Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 819: Amazon's Swamp of Death

  Chapter 819 Amazon's Swamp of Death

   After a short rest in the dangerous water forest, the boat moved on.

   In order to reduce the risk of getting hit, Lu Fei waved his knife in front of him to open the way, and let Fanny spray realgar wine beside him.

   This move did make the snakes and insects in the front and the nearby trees escape quickly, and Lu Fei felt a little bit safer when he opened the road ahead.

  A large number of vine branches fell into the river under the sharp blade of the goose ling knife. Insects and unknown fruits that could not escape from the branches fell into the river, attracting large and small fishes in the river to **** them.

   fell, fled, then swarmed up, fell, and scattered.

   So back and forth, the river is lively.

   "Do you want to get a fish to eat, it's so fat and big." Ada in the middle of the boat smiled and wanted to go fishing.

   "If you don't want your fingers, just go, these fish in the water are not easy to mess with." Lu Fei turned back and scolded.

  Raphael glanced at the water with a gun and shook his head: "I'm worried that the fish will keep gathering and it will attract terrible things."

  Fortunately, he is not a crow's mouth, and there is no more moth when the boat moves forward. Probably because of the dense vines in the waterway they walked, no large aquatic and underwater animals could pass through, so it was calm all the way.

   changed the two people to open the way with knives, until an hour later, the boat finally left the water forest.

  The eyes of everyone suddenly became empty and bright, and their minds were relieved.

   only three seconds,

   When everyone saw the scene in front of them, their mouths were bitter and their faces were stiff.

In front of    is a water town, a vast and far-reaching country, and there are many weeds and shrubs growing on the water surface of a large pond.

   This is a swamp, a swamp with black water.

  The misty water mist over the swamp is transpiring, and it is not real from a distance. It is vaguely two or three kilometers away is a hill that is hundreds of meters high. The hill is completely wrapped in green, and I don’t know where it is.

  A hundred or so meters ahead of the water forest, you can see the looming surface of the ground, and there is no way for boats to travel ahead.

   The most frightening thing is that where the water and land meet, there are scattered aboriginal people basking in the sun.

   They are either huge in size or in groups, all murderous and not very friendly looking.

   This is a scene that biologists love to see.

  The huge population of black caiman lives and works here.

   "What did I say just now?" Fanny said softly.

   "To stimulate is to stimulate." Lu Fei immediately showed his unforgettable IQ, which was very annoying.

   "You heard wrong, go back, go back."

   "I'm also cowardly, so let's go back in time. Hurry up, this is a crocodile ranch." Ada repented very quickly, which was in line with the changeable character of a woman.

"Don't make trouble, the danger is certain, everyone first observe the swamp to see if you can find the safest road, don't fall into the puddle trap. Crocodile is just a danger that looks deadly, so don't be afraid of it. "Bell shook his head.

  If there are just a lot of crocodiles, don’t be so afraid. Can an army with live ammunition be afraid of crocodiles?

   In this blue sky and daylight, shooting from a distance can kill them all.

   "Brothers have removed the silencers, the pandas and gray cats have replaced shotguns, animals are afraid of gunfire and flames, just in case." Raphael suggested.

   "That's right, everyone prepares for battle first, and then we decide to stay or go after we see the road ahead."

  The brothers prepared according to the words, and soon everyone was ready. Only then did they hold the binoculars and look at the far-reaching swamp. The boat slowly floated forward.

What the    brothers saw in the telescope was a far-off scene in the swamp, a more terrifying scene.

   In the large swamps, wetlands and ponds, water splashes from time to time, giant animals crawl among the ponds, and occasionally crocodiles appear.

   is like a horrible picture of Avici Hell.

   "What the **** is that haunting the middle of the swamp? It looks a little familiar." Fanny's hand holding the telescope trembled a little, this time it was true.

   "Yes, it's an anaconda. It's a big one." Ada continued.

   "No, it's obviously a very small one." Raphael adjusted the focus and looked carefully at the back.

   "You are all right, because you are not looking at the same one. There are anacondas everywhere in the middle of the swamp."

  Lu Fei said calmly, but his scalp was numb.

   This time, it was really a bit big. For the first time, he had the urge to turn around and leave.

   "Even though there is still a ray of warmth in this terrifying scene, look, that beautiful big red flower is so bright." Fanny said with a clear mind.

   "I know it, it's called Rafflesia, it's a piranha."

   "Cough cough, Jack, he is talking nonsense, how can such a beautiful flower be a piranha."

   "Baby Fanny, Raphael may lie to Ada when he sees a beautiful woman or an ex-girlfriend, but he never talks nonsense.

   You don’t even think about it, in such a terrifying place, can a big red flower that is more than one meter in diameter and grows on the ground be any good thing? By the way, Raphael, can this rafflesia really eat people? "Lu Fei asked curiously.

   "No, most people wouldn't be stupid enough to deliberately let it eat. Usually, rafflesia eats small animals or insects at most, but it really eats meat and not vegetarian."

   "Okay, this little flower is no longer important, everyone come over, let's discuss how to advance and retreat." Bell said solemnly.

  Everyone sat down one by one, lit a cigarette to suppress the shock, and let the boat float slowly. Anyway, it was still some distance from the swamp.

   "This scene is a bit exaggerated, let's get ready to come again." Lu Fei said hurriedly.

  The vast majority of the reason why the wild fox came here is that the brothers helped him find the golden compass in the Eagle Party's lair, and made a fortune by the way. With their net worth, there is no need to be so desperate.

   "Alright, wait for us to do some reconnaissance and find a safer channel. Now this scene is really unacceptable."

"Jack and Raphael are right. You have to have a bottom line to make a fortune. It's really unacceptable to work with animals like this. The psychological pressure is too great." Dewey agreed immediately, he hadn't seen the child yet. born.

   "I think the beasts are easy to deal with after all. It's better than having the **** hawks to stay here. We must come back when we are ready."

   Everyone else nodded in agreement, ready to come again, forget it today, not mentally prepared.

   "Actually, the animals are still easy to disperse. It's just such a big swamp with numerous bogs and traps, and there is no way to move forward in a hurry. Let's go, and come back with a bigger boat in a few days."

  Bell got up after speaking, Lu Fei wanted to say that he could handle the road, but he hesitated.

   Don't let everyone misunderstand, everyone is not high enough today.

   After a while, Bell operated the rudder, and several people rowed together, and soon the boat turned around.

  Return toward the waterway that you opened when you came.

  Lu Fei carried a long knife at the bow of the boat, and held on to the simple railings on both sides of the bow. He was afraid that an Amazon giant pit viper or some other poisonous snake would fall into the boat, and he could also deal with possible attacks as soon as possible.

  Fanny is holding a small watering can, ready to spray those small animals that want to get close.

  They are not cute at all, especially frogs of various colors, Raphael said that they will die if they are next to each other, and they will die if they are wiped.

   Ten minutes after re-entering the waterway, the eerie silence in the water forest fell.

  The sound of running water is regular and clear, and even the sounds of frogs and rustling are much less.

   "Panda, be careful, the forest is suddenly quiet." Raphael said softly.

"Don't row the Bison and Cobra. Raise your guns and prepare for battle. I don't know what the **** is going on here." Bell said softly, holding the rudder in his left hand, and took out the Glock 17 at the back of his waist with his right hand, and put it on his trousers leg. Come on, get ready to shoot.

   Lu Fei's perception is even more sensitive, holding a knife in his right hand and an extra P14 in his left hand.

  This ghost place, I don’t know what will come out to attack meleely, sometimes a gun is not as good as a knife.

  The boat floated forward one meter at a time, and the atmosphere became more and more tense.

  Suddenly, Lu Fei was short of breath, palpitated and panicked, feeling a huge threat.

   "Go back, go back! There's an ambush!" he shouted regardless.

   Then he saw arrows.

   The target is him.

  The long arrows swarmed and shot from a 60-degree fan-shaped area in front.

  These arrows covered Lu Fei's head to toe, as if he was an unpretentious stack of arrows.

   In shock, Lu Fei swung the long knife with a high frequency.

  Papa, the sound of kaka continued, and a large number of arrows were cut off by Lu Fei and sent flying.

   The boat under him has started to move backwards. This is the brothers rowing the paddle backwards.

   "Panda, crouch down, you blocked our firing line."

   "No way, the arrows fired by the other party are too dense, and you will be hit as soon as I squat down..."

   "Pfft, uh!"

   Before he finished speaking, Lu Fei shot an arrow in his right chest, couldn't help groaning, and half-knelt on the bow of the boat.

   "Jack! Shoot! Kill these gangsters!" Fanny's eyes were red, and she stood up and shot hard at the tree ahead.

   "Da da da, da da da!"

   "Da da da da da!" The other brothers also swept along her shooting route.

  Fanny passed Lu Fei's side, and had already seen the sneak attacker hiding in a tree, shirtless. These people are Indians, but I don't know how they are not afraid of snakes and mosquitoes.

   Is the skin thick?


   There was a gunshot in front of me.

  Fortunately, the wild fox's boat went backwards quickly, the river was curved, and the bullet passed in front of Lu Fei.

   "I'm fine, let me come down. Brothers, block the river, I see a boat coming towards us." Lu Fei stepped back, gritted his teeth, and sat in the cabin, Dewey went up with a gun instead.

   In the sound of the brothers' gunshots, Fanny's eyes were filled with tears, looking at the bow and arrow on Lu Fei's right chest, at a loss.

"Don't be afraid, the arrow shot through Kevlar and my bulletproof shirt, and it didn't penetrate much. I just don't know if there are barbs, and whether it is highly poisonous. Dear, please help me take out the first aid kit and pull out the arrow. Then spray with blood clotting agent and put on a bandage."

  Lu Fei said with a grin, pointing to his backpack in the cabin.

  Fanny grimaced, a little overwhelmed.

  Da da da da da da, Bell shouted loudly: "The gray cat goes to the bow to shoot, the bison returns to his position and continues to row the boat, the ocelot, you help the panda heal, the gray cat cares, it will be messed up, you should do it."

   The three immediately changed positions, and Ada immediately reached out and grabbed the arrow shaft on Lu Fei's right chest by the shoulder.

   "Sister, get the first aid kit first, don't act so fast, I did a pretty good job of the injury on your **** back then, I'll take care of you, don't mess around."

   "Understood, the number one military doctor in the mercenary world, who is so awesome, suffers from such a small injury."

   Ada murmured impatiently, but with that being said, she still pulled out the first aid kit.

   "I'm here, just for a moment, hold on, and say when you're ready." Ada nervously held the arrow shaft.

   "Don't worry, I'm a military doctor, don't be afraid, ah..."

   Before Lu Fei had set up his flag, he was caught off guard and a long arrow was ruthlessly pulled out by Ada.

   Two seconds later, a cloud of spray was sprayed coolly on Lu Fei's shoulder.

   "You liar, it hurts so much, I won't let me finish talking!"

   (end of this chapter)

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