"Ulva and Xiaoxia, let me introduce you to these friends I made in Dr. Ohki's Pokémon Summer Camp before. "

"This is Shanna, he's Tieruno, this is Doropa, and his name is Citron, Doropa's cousin, and the owner of the Miaree Electric Gym, and this should be Citron's sister Yuriga. "

Holding the hands of Xiao Chun and Xiao Xia, as the flow of people walked out of the airport, and after meeting with the friends who came to pick up the plane, Xiao Zhi also took the initiative to introduce to the two girls beside him.

"First time we met, my name is Yulijia, Brother Ash, thank you for the gift you gave me last time, the shell-shaped little shoulder bag is really cute, I prefer ^~o^"

Citron's sister, the energetic little Lori Yuriga, also took the initiative to say hello and said.

Shanna, Doropa, Tieruno...... and others, who previously went to the Kanto region as an exchange student to participate in the Pokémon summer camp held by Dr. Ohki, and met and got along in real life.

And on Citron's side, because he helped Pikachu copy and learn the skill of parabolic charging before, and Ash himself had to learn the skill wave missile half a year ago.

Ash borrowed the Optical Umbrella Lizard from Citron twice, and the Flaming Chicken from his father Limonone through Citron

Although he and Citron had not met in reality before today, the two often video chatted and were very familiar.

It's Hitron's sister Yuriga, and Ash's impression of her is still in the original anime.

At the same time, when she was on video call with Citron, she occasionally came into the camera.

The last time I was in Hualan City, I chose a souvenir for my friends and gave birth to a steampunk painting shrimp shell model for Citron, Ash also picked a small light yellow shell satchel for Yurika and gave it to her.

Now that they meet in reality, Yurika also expressed her gratitude to Ash in person, which made Ash have a deeper affection for this little girl.

"You're welcome, Juliga, if you like it. "

"Xiao Chun Xiaoxia, as for this, I don't think I need to introduce it. After introducing everyone, Ash finally drew everyone's attention to Serena.

Compared to the timidity and shyness when I participated in Dr. Ohki's summer camp half a year ago.

After Ash's deliberate guidance in the summer camp, and the fact that he has been concentrating on the learning of the performer and coordinator courses for most of the year.

Although Serena can see that she is still a little shy, on the whole, her personality has become much more cheerful and confident than before, at least she is no longer afraid of people.

"Sister Xiaoxia, Sister Xiaoxia, I'm Serena, it's the first time we meet, please take care of me~"

The first time they met, although the girl was no longer afraid of life, she was still a little nervous, after all, she was not facing ordinary people but Joey Chun and Xiaoxia, who were also Ash's girlfriends.

"No...... You're welcome (nervous jpg)"

"Yes, I'm only a month older than Serena, you don't have to be so polite, just call me Xiaoxia (*^^*)"

When they met for the first time, not only Serena was a little nervous, but Joey Chun and Xiaoxia were actually a little apprehensive in their hearts-

In the end, it was she and Ash who first met and established their relationship, and as a result, after she returned to Carlos from Dr. Ohki's summer camp, Xiaoxia and Joey Chun became friends with Ash one after another.

Although the world of Pokémon is not a monogamous world, it is very common for adults to marry multiple wives and young people to have multiple girlfriends.

But now that the three girls meet suddenly, whether it is Qiao Yichun or Xiaoxia, they have a sense of emptiness in their hearts.

However, they politely exchanged two words of greeting, and when the three girls all sensed the nervousness and apprehension in each other's expressions and tones.

Serena: "^^......"

Joey: "^^......"

Xiao Kasumi: "^^......"

The three girls glanced at each other and couldn't help but smile at each other.

The originally restrained atmosphere was also dissolved in an instant, and the three girls looked at each other with a little more intimacy and closeness that they had not had before.



Ash introduced everyone, and the two sides also greeted each other, because everyone was the same age, and they quickly became familiar with each other.

This time, I came to the Carlos area to celebrate the birthday of my long-distance girlfriend Serena, and Serena's birthday is tomorrow.

Today, the plane landed at Miare International Airport, the time was already 17:40, that is, at dusk, and after a few words of gossip outside the airport, the time soon came to six o'clock.

November is winter time, the days are short and the nights are long, and it is already dark at six o'clock in the afternoon.

From Miareh City to Chaoxiang Town, where Serena's house is located, it takes nearly 40 minutes to take a medium-sized bus with a running frequency.

It is estimated that there is no way to rush back to Chaoxiang Town today, so I can only stay in a hotel in Miarei City for a night, and then rush back to Chaoxiang Town tomorrow morning.



Citron and Yuliga are single-parent families, and there is only one relative in the family, Limone, although Citron is an electric genius in Miaret City and the owner of the Miarei Gym.

But in fact, his home is not very large, according to the description of the siblings Citron and Yuriga, in addition to the façade of the electrical repair shop, the back is the residential part, which is actually only a three-bedroom apartment.

If Ash, Joey, and Xiaoxia came over today, they would still be able to sleep in Citron and Yuriga's room, but if they added Serena, Shanna, Tieruno, and Doropa, they wouldn't be able to squeeze in anyway. []

So in the end, Ash and the others simply stayed in a hotel together.

used his mobile phone to book a few suites in a star-rated hotel near Citron's house, and Xiaozhi and his party took a taxi to Citron's house.

"I'm back. As soon as they opened the door of the appliance repair shop, Ash and the others smelled the aroma of appetizing food.

"Dad, what are we going to eat at night?There are guests today~" Yuriga also walked into the store with cheerful steps, and Limone, who heard the voice, also came out of the kitchen at this time.

I saw this sturdy and burly man, wearing a pink strawberry print apron, but at a glance he was full of joy.

"Citron and Juliga, have you all been back?" asked Limonet, curiously as he held a handful of green onions in his hand at the kitchen door.

"Hello uncle, the last time I learned the wave missile skill, I really thank Uncle Limonay and the flaming chicken under you. "

As Citron and Yuriga walked in the door, seeing Limone coming out of the kitchen, Ash also said hello politely.

"Ash, you're here, you're welcome, being able to learn wave missiles from the Flame Chicken is the result of your own efforts, I didn't help much~"

Doropa: "Uncle~"

"Uncle is good × 5" Behind Ash, Serena and Shanna ...... The others also said hello politely.

"Good...... You're welcome, it's snowing outside, it's a little cold, so everyone goes inside and sits. "



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