on average, generally speaking, 8%, and the author's income The unit price of the book × the number of prints or sales × royalties

Because Ash is a superstar in the current Kanto trainer circle, and the Hualan Water Pokémon Beauty Pageant has just ended, the topic of the ugly ugly fish and Menas who won the championship is very hot.

In addition, the content of this beauty album is very high-quality, and Xiaozhi will also cooperate with the promotion, the time and place are favorable, it can be said that this is a very popular work that is destined to be a big hit.

Therefore, in terms of contract royalties, the proportion and amount of 6%~10% on the market are not adopted, but the agreed 25% royalties.

For example, this album is printed for the first time with 100W copies, and the price of a single copy is 50 alliance coins, and the author gets 25% royalties -

On the first printing of the album of 100W, as the author, he can get: 100W×50×25% 1.25 (10 million), which (aeah) is afraid that he has agreed with Xiaolan on the royalty income 6:4 sharing ratio, and he will divide 4 to Xiaolan.

Ash still has 7.5 million, and this is the first edition of the first printing.

The next second wave of 300W albums, Ash is very confident that it will be sold out soon, when the time comes: 300W×50×25% 3.75 (10 million), Ash alone gets 2.25 (10 million)

And Xiaozhi believes that the second edition of the 300W volume is not the end, and more will be printed later, and at that time, maybe he and Xiaolan will be worth more than 100 million yuan just by relying on the book of the ugly fish beauty album.


...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hualan City - Rainbow City

Rainbow City – Black Iron City

Black Iron City - Nibi City

Nibi City – Tokiwa City

...... []


At 7:45 in the morning, the high-speed train departed from Hualan City and arrived in Changpan City at about 12:17 noon, which took about five hours.

"Whew~ It's finally back again. After making a phone call to Xiaoxia to report her safety, he walked out of the high-speed rail station and looked at the smart ecological city where skyscrapers and green plants were perfectly integrated, Xiaozhi also stretched out his arms and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he doesn't live in Joban City, but in the town of Shinshin under Joban City, Shinshin Town belongs to Joban City, and he usually spends most of his daytime in Joban City.

Therefore, there is no problem in saying that he is from Tokiwa City.

"Let's all go to dinner first, and then we give the gifts we bought to everyone. Ash said.

"Okay×3" Xiao Mao, Xiao Lan, and Joey Chun nodded, all indicating that they had no opinions.



In the past few days, I have eaten a lot of seafood in Hualan City, and after returning to Changpan City, I went to a forest-style restaurant for lunch and ordered a mushroom soup pot.

After lunch, everyone is temporarily separated, with Blue returning to Shinjin and Joey returning to the Pokémon Center in Joban City, while Ash and Shigeru go to their mother's flower shop on Lilac Street first.

I first gave the pearl necklace I bought to my mother Hanako and Aunt Mieko, and after helping out in the flower shop for a while, I talked with them for a while, and then Ash took a taxi to the Joban Gym and told the cheap teacher Sakaki that he was back, and at the same time gave the silver feather to the other party as a gift.

And after receiving Ash's gift, Sakaki really showed a thoughtful and complicated expression, and after finally taking a deep look at Ash, he didn't say anything.

However, through Sakaki's reaction, Ash knew that the cheap teacher Sakaki had already gotten what he meant.

Ash's gift of the Silver Feather Pseudo seems to be just a souvenir related to the legendary Lokia and should be of interest to Sakaki's character, but in fact, Ash is secretly threatening the other party:



To all Yanzu and Yu Yan: ask for subscriptions, collections, monthly passes, flowers, rewards, and support!!。

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