Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 803: Amazon's Dead Again

  Chapter 803 Amazon: Seeing the Dead Again

  Bell beckoned and called his brothers over.

  The eight heads came together, and everyone chatted and discussed.

   "Jack is the main target, you're going to play dead later, Fanny, you're carrying him.

   Pay attention to your acting skills, you must be a little hysterical, and don't laugh. "Bell said softly.

   "I'm an acting guy. It's a little tricky, but Jack needs to put on makeup. He doesn't look like he's been bitten by a snake.

   "Shit, you, well, no problem."

"Raphael, you have the least sense of existence among us. First go to the underground parking lot to observe the situation, especially pay attention to the 50 square meters of our commercial vehicle. When we come down and do the maddening, you have to pay special attention to observation. If you find a parked vehicle, it’s okay to shoot or arrest someone, and notify everyone in time.” Bell pulled Raphael to take care of him.

   "Don't I have a sense of existence? Captain, are you talking straight, aren't you afraid of hurting my fragile heart?"

   "I'm the captain, the two women are bulging forward and backward, Jack is the patient, Dewey Black, Wassily Strong, Webster High, aren't you the least conspicuous one with no points in your heart?"

   "Cough, okay, what you said makes sense. Tomorrow I'll go dye a blond hair and show off."

   "It's not safe for him to go alone, I'll accompany him." Ada interrupted the two impatiently and interjected.

   "No, if there are fewer people, the other party will definitely notice, one less person may confuse the past."

   "Okay, I'll go out the window first, you guys wait five minutes before leaving."

   "Go, be careful, in case the other party informs everyone more, the earphones are on."

  Raphael nodded, opened the window, and jumped down lightly.

   "Tsk tsk, Raphael succeeded in losing weight, she is as light as a swallow." Fanny looked up and down Ada slyly and raised her eyebrows.

   "Go, go, he has perseverance, you eat grilled meat, he eats fish and fruit." Ada raised her head proudly.

   "Cut, Jack eats more than anyone else and is full of muscles, am I proud?"

   "Come on, women are boring, Fanny, go and help Jack make up."

   The captain couldn't take it any longer, and sent Fanny to help Lu Fei paint the skin of the back of his neck with some blue-black paint.

  Lu Fei has a wealth of performance experience. He exchanged with everyone about his personal design and performance content, rehearsed a bit, and was very dedicated.

   Soon, everyone looked at Bell, who raised his hand to look at his watch, indicating that he was ready.

   "It's time, Fanny, pick up Jack, everyone is going to speak loudly and look panicked, especially Fanny."

   She nodded and hugged Lu Fei: "Wow, you don't look too thin, and your weight is not light at all, don't move around, you should have passed out, you know?"

   "Okay, now I'm going to die, Dewey, take the dead snake's head and act as I said."

   "Power On!"

  Webster rushed out and opened the door.

   Princess Fanny hugged Lu Fei and strode out.

   "Jack, don't die, a poisonous snake can save you, woohoo, stop!"

   "Save, save me, take me to the doctor, the hospital."

   "What kind of snake is this, I took the head of the snake and let the doctor see it, maybe I can find the serum."

   "Jack, why are you so miserable? You will be bitten by a snake even after taking a nap."

"Damn, you hit my head, you stupid woman, watch it!" Lu Fei rubbed his head, Fanny's running was so great that his head was hit on the side wall twice. .

   "You passed out, don't talk!" Fanny reprimanded in a low voice impatiently.

   Soon, seven people got on the elevator.

  Fanny quickly put down Lu Fei and shook her hand.

   "I'll carry you later, I can't hold you anymore."

   "Continue to shout, everyone, the highlight is the underground parking lot."

   The brothers looked at each other.

   "Jack, you died so miserably! Your teeth are all black, what kind of snake is this!"

   "Uuuuu, what should I do? Should I go to the hospital?"

   "No, he's not dead, he was dyed by eating cuttlefish."

   "Be serious and keep on your back!"

   As soon as the elevator door opened, the brothers continued to mourn, and a group of people protected the two and ran to the commercial vehicle.

  Fanny was sweaty and couldn't cry when she was so tired.


  Black commercial vehicles are parked on the west wall of the parking lot.

   Next door, sloping side.

  In an inconspicuous gray van, a young blond man was watching a group of wild foxes rushing out of the elevator in the distance.

   From the open car window, they could faintly hear their wailing and wolf howling.

   There was a conspiratorial smile on his face, and he felt that Uncle William was making a fuss.

  What the Wild Fox elite team, two snakes made them hit, and they are still striding towards death.

   is simply stupid and stupid.

  Although he is very proud, he still takes it seriously, holding a remote control in his hand, his eyes staring at the wild fox group of people through the front windshield, ready to press the start button at any time!

   Suddenly, the group of wild foxes stopped, and the blonde girl with **** put down the Asian man behind her.

   Seven pulled out their pistols and looked in his direction.

   At this time, the wild foxes were still at least a hundred meters away from the black commercial vehicle.

  The blond man knew something was wrong, put down the remote control, and went to turn the key to start the car.

  Suddenly, a pistol stuck through the open car window and pressed against his cheek.

   "Don't, don't move, it only takes 0.2 seconds to pull the trigger. In case one shot can't kill you, it will be more painful." Raphael stuck his head straight from the window and said with a smile.

   "You, who are you? Why are you pointing a gun at me, I have no money." The blond man pretended to panic.

   "On the left side, next to the lane, 80 meters ahead, come on." Raphael ignored him and knocked on his earphones.

   The blond man moved his head slightly and turned his eyes to the left, wanting to counterattack while Raphael was not paying attention, but Raphael kept staring at him with fiery eyes, and stabbed his pistol forward without pulling his hips at all.

  The blond young man watched the wild fox brothers running closer and closer in the aisle on the right, with crazy eyes flashing in his eyes.

   then closed his eyes, gritted his teeth hard, and then swallowed something.

   "Haha, you will never find the Holy Land, and soon you will come to accompany me, ahem, I can't find it." The blond man shouted loudly, his voice getting lower and lower, and leaned forward on the steering wheel.

   "Hey, don't die! Come on!"

  Raphael stabbed him in the face with a gun and shouted angrily.

   Knowing that this guy committed suicide, but Raphael has nothing to do. He can't learn from the US police. If he wants to commit suicide, he will shoot first.

The    brothers arrived, and Raphael reluctantly pointed to the driver's seat and spread his hands.

   "He's a lunatic again. He committed suicide. He seems to be still a little angry. I don't know how he died."

  Lu Fei walked to the window, put on gloves, helped the blond man up, looked at the blood on the corner of his mouth, opened his mouth again, and even smelled it.

   put him back casually.

   "This guy bit through the cyanide poison hidden in his teeth and swallowed it again. He's not dead, maybe a few minutes."

   "Fuck, it's another dead man, then save him, maybe what can I ask?" Fanny asked suspiciously.

   "It's too late, even if I'm in the hospital now, it's too late." Lu Fei shook his head.

   "No wonder Jack kicked me and vomited last time. If I really ate cyanide, my life would be measured in minutes." Ada patted her chest, frightened.

   "Search it to see if there is any valuable information." Bell said indifferently.

   Searching cars is better than nothing now.

The    brothers moved, opened the van door and searched.

   In addition to a strange remote control being found, there is also a thick machete in the trunk.

   "This remote control is supposed to detonate a bomb. Our commercial vehicle may have been equipped with a bomb. He was waiting for us to get in the car just now, and then, bang." Wassily said solemnly.

   "Everyone spread out and see if there are any missing hawks, Vasily, you go and see our car, if the bomb is not easy to disassemble, don't move, we just call the police." Bell waved.

   "It's best not to call the police, otherwise we'll be in big trouble. The police here are not good people. Maybe they'll beat us up and lock us up for money." Raphael immediately stopped.

   "I'll take a look at it first, and in general, it won't be particularly difficult to dismantle."

   A few minutes later, Vasily walked over with an explosive device and a piece of TNT the size of a mobile phone.

   "Wireless signal receiver, detonator, TNT, a simple device."

   "You, take it as far as you can, and you're not afraid of accidentally bursting." Dewey grimaced and stepped back several meters.

   "It won't blow up, you are timid." Vasily shook his head and stuffed things into his bag.

   "That's good, wipe off the fingerprints in the van and leave this madman alone. Let's go upstairs, discuss the next action plan, and evacuate immediately." Bell shouted softly, waving his hands to let everyone go.

  The brothers responded one by one, put away their pistols, waited for Dewey and Webster to clear their fingerprints, and took the elevator upstairs.

After the wild foxes sat down in the suite, Raphael said first: "I didn't have time to report just now. Webster and I have been to the ship trading center. There is a small passenger ship that is about to be sold. It turned out to be used for tourism. , Now the family has changed to a new ship and is in a hurry to make a move.

   I took a few pictures and came back for everyone to see. "

  Raphael threw a stack of photos on the table from the back of his jeans pocket.

The    brothers picked it up one after another, carefully examined it, and exchanged glances.

   "It looks quite old, and the size seems to be okay." Dewey nodded.

   "Small passenger boats run on the Amazon River all year round. This is normal. The owner said that the boat is 8 years old and the diesel engine has just been replaced. It can accommodate 10 guests and 20 individual passengers."

   "What about the size of the hull?" Bell asked.

   "It is 20 meters long, about 5 meters wide, less than 3 meters high, and has a draft of about half a meter, depending on how many things are loaded."

   "Well, okay, how much? Are the procedures complicated? How long will it take to deliver the ship."

   "30,000 US dollars, the procedure is very simple. After paying the money, the owner will deliver the ship."

   "Very good, we will go to see the boat early tomorrow morning, now everyone packs our backpacks and changes to a hotel immediately. There is still a body in the underground garage, and the Eagle Party may not be under surveillance yet, we have to disappear quickly."

  The brothers nodded in agreement, and everyone went back to the room to clean up.

   Soon the black commercial vehicle disappeared into the night, and the wild fox went to stay at the City Holiday Hotel far from the river.

   Early the next morning, Lu Fei drove everyone to the ship exchange by the dock in a black commercial car, drove the car to a nearby chain car rental point, and returned the car.

   When he came back in the taxi, Fanny waited at the door and took him to the boat.

  The hull is gray and white. There are four narrow living rooms in the cabin, a kitchen, and a small hall for individual passengers. There is a bow deck of four or five square meters and a stern of the same size.

  The cab is large, the hull is strong, and it looks like it can travel long distances.

  Lu Fei also went to the small toilet and shower room in the lower hall, and nodded with satisfaction.

   All kinds of facilities are enough, but it is not for enjoying life.

  The brothers sat and discussed a few words in the small hall and agreed to buy it. For them, this is a one-time item, as long as it can provide a safe and convenient place to live.

   After signing the agreement, paying the money, handing over the equipment, and a series of chores, the ship is nominally Raphael's.

   (end of this chapter)

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