Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 847: Changes in the Doomsday Wasteland

   Chapter 847 Changes in the Doomsday Wasteland

  Lu Fei shook his head, took the cigarette case and lit one himself.

   said with a sad face: "Is there no way? Even if there is a chance, I will fight for you."

  Robbie looked at him with tears in his eyes, and took his hand and walked out the door.

   "Let's go, let's go downstairs. I want to lie on the sofa and wait for the sentencing. It's pointless to say anything now. It's only necessary to talk about other things after an hour to confirm that I'm not severely infected."

   "Okay, are you hungry? I'll give you a bowl of noodles?"

   Lu Fei didn't know how to persuade her, let alone whether to shoot her away later, so he could only do some comfort work within his power.

  Robbie stopped for a while, turned his head and said in surprise: "Spaghetti? No, you are Chinese, you must be Chinese cuisine! Alas, there is nothing here, what can you make for me? You must be coaxing me."

   Robbie was excited for a few seconds and immediately shook his head in frustration, thinking that Jack was talking casually.

   Countless rich bigwigs and rich second-generations are accustomed to talking nonsense when they pursue themselves, such as investing in movies and making themselves the heroine.

   "Aside from seeing a doctor and fighting, what I'm really good at is cooking. If tonight is destined to be the last night of your life, then I will make it your perfect memory in heaven."

  Lu Fei decided to grant any wishes to this beautiful and lovely Harley Quinn before she died.

  Robbie clenched his hand tightly and accelerated down.

   Five minutes later, on the central island stage of the luxury restaurant.

  The afterglow of the sunset is projected on the busy Lu Fei through the floor-to-ceiling glass, which is full of ritual.

  Robbie held his cheeks, watching Lu Fei's movements, his eyes were full of... hungry eyes.

   A small alcohol stove was lit, solid alcohol was burning underneath, a small pot was standing on top to boil water, and Lu Fei poured a bottle of pure water and boiled it in the pot.

  While boiling the water, he cut a section of sausage, peeled off a plastic-sealed marinated egg and cut it in half.

  The water boiled, and two lumps of instant noodles were thrown in. After a while, the fragrance wafted wantonly in the kitchen. Three minutes later, dehydrated vegetables, seasoning packets, sausages, and marinated eggs were also put in.

   Soon, the instant noodles that were added overnight, including the pot and disposable fork, were placed in front of Robbie, who was drooling.

   "Eat it, it's too slow to knead flour to make ramen, and this bowl of noodles is so-so-so-so."

   "Then I'm welcome! Uh, it's delicious, what do you eat?" Robbie didn't care about burning his mouth, he was confused and went to work.

   "I still have some dry food, don't worry, be careful of scalding." Lu Fei licked her head.

   His heart was heavy but he had to force his face to laugh, and his tone was as light and gentle as possible.

   Ten minutes later, the face disappeared.

   Even the soup in the pot was completely drank by Robbie. After burping, Robbie, who didn't look like a lady, remembered to smile shyly.

   "This is the best bowl of noodles I've ever eaten in my life, it's you who brought me back to the world.

   For the past few months, I have been eating compressed biscuits and peanut butter every day, and I have been constipated for many days, and I haven’t eaten anything hot for a year. "Robbie recklessly complained about the inhumane days of the past.

  Lu Fei laughed along with the embarrassment, took out a sandwich from his bag and ate it slowly.

Robbie looked at the lettuce on the side of the sandwich in Lu Fei's hand in surprise, and said sideways: "Jack, who are you? How can you show up with so much food that is obviously not available now? Are you really sent by God? save me?"

  Lu Fei shrugged, ate the sandwich in a few mouthfuls, and said with a smile, "It's unscientific to think so, in fact, I'm a member of a special organization that avoids the world. Usually we live in isolation and stock up a lot of doomsday food and equipment.

  After this cataclysm, the organization sent me to investigate the CdC, believing that they planned and implemented the virus production and dissemination. If you can, fight to destroy them and save all mankind. "

  Lu Fei was talking nonsense in a serious manner.

  Robbie opened his mouth wide and blurted out without hesitation: "Just you? Just you alone to save the world?"

   "It's cool, I don't believe it, but the masters believe it."

   "Well, it's not that I'm going to die, I must suspect that you are bragging and want to soak in me."

"You know, I'm a professional emergency general practitioner, good at treating diseases and saving people. Maybe the masters asked me to go out to save people. Of course, I can really fight. Killing zombies is just a basic operation, really Skills... wait until you're better."

  Lu Fei rarely brags about himself, so he should say stand-up comedy to Robbie.

   Make a dying girl smile, and bragging is not ashamed.

   "Well, I think so too, you shouldn't make up a story on purpose to get me.

   Who would want to have **** with a girl who is infected with a zombie virus and is full of shit. "

   "Cough cough, speaking of constipation, I don't think it's very elegant for you to die with a stomach full of shit. Would you like me to help you?"

"I used to drink probiotics to treat constipation. After the end of the world, I don't have enough dietary fiber and probiotics to eat. By the way, don't you rely on your own strength for this kind of thing? Could it be that you are still carrying defecation pills when you go out? ?" Robbie was surprised again.

"It's very normal to bring constipation medicine. The food in the last days is single, and constipation is a common disease. By the way, when you have a gastrointestinal irritation after eating, try it quickly." Lu Fei took out a bottle and uncorked it from somewhere Lu on the table.

   Looking at Robbie's face full of question marks, Lu Fei knew that she should have never used this constipation artifact.

  Lu Fei explained to Robbie how the medicated oil went through the back door and the process of holding back with the professional tone of a doctor to a patient. Robbie blushed and consulted some details, and ran to the toilet on the second floor with Kasai Lu.

   She was afraid that after using the toilet on the first floor, Lu Fei would immediately run away due to the stench.

   Ten minutes later, Robbie ran downstairs refreshed, hugged Lu Fei and sipped his left and right faces.

"Thank you, now I'm clean inside and out, and my stomach is full. I can die happily. Remember, when my corpse changes, you must kill me as soon as possible, and don't make me ugly. nausea.

   Bury me again if it’s convenient, don’t leave me dead, as if I’ve never been to this world. "

  Robbie returned to the chair on the other side of the Nakajima stage and smiled hard.

   "Don't talk about these unpleasant things, by the way, you have been staying in the villa, how can there be a helicopter to rescue you." Lu Fei diligently changed the topic.

   "Two months after the cataclysm, suddenly one day the floor was full of zombies, and Tony and I, the makeup artist, were trapped in the villa.

  Last week, Tony got the rescue message on the radio and made a satellite phone call to them with the little bit left in the battery. So someone came to my rescue. Tony, who listened to the call, said that almost all of Hollywood's popular female stars were rescue targets. "

   "The government is quite sympathetic to the fragrant and cherishing the jade, but it is suffering the common people." Lu Fei said bluntly.

"Bah, how can there be any good people in the US government! These pot-bellied **** do this because they want to find beautiful women to accompany them when they are safe. Do you think I can refuse the request of the person in power to sleep with me after being rescued to a safe camp? "

   "Then you can absolutely refuse, they won't send a helicopter to rescue you."

  Robbie smiled reluctantly, and said, "But I'm afraid of death! The food has been eaten up, and the water in the pool has deteriorated. Tony has to eat me again, and he is starving and red-eyed.

   If he hadn’t always regarded me as my good sister, he would have…”

   "You are also very tenacious, you can hold on for so long, don't lose your confidence, maybe you will not..."

   Before Lu Fei finished speaking, Robbie's face suddenly flushed, and he grabbed the Nakajima stage with both hands, his body shaking greatly.

   "Come on, I'm going to change! Jack, kill me!" Robbie tried his best to say a few words and slumped off his chair.

  Lu Fei got up and rushed to the other side of the Nakajima platform, Robbie's hands and feet were stiff, and he kept twitching on the ground.

   Big eyes stared at Lu Fei, all begging in his eyes.

  Lu Fei lowered his head sadly and drew out his pistol.

   put his finger on the trigger and didn't pull it.

after an hour.

   A pair of big blue eyes slowly opened.

   A ray of light in front of her made her see the crystal chandelier above.

   Feeling the soft sofa under him, Robbie propped up his body.

   A faint portable lantern on the coffee table shone on the man sitting opposite, dimly lit.

   "Jack? Why are you dead? Is this in hell?"

   "I'm not dead, and neither are you! I'm not willing to blow your pretty head off.

  So, you gave me a surprise, you survived, although it was a bit violent, tumbling, scratching and kicking around. "Lu Fei lit a cigarette with a smile, and the word "Chuan" was still on his forehead.

   "You are really a good man who loves fragrance and jade. Even if I turn into a zombie, I won't be willing to start, will I not fall in love with me?" Robbie sat up half-truth.

  Lu Fei threw her a bottle of pure water: "Don't talk nonsense, love in times of crisis is unreliable, I just, I just don't want to do it right away, I'm going to kill you later."

  Robbie drank more than half of the bottle of water, and said with a long sigh: "You look really clumsy when you lie. Are heroes hard-mouthed and soft-hearted? Hey, I've survived, why are you still frowning?"

  Lu Fei gave a wry smile, decided to tell the truth, paused for a moment and said softly: "The black line on your arm is one centimeter long, you are already moderately infected by the zombie virus."

  Robbie raised his left hand indifferently and glanced at it, and said, "Really? At least one month to live."

   "Is there really no other way?"

   "Maybe, but it's too difficult to achieve." Robbie shook his head, got up and walked to Lu Fei's side, sat down and leaned on his shoulder.

   "Tell me, as long as there is a way, you have to try it."

   "My politician friends told me that at the beginning of the catastrophe, the government had conducted an experiment, giving moderately infected people a temporarily developed injection, which will delay the onset time, and long-term injections have a chance to be completely cured."

  Lu Fei was overjoyed and said: "It's good to have a way to treat it. Which institution invented this drug, go to them."

   Robbie smiled sadly: "CdC, since these **** can so quickly develop a drug that works against zombie viruses, it means that it may be the zombie virus they created."

  Lu Fei nodded: "Obviously, I received the news before I left the mountain, and it is very likely that they did it. From this point of view, they may have a cure for the zombie virus but they refuse to disclose it to the public."

   "That's not necessarily true. The zombie virus spreads so fast and the symptoms are so terrible. Maybe they can't cure the severely infected."

   "We have at least a month to help you find medicines or injections. Originally, I was still worried about how to break up with you. I was going to go to CdC in Los Angeles to investigate the truth of the matter alone.

  It's all right now, let's go together, save you and then part ways. "Lu Fei put his arms around Robbie and patted her shoulder.

   "Hmph, so you wanted to secretly leave alone and leave me alone as a girl to face the zombies. You really are a gentleman." Robbie got furious, got up and shoved Lu Fei.

   A strong force pushed Lu Fei, causing him to roll over on the sofa and almost fall off the other end of the sofa.

   "Don't be angry, what I said was before I knew you were poisoned. Hey, why are you so strong?"

   "Yes, it is said that the moderately infected person will become stronger and faster. Is the rumor true?"

   Robbie said, raised the sofa with one hand, and knocked Lu Fei down.

   "Hahaha, I have become a real Harley Quinn, CdC you bastards, I will come to you to settle the bill!"

   Robbie's laughter grew louder and more magical.

  The mad laughter made Lu Fei's face change.

   It's miserable. If you can't beat Harley Quinn in the future, will she be forced to bow by her overlord?

  Thinking about it... quite exciting.

   (end of this chapter)

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