【As you breathed a sigh of relief, anger arose in your heart, and you looked at the evil molten bird with murderous intent!】

【At the same time, the evil molten bird is also targeting you!】

【The evil molten bird, whose attributes have mutated into the evil type, has always enjoyed fooling others. Unfortunately, you have become its chosen target!】

【Not surprisingly, the battle is about to begin!】

【Shirona commanded Garchomp to fight and retreat, trying to persuade the evil Moltres to retreat and reach a peace agreement!】

【The peace agreement is a conservative policy for humans to treat the mythical beasts and elves!】

【But the opposite happened. The evil Moltres was arrogant and directly released its evil spiritual stance!】

【You have the power of wave guidance and can resist erosion!】

【But Shirona is just an ordinary person. Although she is protected by the Land Shark, she is still affected. She suddenly feels hot all over and feels like she is burning in fire!】

【Shirona twisted and turned, making you feel uncomfortable all over, and you almost gave up on the spot!】

【But you finally held back.】

【Needless to say, there are some charming reactions between men and women!】

【Shirona, with a flushed face, realized that the evil Moltres could not be communicated with at all, so she directly ordered Garchomp to forcibly stop and expel the evil Moltres!】

【A shocking battle broke out between two powerful elves, and the aftermath affected the area within a radius of dozens of miles!】

【But Garchomp is no match for the evil Moltres!】

【After losing the trainer’s command, Garchomp had to divide his attention to protect you and Sirona, and for a while he was at a disadvantage in the battle with the evil Moltres!】

【Seeing the aftermath raging, the forest was in danger, and even the town might be endangered, Shirona gritted her teeth and decided to fight to the death!】

【Seeing this, you realize the time has come!】

【You grit your teeth and endure the charming thoughts in your mind, and directly take out the special skill machine: choose to use it, and suddenly a terrifying divine pressure bursts out from the Land Shark!】

【With the blessing of the power of the sky god Rayquaza, Garchomp instantly exploded!】

【Bloodline evolution! Level advancement!!】

【Tyrannosaurus, who was at the peak of the champion level, instantly entered the god level and his strength increased greatly!】

【The shocked Garchomp was filled with ecstasy, and directly used the finishing touch skill with perfect proficiency, severely damaging the evil Moltres with one blow!】

【The originally stalemate situation was reversed in an instant!】

【The evil flamingo was shocked and angry, and turned to flee! The eyes looking at you are full of hatred!】

【Shirona, who was also shocked, was worried about the revenge of the divine beast and said that one should not pursue the desperate enemy!】

【But you realized that if you don’t cut the grass at its roots, it will grow again when the spring breeze blows, so you directly pointed out the hidden dangers of letting the tiger go back to the mountains. Shirona was surprised at your decisiveness in killing and accepted your advice!】

【You and Sirona ride on Garchomp to chase and kill the evil Moltres, determined to eradicate the evil Moltres!】

【This move completely angered the evil Flame Bird! A war is inevitable!】

【But in front of Tyrannosaurus, who has been promoted to a third-level god and mastered the finishing touch skill, the counterattack of the evil Moltres is nothing to be afraid of!】

【Finally! After three hours of fierce fighting!】

【Under the shocked gaze of Sirona, accompanied by the deafening roar of Garchomp, and in your full anticipation, the evil Moltres, one of the three legendary birds, fell!】

【Under the bright night sky, the mythical beast wept blood, the sky shook and the earth trembled! The raging fire burned fiercely!】

【You have successfully reversed your predetermined fate of death!】

【The beast fell because of you!】

【Champion goddess Sirona is extremely curious about you!】

【Your plan has been realized, triggering the system’s first-level reward and permanently enabling the system function: Destiny Compass!】

【You get extra system reward: 1 random beast cub…】

【Time passes quietly】

【After commanding Garchomp to extinguish the forest fire, Sirona takes you back to Qingyun City, and you will inevitably be questioned by Sirona!】

【With a cold expression, Sirona asked whether the changes in Garchomp had anything to do with you!】

【Sirona looks at you with surprise and inquiry!】

【You already had an excuse in your mind, so you directly told him about your adventure at Wanbo Garden yesterday, saying that it was all due to luck!】

【And you went to the Dark Forest to capture your first elf!】

【Shirona marvels at your luck, and is speechless at your daring act of seeking death. She also expresses her sincere gratitude for helping Garchomp become stronger!】

【After some pleasantries, Sirona decided to compensate you! Ask what you need!】

【You said that you would not accept the reward without doing anything. Compared with saving your life, a machine with special skills is nothing. This deal is worth it!】

【Sirona appreciates your calmness, composure and unrestrainedness more and more!】

【Seeing that you are a potential dragon in the abyss, Shirona took the initiative to invite you to study in the imperial capital, saying that she can help you enter the most powerful universities in the imperial capital, Peking University and Tsinghua University!】

【You directly refused, saying that you would rely on your own strength, and made an appointment with Sirona to meet again in the imperial capital!】

【Sirona admires you even more!】

【Before leaving, you asked where Sirona had been these days?】

【Sirona was puzzled by your question, but she did not hide anything and directly told you her itinerary for the past few days!】

【You get what you want and leave with satisfaction!】….

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