Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1810 This little bird is pretending to be dead

"Why hasn't it moved yet? Is it asleep?"

"No, it must have been frightened. It is considered a cub. It is normal for it to be frightened and dare not move when seeing a group of giant beasts."

"But... the protective barrier is about to be broken through by the green dragon swarm!"

At this moment, screams of surprise arose from all over the place. All the monks raised their heads and saw dozens of green-blooded war dragons surrounding the pale white light shield above their heads, attacking and biting wildly.

Because the distance was too close, many monks felt a huge pressure on their heads.

Maybe these green dragons are really hungry, or maybe the people from the Black Cave did it intentionally. In short, as time goes by, you can see that the originally tough mask began to show layers of fine cracks. It looks like It seems that he can be torn apart by those green-blooded war dragons at any time and anywhere!

Many monks couldn't help but clenched their palms. At this moment, they also understood the intention of releasing the green blood war dragon from the black cave...

They planned to use this group of ferocious and violent beasts to demonstrate the powerful bloodline of the Golden-winged Dapeng cubs.

In ancient myths and legends, rocs feed on dragons.

There are many branches of the Peng bird lineage, and the golden-winged Dapeng is the emperor of the Peng.

Others, such as Qingtian Peng, Split Cloud Peng, Holy Blood Peng, etc., are all weaker than the Golden Winged Peng.

Therefore, the behavior of the group of green-blooded war dragons in the sky at this time is tantamount to the most serious provocation against the little roc.

Any pure-blooded golden-winged roc would never allow such a mixed-blood green dragon to offend itself like this.

This is the pride that comes from the origin of blood!

Unless it's so weak that it's scared out of its wits.

At this time, many monks felt that the Black Cave had played with fire!

Using such cruel methods on a cub had the opposite effect.

No matter what, Black Tower will always ensure the safety of its own group of bidders.

Although they thought so, some monks couldn't help but break out in cold sweat when they looked at the terrifying scene above their heads.


The bombardment of the green blood dragons continued. The hungry green dragons obviously regarded the people at the auction as the most delicious food, and the intensity of the impact on the light curtain became stronger and stronger.

There are more and more cracks on the light curtain, and small cracks have even begun to appear in some places.

However, the cub of the legendary golden-winged roc was resting motionless in the cage.

Even the horizontal pole it was standing on was still swaying slightly from side to side, and it didn't know whether it was shaking with pleasure or fear.

Judging from this momentum, I'm afraid this little Peng will have to wait until the end of time before he can take action.

"Zi la la..."

There was a sharp sound, and the semicircular light curtain finally couldn't hold on under the crazy bombardment of the green dragon, and opened a narrow and slender gap.

Xiaopeng in the cage is still pretending to be dead? !

Everyone's heartbeats became faster and faster, and some monks began to silently activate the spiritual power in their bodies.

The Qingxue War Dragon's physical body is powerful and tough. If it really goes crazy, even the monks in the Spirit River Realm may not be able to suppress it.

Therefore, several highly skilled bidders were ready to take the initiative to fly up and intercept it.


The second gap was torn open, and a ferocious dragon head had penetrated into the previously torn gap. The little roc in the cage was still in a still state.

At this time, all the girls in black were pale in appearance.

Only the old man in Mai, who was the main photographer, still had a kind smile on his face, but looking at the hidden chill lurking in his eyes, he was obviously ready to control the situation at any time.

"Is this little bird really a golden-winged roc? Is it scared to death?"

"It seems that Black Cave may have messed up this time. If it is really a baby bird, how could it be indifferent to the provocation of these green dragons."

"Hey, I thought it would be a grand event if it was really a pure-blooded roc baby. Now it seems that even if it is a real roc bird, the roc blood in its body is not very pure."

"It's really disappointing, Brother Zhou. If you prepare to activate your spiritual power, if you really let these beasts rush in, I'm afraid it will cause some trouble. When the light shield barrier is broken, we can also take action to resist it. Here After all, I still have some friends from the Linghe level.”

"Of course, it's a pity that this pure-blooded bird is probably extinct..."

As time goes by, the cracks in the light curtain in mid-air are getting bigger and bigger, and the voices of everyone are getting louder and louder. Even the maids, attendants, guards and other personnel standing in the dark caves around them are all His face also started to look a little panicked.

They don't have the cultivation level of the Linghe realm. If the green dragon is rampant, they will be the first to be unlucky.

They knew very well that Black Cave valued its guests, but not servants like them.

When disaster strikes, the strong men of Moku protect the guests, and they will die in vain.


Finally, with an unprecedented violent impact, the light curtain barrier filled with cracks in mid-air shattered.

Dozens of green-blooded war dragons roared excitedly and rushed down one after another.

It's only ten feet away from everyone!

The monks who were participating in the auction on the ground began to glow with spiritual energy.

The maids in black with low cultivation level panicked and tried to escape, but the old man in sackcloth did not move, and they did not dare to move rashly.

The faces of all the members of the Black Cave instantly became very ugly.

Time suddenly stopped at this moment.

The next second, a sudden change occurred.

The little silver bird, which was only about half a foot tall and had been sleeping drowsily in the cage, suddenly opened its eyes.

In an instant, the entire world suddenly lit up, and there seemed to be a pair of extremely sharp, divine eyes scanning the void, making people feel a violent tremor from the deepest part of their souls!

When those eyes swept across the void, the bodies of all the green-blooded war dragons that were rushing downwards froze instantly.

The green dragons that were rushing to swarm along the broken light curtain all seemed to be under a restraining spell at this time. Their bodies were stiff, their eyes were dull, and they were completely frozen in mid-air.

It hangs like a relief sculpture.

Immediately afterwards, the little roc in the cage suddenly raised its head slightly and raised its head to the sky and let out a sharp and harsh eagle call!


A huge golden roc stretched its wings and soared into the sky.

All the light in the entire world seemed to disappear in an instant, leaving only the huge golden roc light and shadow that tore through the void and shot straight into the sky, becoming the only one in the world.

The five green-blooded war dragons that were facing the giant shadow of the peng bird suddenly spurted out large tracts of blood from their mouths, and fell down one after another silently.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

One by one, they slammed towards the bidder's seat, and all the monks screamed and dodged away.

They fell heavily on the seats and remained motionless. Blood continued to spread around, and they lay on the ground unable to get up again.

The remaining green-blooded war dragons seemed to have encountered the most terrifying existence in the world. Each one of them fled towards the sky with almost no life, and disappeared completely from the black tower in the blink of an eye.


Seemingly irritated by the sight of the green dragon escaping, the little bird in the cage suddenly jumped up into the sky and roared again.

This roar blew through the void, and the bodies of all the green-blooded war dragons that fled high into the sky stiffened again.

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