Lin Yu saw the attributes of the Liebite Land Shark.

Very strong, but not that strong.

After all, the enemy they faced was the Evil Flame Bird, which had reached the god level. The peak of the champion level was not enough.

Just like the previous simulations, they all ended in failure.

Liebite Land Shark’s strength was still a step behind!

However, Lin Yu did not despair, and even eager to try, holding Shirona’s hands trembling slightly.

This was not fear, but excitement!

If everything goes according to plan, the Evil Flame Bird will die!

Then he will be able to reap a rich reward!

“The inheritance of Rayquaza, this overwhelming wealth, you have to take it, Garchomp!”

Thinking like this, Lin Yu remained alert at all times.

The power of the wave quietly guarded his mind.

As long as he waited for a suitable opportunity, he would make a move and give the evil flame bird a fatal blow!


Garchomp’s wings vibrated, and he flew thousands of meters in an instant.

The evil flame bird followed closely behind.

The two elves fled and chased.

And it seemed to be deliberately teasing the prey. Obviously, the evil flame bird could catch up with Garchomp, but it would deliberately fall behind.

Whenever Garchomp accelerated, the evil flame bird also accelerated!

The two sides maintained a subtle and dangerous distance.

This forced Garchomp to be tense all the time and dared not relax at all.

This was very heavy for his burden.

The evil flame bird was the opposite.

He hung behind, with a human cunning look in his eyes, and a touch of playful color of watching the fun

“Damn it! What on earth does this evil flamingo want to do?!”

Shirona soon realized this.

Her heart became more and more solemn. She hugged Garchomp’s neck with one hand and quickly took out the communicator with the other hand.

Knowing that she was no match for him, she would not sit there and wait for death!

She wanted to contact the alliance for support.

But as if it had sensed Shirona’s purpose, the evil flamingo suddenly accelerated.

Buzz buzz buzz!

A blazing scarlet flame came crashing down.

Garchomp quickly dodged to the limit. The violent Z-shaped circling flight caught Shirona off guard, and the communicator in her hand fell directly out of her hand.

And her heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

“”It’s over!!”

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

The two elves were very fast, as if they were teleporting.

In just a dozen minutes, they flew out of the dark forest and came to the boundless sea, where the blue sea and sky met their eyes.

But Sirona had no time to appreciate the beautiful scenery at this time.

At this time, she had already noticed something strange on her body, and her body twisted uneasily.

Then she felt a kind of push on her back.

She was no longer an innocent girl.

As if realizing something, Sirona’s pretty face became hotter and hotter, and she gritted her teeth and said:

“Bastard! Pervert! Do you want to die?!”


Lin Yu was somewhat helpless when he heard this.

With the title of God Slayer, he could ignore many negative effects.

But he couldn’t stand Sirona’s twisting and turning.

So this was his fault?

But after all, he took advantage of others, and when he was caught by the real owner, it was not easy to quibble.

There was no other way, he quickly changed the subject and said:

“Goddess, running away like this is not a solution! The evil Moltres is clearly playing tricks on us, and Garchomp may not be its match!”


Hearing this, Lie Bite Lu Shark roared again and again.

He felt very aggrieved for running away blindly.

Being exposed by Lin Yu at this time was tantamount to a slap in the face. How could he tolerate it?

He wished he could throw Lin Yu off his back!

“Don’t I know I can’t win? You still need me to tell you! Then what do you say?”

The always calm Sirona also asked back in a bad mood.

She can’t win, and she can’t escape.

Is she really going to die here?

She is still so young and beautiful, and she has never experienced love between a man and a woman…..

In the past, it was because no one had ever caught her eye.

But now she is likely to die.

If she can experience it before she dies, then she will die without regrets.

Shirona’s mind was full of thoughts.

Various charming pictures kept flashing in her mind.

She tried hard to restrain herself and put aside distracting thoughts, but in the end she found that she couldn’t do it at all.

The ability of the evil flamingo is too powerful.

As time passed, she was deeply trapped in it and couldn’t extricate herself.

This contradictory feeling made her more and more ashamed.

Moreover, in her current state, she was originally able to fight the evil flamingo, but now it is difficult for her to even speak.

Once the evil flamingo gets serious, only defeat awaits them!


At the same time, Lin Yu seemed to notice something and secretly took a breath.

After all, a goddess of the whole nation was rubbing against him in his arms.

Which man could stand this?

But at this critical moment of death, he hurriedly recited the Ice Heart Sutra in his heart, trying to divert his attention.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Lin Yu thought that he could not drag it on any longer.

Otherwise, with Sirona’s state, he would definitely not be able to hold on.

“Goddess, stop pretending, I’m going to show my cards!”

Lin Yu leaned close to Sirona’s ear and shouted:

“I may have a way to deal with the Evil Flame Bird, but it would be very costly and there is no guarantee of success! Would you let me try?”….

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